Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 260 Black technology is in hand

When analyzing this possibility, everyone fell into deep trembling...

This is... the universe!

The gloomy universe is so peaceful, but it contains almost infinite murderous intentions. Among the various interstellar civilizations, there are always friendly civilizations, neutral civilizations, and hypocritical and cruel civilizations. Although these two are quite different, they still have one thing in common, that is—truly powerful!

This kind of strength is all-round, including technology, humanities, history, system and other aspects. Such a civilization has a lot of ways to push a low-level civilization into the abyss!

Even, this low-level civilization is still grateful and grateful when it goes to the abyss.

This kind of despair is even more unacceptable than death. The Star Destroyer is not the most terrifying weapon. Compared to killing a civilization spiritually, what is physical death?

Many people seem to see that the future of human beings is like this, imagining the picture of contacting aliens in the future is simply terrifying and suffocating!

Captain Zhao also felt his scalp tingle when he heard it. He had a faint intuition that this speculation, even if there is not much evidence, is already the ultimate truth.

Zhang Yuan rubbed his aching temple, seeing everyone in a state of shock, this deep worry almost infected everyone.

It is really not easy for a civilization to develop, so what if it has wisdom? Little wisdom can only control one's own eating and drinking, as long as it involves the whole and this civilization, it is not enough at all.

After being silent for a while, Captain Zhao suddenly said: "Even so, we still can't be afraid of contacting alien civilizations! Huddled in a corner and lingering, whether it will fall or not is another matter, alien civilizations will still come to us... This place has already been patronized by interstellar civilization twice, who knows if there will be a third or fourth time, the most important thing is to develop itself as soon as possible!"

"Moreover, we must obtain the detailed history of the Gliese civilization. We need more complete information to improve the history of the new civilization. Even if we make some concessions, it is worth paying a price."

Both Zhang Yuan and Li Zhendong nodded. The current vague history is not enough for deduction and calculation. It is necessary to have an encyclopedia-like history with more than a million words, and specific to some individual key figures, so that people can analyze the specific key historical nodes and improve the history of new civilization.

Captain Zhao added: "What's more, our civilization also possesses incomprehensible super technologies gifted by other civilizations...that is, high-dimensional fragments and Bozeman consciousness converters."

"Do you think this is a black technology that we can't control? Will it destroy us?"

Everyone thought about it in silence. After what happened just now, everyone became cautious and careful, trying to analyze the possibility.

Zhang Yuan thought for a while, and said first: "It's hard to judge whether the Gaia civilization's artificial intelligence Ita is kind or malicious to us, although it doesn't seem to have malicious motives... Is our civilization alive or dead? It doesn't matter at all, so it is also the most difficult to judge. As for high-dimensional fragments..."

The research on high-dimensional fragments has been ongoing. Dr. Ding, who is in charge of related matters, frowned and said: "Theoretically, high-dimensional fragments are unlikely to destroy our civilization. And this kind of destruction in the physical sense can be destroyed." foreseen and prevented."

"We are more concerned about spiritual destruction. Including consciousness uploading, immortality, virtual world, this kind of temptation is irresistible, even if it is a trap, we will be willing to jump."

This is the most important point.

Zhang Yuan nodded, "Yeah, this machine for uploading consciousness was requested by myself. It's just that the artificial intelligence Yita seems to have told me not to play myself off... In other words, there is indeed civilization because of this. The emergence of this technology has played itself to death."

"Now that I think about it carefully, I have a greater responsibility. Seeing the high technology of alien civilization, the first feeling is that it is good and useful to our civilization, so I have to come over..."

Li Zhendong said: "This can't be said to be your responsibility. At least it has not brought negative effects yet. If it really has negative effects because of using it, it is the responsibility of our decision-makers... It is also the fault of all human beings .”

He sighed, "Currently, I am more inclined that the alternative immortality brought by the Bozman Consciousness Transformation Device is negative."

"A positive civilization does not need the technology of immortality at all... Just like the cells of the human body, they have to wither when they get old, and new cells are generated to replace the old cells. If they don't die all the time, wouldn't they become cancer cells?"

"Our level of civilization and ideology cannot play with this technology."

Zhang Yuan nodded in agreement: " don't even need to calculate."

"If a basin of water does not flow, it will soon turn into stinky water, and various bacteria will occupy the entire basin, making it impossible for the rest of life to survive. Only when it flows, will it remain pure for a long time... Through consciousness The immortals achieved by uploading are undoubtedly the stubborn bacteria occupying social resources."

Li Zhendong added: "There is also the problem of the virtual world after the consciousness is uploaded! If we really build a virtual world, there is not much difference between the real and the fake, why should we live in a more cruel real world? Woolen cloth?"

"The real world is not so beautiful, but the virtual world can achieve what you want! Isn't this kind of temptation a bit surprising?"

"Although this conclusion sounds strange, we now think that the real is the real, and the fake is the fake. How can the fake be as good as the real? But if there is not much difference between the virtual world and the real one, the people living in it After a long time, with my own concerns, who knows if there will be a huge change in thinking?"

"At that time, it is not impossible for all the staff to willingly enter the virtual world!"

Everyone fell silent for a long time, facing huge temptations and various difficulties...

It's too hard, too hard to choose.

That's... eternal life!

Some radical people even think that they should smash that machine when they are physically strong and strong-willed!

"Otherwise... when you are old and frail, and on the verge of death, who would refuse it!"

"Hey, it's just a pity..."

"Everyone understands the truth, hehe, wait another hundred years, we will not resist this technology when we are old and frail."

For a time, the pessimists' speech flourished.

"Even if we resist this technology, generations of people will always be tempted. So the best way now is to smash it."

Captain Zhao frowned and motioned for everyone to be quiet for a while: "Okay everyone, listen to me."

"Smashing this machine is certainly the end of everything, but it is also the most cowardly and incompetent way. Such high technology may exceed the limit of our wisdom, and it is a product that we will never develop."

"Can't we find a way to use it friendly... Then, what about calculations? Can't the history of new civilizations find a way?"

As the Minister of New Civilization Development, Zhang Yuan felt a little ashamed.

At present, human computing power can barely judge whether a certain direction is correct. What may happen in the next few hundred years, but it is difficult to directly find the correct direction.

"Understood, I will carefully consider this issue."

Finally, after some discussions, everyone decided to maintain the highest level of caution with this technology.

There are not too many problems in continuing to study it, but confidentiality measures must be taken, and large-scale promotion is not allowed until the right direction is found.

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