Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 369: Deal with Riley Civilization

During this observation, the language experts tried to import the data into the computer. It should not be a big problem to decipher the language of this alien civilization based on the demeanor and movements of these Laili people.

Anyway, it's not the first time, all scientists are familiar with it.

Professor Li Zhendong, who is in charge of this area, even issued a military order, "The language of the Laili people is not particularly complicated. After all, it is just a primitive civilization, and there are not so many complicated words. It's just that the content related to religion is more difficult. The more data collected, the more accurate the translation can be.”

After working so hard all night, the relevant scientists sorted out the data and then transferred a deciphering software to the transport plane of Wang Junpeng and others.

"Did the translation software come out so soon? Our civilization is really full of talents and strength."

After a night's rest, Wang Junpeng's mental state is very good. After he saw this translation software, his mood became even better.

"This dialogue software is not perfect yet, it can only realize the initial communication function... More content needs to be perfected."

Zhang Yuan said in the video call, "It's enough to establish a preliminary trading relationship, and we don't expect to get too many things in this civilization. Do you know all the tasks?"

"Understood, it is enough to have a preliminary translator." Wang Junpeng said confidently.

Then things get even weirder...

When the humans drove to the base camp of the Rileys and explained their intentions to both sides on the battlefield in the native language, all the Rileys were surprised.

"Human...he said, they are...human? Human? What do you mean?" A nobleman stumbled out this strange word, "Aren't they the messengers of the gods?"

"Gods are unpredictable... Maybe this word itself means the messenger of the gods."

"Yes, yes, that's right!"

Immediately afterwards, humans exchanged a large number of religious classics and historical books from the two countries at the price of a few metal knives. When these Laili people saw the metal knife, they were so surprised that they all burst into laughter!

Facing the aborigines' behavior of being a frog in a well, all human diplomats have maintained good self-cultivation, and have not ridiculed or made other actions indiscriminately.

Then the human diplomatic team, at the kind invitation of the indigenous people, first watched the execution ceremony of the "blasphemers", in which those god sticks were hanged.

Hearing the miserable dry howl, people's hearts were terrified.

This time, several female diplomats really couldn't stand it any longer, their faces turned blue, and they kept complaining about the barbarism and backwardness of these natives.

On the contrary, the leader, Wang Junpeng, did not stop this farce. Anyway, it is the internal affairs of the other party's civilization. Why should human beings meddle in their own business?

In the end, the diplomatic team split into two groups and went to the capitals of these two countries to experience a very interesting trip to different civilizations...


"Exquisite, so exquisite... Our most perfect metal can't compare to one ten-thousandth of it!"

"What kind of forging technology is this? Let our skilled craftsmen come and have a look, and let them know what is the real encephalitis!" The king of the Leonor Kingdom, playing with this stainless steel knife, really liked it .

"You mean, they used a monster called 'car' to return to the capital from the border in just one day?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, our general said it himself... They even have a giant bird called 'Spaceship', which can return to the capital from the border in just one hour, but we don't have a suitable one here." Where the giant bird' stays..."

"It's really... unimaginable!"

The king was already a little delirious, and even under agitation, he accidentally cut his tongue a little bit. According to his IQ and knowledge, there is no way to understand these things.

He can only understand this exquisite knife in front of him!

He scratched lightly with the knife, and with almost no force, the tough "World Tree" leaf was cut in half.

"It's so delicate, it really is a gift from the gods..."

The rest of the nobles sitting below were also envious of this.

After a while, several specialized blacksmiths rushed over, and each took the small knives in fear, "God! God!" expressing their emotions.

Countries in the Riley civilization can also produce a very small amount of copper metal, but the smelting process is extremely troublesome.

Due to the low oxygen content in the atmosphere, it is difficult to burn. The Riley people will grind some special oil-rich plants and nitrate-containing minerals into powder and dry them, and then use convex lenses to gather sunlight to ignite these powders. The resulting flame can forge small amounts of metal.

The cost of flames is extremely high. Metals smelted by this primitive method are expensive, and only a very small number of nobles can use them.

How can its quality compare to human metals... even the most commonly used stainless steel?

After all the forging craftsmen left obediently, one of the officials prostrated himself on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, they have denied their identity. They are not the messengers of the God of Money, but claim to be human beings..."

"Hey, no, it's not. The messengers of the gods don't want to disclose their identities, so why should we care about them... What kind of demands do they have? Do they need sacrifices?" The king put away the shiny knife, carefully Put it in a scabbard.

There are pros and cons to this thing.

If you use it well, your royal power will undoubtedly be more stable.

But he also deeply knew how rich and powerful these envoys were... He was secretly vigilant in his heart, absolutely not to offend them, otherwise, even if he was a king, he could be overthrown easily.

One of the nobles suddenly said: "It seems that in our ancient times, there were also such messengers who suddenly appeared from the sky, but they left soon. This messenger named human seems to be more gentle. They want to communicate with us. Make a deal. When the deal is done, you should leave as well."

"So, can we ask them to destroy our hostile country? In this way, we can easily obtain a large amount of territory..."

As soon as these words came out, all the nobles were slightly agitated.

The king hesitated for a moment. More territory and more population are mostly the desires of the nobles. All he wanted in his mind was to ask for more metal parts to increase the wealth of the royal family, that's all...

If the nobles are too powerful, the royal family will become very dangerous.

He opened the mouth and said: "The other party follows the principle of equivalent exchange. These few metal knives have already exchanged many of our cultural classics. What price do we have to pay if we want the envoy to destroy the hostile country? Is it affordable? Have you ever thought about that?"

A nobleman quickly said: "At least let us pass on our wishes to them... What's more, the envoy should also be trading with our hostile country."

"What if our hostile country proposes such a deal?"

These words made all the nobles panic slightly, and they began to worry about it in their hearts.

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