Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 386: Seventy Years

Time flies by...

For the Riley civilization, since the sudden departure of human beings, the phenomenon of economic prosperity that has been created out of thin air has quickly disappeared.

The rich and nobles stopped spending large sums of money, and the hard-pressed slaves lost their opportunities to make progress, and lived a difficult life in the past.

It's just that it's easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. Because of the unsatisfactory life, the slaves also showed sporadic resistance. But it's just sporadic... More people just endured, praying for the gods to save them again.

These slaves firmly believe in their own religion. They hope to endure this life so that they can get a better life looking forward to the next life.

The Laili people neither know how humans appeared nor how they disappeared, but there are some ambiguous records in history books and religious classics.

Most of the countries suddenly had a fortune, and many nobles used shiny metal items, including swords, tableware, armor, and jewelry. These metal items suddenly became priceless things.

There is no doubt that the quality of human stainless steel products is quite good. With human productivity, there is no need to be short of catties. These metals, in this low-oxygen environment, as long as they are properly maintained, they can still radiate luster even after thousands of years.

The extravagant etiquette culture swept the world's top executives for a while, especially, the use of metal tableware and accessories was considered an elegant move. Some down-and-out nobles are unwilling to sell these metal utensils, because these are the last facade, and once sold, it symbolizes complete desolation.

It also includes a certain poor person who won the favor of human beings, and after donating precious plant specimens, directly became a rich man and became a high-ranking person...or a certain person who was injured on the battlefield, because of his devout belief, was killed by the messenger of the gods Saved a life and even gave some expensive gifts...

Anecdotes, after being adapted into fables, have become familiar bedtime stories in the countryside, which have been passed down and passed down.

The Laili people subconsciously attributed everything to the "gods". They believed that it was the beautiful moral qualities of the Laili people that moved the "gods". , isn't it?

But there are also a small number of Riley people who accidentally discovered the shelved...


They discovered the existence of "irrational numbers" with horror, and found that there is no way to measure everything with integers or the ratio of integers, which violates traditional cognition.

They found out...

The "Earth Center Theory" has been overturned!

In the book of "Messenger of the Gods", it is clearly written that Riley Star is not the center of the universe!

They even discovered the nature of flames. It turns out that flames are not bestowed by the gods, but have a deeper law...

Flame is just a "redox reaction"!

They also discovered...the Big Bang Theory!

This is simply terrifying, the universe was not created by gods, it originated from an explosion!

It was discovered that in the universe, there are more and more races that do not believe in gods, including these messengers, who completely dismiss their so-called gods! Especially the "dialectical materialism" part of it caused several archbishops to hang themselves directly!

They are terrified, terrified.

He even began to wonder that human beings are actually messengers sent by the devil, and they are completely bewitching the Riley people.

But there are still some uncertainties. After all, the public opinion of the outside world has formed a certain trend. If you speak nonsense again, you will definitely be convicted of blasphemy.

Some people tore these books to shreds, while others have been studying them.

Whether this ignorant and ancient civilization will undergo major changes in the next million or tens of millions of years, no one knows, let alone predict.

Yeah, who knew?

Even the enlighteners couldn't veto them with a sap, and there is no need for human beings to despise them too much, let alone be proud of being one step ahead.

Taking the lead for a while is really not worth mentioning in this universe.

It's a long road, with 100,000 years or even a million years as the basic unit, whoever can laugh at the end is the real winner.

Humans just hope, they get lucky and...

Come on.


The Kunlun Mountain Fleet soon got on the right track, disappearing in the dark universe...

According to the original route of the Badit civilization, the nearest intelligent civilization is 20 light-years away, and the journey is quite far away. Moreover, it is a very boring, unprogressive, and even drug-addicted religious civilization, without any peculiarities.

That's all for religious civilization, if there is some unique culture, it would be good to add material to the virtual world, maybe you can find a little trace left by the civilization of the enlightener.

But the fact that the whole people take drugs is very uncomfortable.

Scientists are not very interested in this type of civilization and field scientific research.

So, people intend to open up a new route along another cosmic string, to try their luck.

This voyage can reach more planets. If you can meet another cosmic civilization that can be used as a reference, it would be best, but low-level civilizations are fine, maybe you can find traces of the enlightener civilization.

Not being able to meet it can only be regarded as my own bad luck...

In this way, the whole journey will be longer, but the final destination is still the trading market of Huantai civilization, which has not changed.

In this way, ten years have passed.

Twenty years have passed...

Thirty years have passed...

In the thirty-fifth year, human beings reached the first star, which is a red dwarf star with low luminous intensity, which is even lower than Gliese 581.

It's too cold here. People didn't encounter any life on the nearby planets, so they just replenished some resources and left in a hurry...

Forty years, fifty years, sixty years, seventy years...

Humanity has reached the second planetary system again.

This is a binary star system consisting of a white dwarf and a yellow dwarf. But the environment of the binary star system is still too harsh, and the white dwarf is absorbing the matter of the yellow dwarf, so that the entire planetary system is in an unstable state.

People have found some simple single-celled microorganisms on nearby planets, and there are no complex multicellular organisms.

These simple microorganisms provide a better sample for the theory of the origin of life, but they are limited to this.

This in itself is the normal state of interstellar travel. Waiting for decades or hundreds of years is just to wait for such a surprise to happen.

And there is a high probability that you will not get anything...

But life itself is like this, it is ordinary, so how can there be so many excitement and waves?

In the eyes of the new generation who were just born in these years, the interstellar war that happened in the past did not cause much pain, and it became a very good topic of conversation.

Many video games are based on that war as a model.

Thanks to the existence of a virtual world, interstellar war exercises are a must-have course for citizens. After being educated by real pain and death, everyone realized that the ordinary is the truth, and the most difficult is the ordinary, but there are no complicated social problems such as war entertainment.

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