Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 437: Landing on the Moon

Thirty years after the appearance of "Sakura", the population of Donghai City has shrunk to 800,000...

This city has persisted in the wind and rain for thirty years. Although the population is still on a downward trend, all those who should have moved out have already moved out in such a long time. Those who like this city still live in the city safely and are proud of being a resident of Donghai City.

The population size has finally stabilized gradually, and it is no longer falling so violently as before.

Amid all kinds of exclusion from the outside world, Donghai people must continue to make outstanding achievements in order to maintain the sense of superiority deep in the hearts of these 800,000 people. Otherwise, once this sense of superiority is lost, it is easy to be backlashed by populism.

This heavy pressure was naturally placed on the shoulders of Zhang Yuan and others. Ordinary civilians would only spray their mouths or type on the keyboard. It is undoubtedly whimsical for them to really make achievements.

On the one hand, it is necessary to ensure sufficient cultural output and its own soft power. On the other hand, Zhang Yuan established an aerospace technology city near Donghai City, which has been engaged in related scientific research activities.

On this day, the first lunar lander developed by modern humans was successfully launched in the space base!

The huge rocket ejected fierce flames and headed towards the moon. There is a human base on the moon. Who doesn't want to see what the base left by the ancestors looks like?

This incident really aroused the pride of the people of Donghai City, because people in other cities couldn't do it at all.

Of course, there are a lot of noisy discussions on the Internet, as well as all kinds of sour and weird congratulations. Some people are "worried" whether this rocket will fall, and they don't know whether this worry is really worrying, or they are vaguely expecting that the rocket will really fall; some people are yelling at some fat house players Not fighting for justice, he has been immersed in playing krypton gold games to provide financial support for Donghai City to launch satellites.

There are also some people who are sour and eccentric about the use of launching satellites to the moon. What’s so great about not being able to manned spaceflight? Robots can also launch satellites and so on...

However, the satellites launched by robots are limited to navigation, weather, communication and other service industries. To put it bluntly, the current robot system does not have enough technology to launch a lunar exploration vehicle.

All in all, this is definitely something to be proud of.

Landing on the moon is not easy, even in this extremely wealthy society, it is still not easy. Zhang Yuan, together with a large number of like-minded comrades-in-arms, has struggled for 30 years and spent countless efforts and brainpower. At this moment, he finally reaped success.

He even vaguely expected to use this event to reshape people's ideology...

Of course... This is just a whimsical idea, he knew it very well in his heart.

With the reverse jet of the engine, the speed of the lunar landing module is slowly decreasing. From a distance, you can see a piece of silver-white artificial buildings, shining under the sun. No one has used them for millions of years. They have long been destroyed. deserted.

"Our ancestors were able to land on the moon with ease, but it is very difficult to do this in our generation. This is a step backward." Zhang Yuan sighed softly in front of a camera, "But today, we are back again. done."

"We also hope that people with the same aspirations from all over the world will come to Donghai City to engage in related research."

"In the future, we will not only launch lunar landers, but also try to manned spaceflight and re-land on the moon. Everything will be created by our hands."

As the chief scientist of the lunar landing project, he must seize every opportunity to gain greater influence and make a louder voice. This time the moon landing is also accompanied by a webcast, so that people all over the world can see it. It is a good opportunity.

In this environment, he didn't bother to look at what other people commented on, as long as he made his own voice.

On the big screen, after the lunar capsule landed successfully, a lunar rover ran out of the cabin door. Due to the shortage of talent reserves, the current technology is far from being able to reach the level of manned spaceflight, so the lunar rover can only be used for exploration at the beginning.

At this time, all kinds of gossip on the Internet finally disappeared, and the moon landing was successful. Everyone concentrated on watching the pictures on the screen.

The lunar rover started normally and gradually approached this huge building.

Some buildings have been destroyed by meteorites, and all kinds of glass and nanomaterials are scattered on the ground.

At the outermost edge of the building complex, there is also a huge stone tablet at least ten meters high. Even after hundreds of thousands of years, the words engraved on it are still clearly visible.

【The History of Human Space Exploration】

A few large characters, very clear.

"Era 1959.9.13, the "Luna 2" probe from the Soviet Union hit the surface of the moon for the first time, opening the history of human landing on the moon."

"Era 1961.4.12, Soviet cosmonaut Gagarin took off on the Vostok 1 spacecraft, which lasted 108 minutes, representing the first time human beings entered space."

"Era 1964.7. 31, the "Prowler 7" from the United States took pictures of the surface of the moon for the first time."


"Era 1969.7.20, the Apollo 11 spacecraft officially landed on the moon, and mankind took a big step forward. 600 million people around the world watched this historic scene at the same time through TV broadcast."

"We have conquered the moon that humans have worshiped for millions of years. This small step on the moon seems to imply the infinite future of mankind!"


"Era 2154, humans established the first lunar industrial base here."


"Era 2264, human warrior Dio Joe, spent five years alone, set foot on the distant Pluto. The solar system will eventually become our back garden."

"In the 2273 era, the human warrior Zhao Kahn set foot on the extremely distant Sedna star, and the human footprint reached the edge of the solar system. Beyond that, there is a boundless, empty universe."

(A glorious development course...)


"Hello, descendants of people, welcome to the moon. Below is the hidden history, the history that you can't learn in textbooks."

"In the era of 5567, due to the cessation of technological progress, the continuous decline in the birth rate, the serious involution of human civilization, the flow of classes has almost stagnated."

"An economic catastrophe struck every planet in the solar system."

"The reason for the recession is because of hibernation."

"People always expect the future to be better, so they want to escape to the future through hibernation... However, as time accumulates, the population that has fallen into hibernation is far greater than the population that is normally awake."

"This makes the entire civilization fall into a state of abnormal development."

"It is becoming more and more difficult for us to bear the large-scale hibernating population. 17.2% of GDP every year needs to maintain these hibernating devices. And this value is getting higher and higher."

"But it is impossible for us to abandon hundreds of billions of hibernating populations, kill them cruelly, and directly awaken these hibernating populations for thousands of years."

"Because once they wake up, they can't find jobs and have no connections. They find that the world is exactly the same as it was thousands of years ago, which will definitely cause huge social conflicts. We are caught in a dilemma."

"In the end, the federal government decided to create a utopian ideal world on the earth, our home planet. All the people who wake up from hibernation will wake up in order in this ideal world and spend their lives safely... this The plan, for tens of thousands of years, digested all the hibernating populations, and it seemed perfect."

"In order to prevent humans from repeating the same mistakes, we destroyed the hibernation technology."

"For future generations, due to some complicated political reasons, we must also leave the moon base, enter the beautiful utopia, and spend our entire lives on the earth. But we believe that one day, human beings will step on the earth again. This land."

"As the last batch of intelligent life before the heat death of the universe, we have to do something."

"Future descendants, when you see this line of text, you must have set foot on the moon again, and discovering this buried history is about to start the era of great interstellar."

"Congratulations! Let's set a small goal first, to conquer the not-so-distant Pluto! Come on, human beings!"

All those who followed this matter felt a heartfelt sense of shame the moment they saw this letter.

Time flies, and this period has already become history.

People just look up to their ancestors in the past and provide themselves with a good life, but it is hard to say how much progress has been made.

And those who were once looked up to have long been forgotten.


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