Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 212 Civil Affairs

At the beginning of the new year, the long-awaited "one-day" luxury holiday has finally arrived!

Of course, "one day" refers to high-level officials like Zhang Yuan, and the rest of the common people still have a small 5-day holiday.

"I haven't had a good rest for a whole year."

Recalling the whole year and the great changes in the entire civilization, Zhang Yuan sighed and sighed.

When I got home, I took a good night's sleep and slept lazily until nine o'clock in the morning. I was extremely happy. It is simply unimaginable that a sleep can make people feel happy.

Then he accompanied his wife to watch a sci-fi movie "Under Deep Space", which is a sci-fi blockbuster filmed by the civilization of the earth, and all kinds of cool interstellar war scenes made him feel excited.

Finally, I took a stroll around the newly built ecological park, sat on the lawn and had a simple dinner.

In the blink of an eye, when you close your eyes, time flies by like this.

A day of vacation passed inexplicably like this...

It can be predicted that in the coming year, basically there will be no such holidays, unless next year's Spring Festival, maybe another day off.

Even with a little regret, Zhang Yuan didn't complain too much. On the second day of the new year, he started the new year's work.

At present, there are too many large and small affairs, including industry, agriculture, and service industries, all of which require more intelligent robots. Oh, and the new population policy...

This policy will be officially reported by the media today, and it can already be expected that there will be a big uproar among the people.

However, judging from the leaked rumors, the current public opinion can still be controlled. Fortunately, most of the people in the spaceship are young people who are still barren, so this policy will have less impact on them. Young people are more open-minded and accept new things more easily. Although they complain a few words now, they will gradually accept it after a long time.

When Zhang Yuan returned to his office, he found that one report after another had already filled the entire mailbox, waiting for his review.

These reports are all written by people, which shows that many people, like him, don't have much vacation. Even these hard-working surface workers don't have much vacation, let alone these high-level ones.

He quickly threw himself into the work.

"...As of 12:00 noon today, the transportation railway between the No. B3 iron ore resource point and the surface central industrial center has been officially completed. The smart train has passed the unmanned test, and the carrying capacity of each trip is about 6,000 tons. Every day Three times back and forth, 18,000 tons of ore can be transported.”

"It is estimated that at the B3 resource point, 2 excavators will be invested initially, and the daily iron ore collection capacity will total 6,300 tons."

Zhang Yuan frowned. In other words, is the carrying capacity of the train far greater than the collection capacity?

But there is no way. This kind of excavation equipment is relatively complex and bulky. Some key components are brought from the earth, which cannot be produced by new civilizations. Some parts have to be printed by heavy metal 3D printing equipment. According to the current speed, only one can be assembled in a month.

Higher-end industrial machines are preparing to produce various medical equipment. On the one hand, they are medicines and equipment that can delay aging and increase the life expectancy of people. On the other hand, it is about the equipment of artificial womb technology, various nutritional equipment, and medical equipment to prepare for the baby boom in the future.

"Fortunately, the current amount of mineral collection is already sufficient for current use, and the production capacity of the surface iron and steel smelting plant has not even been able to consume so much iron ore."

There are always so many bottlenecks in the development of a civilization. Just the excavation, transportation, and smelting of minerals will cause so many imbalances. The task of Zhang Yuan's department is to open up the two branches of the entire civilization, so as to prevent overcapacity in a certain industry.

Under this kind of overall planning, even if there are still some big and small problems, overall, the entire civilization is still in a vigorous development momentum...

Next, Zhang Yuan's pupils dilated slightly. The new issue of "Time Weekly" should be updated!


"The latest news! Geologists have newly discovered a large uranium mine at a distance of 180 kilometers. According to the current power consumption situation, its reserves can be used by us for a thousand years!"

"Various nuclear fission units are under urgent research. According to people familiar with the matter, because there is a small amount of magnetic field on the surface of this planet, almost all the helium-3 brought by the solar wind is expelled by the magnetic field. Due to the excessive cost of collecting nuclear fusion fuel Big, the use of nuclear fusion energy is not as economical as fission energy!"

"Latest news! The construction of the ecological park in District A has been completed, and the ticket price is only 1 yuan. According to people familiar with the matter, after the Spring Festival holiday, it will be open to the public for free..."

"...The sci-fi blockbuster "Under the Deep Space" from the civilization of the earth has been unanimously praised by the audience!"

"...The plan to incubate babies in batches with artificial womb technology has been voted and approved by the scientific council!"

This is the "Times Weekly" published by the new government. Each copy is priced at 0.5 yuan, and it is published once a week. It mainly publishes the big news and events that happened this week. Compared with the substantial content inside, the price is not too expensive, and the monthly expenditure is only two yuan, basically everyone can afford it.

The main purpose of producing this kind of newspaper is to increase the transparency of information and enhance the people's sense of social responsibility.

As a citizen of a new civilization, allowing them to experience the slow progress of civilization will generate a unique sense of accomplishment and a sense of belonging. It is precisely because of everyone's hard work that the wheel of history is slowly moving.

This progress is inseparable from the efforts of all.

In this issue of the newspaper, the most important content is the "Act on Batch Incubation of Babies Using Artificial Uterus Technology", which was...passed!

It is simply eye-popping!

Unsurprisingly, with the passage of this bill, all kinds of bull-headed and horse-faced people took advantage of this opportunity, including comments from some experts and professors, as well as cheers from various women's rights figures.

Some feminists don't know what to think, and even think that this bill has achieved true equality between men and women. Men do not have children, and women do not have children, and let neutral machines give birth to children. It is simply a dreamlike equality!

There is a mess on the Internet. Rational debate is fine, but all kinds of offensive speeches are directly deleted and silenced. Even without too many people, the intelligent algorithm will monitor the network environment and prevent some people with ulterior motives from People took the opportunity to make trouble.

Fortunately, this bill has been blowing in my ears for more than a day or two. As early as the hibernation period, everyone has heard about it. It doesn't seem so unacceptable to just blow it like this...

During the Chinese New Year, at least there were no protests such as demonstrations.

Anyway, for a bachelor like Wang Junpeng, it seems... not bad.

"Hey, the whole society needs population, and we don't want to have children, so we can only do this." Wang Junpeng looked at the newspaper, which already mentioned various reasons for promulgating this decision, which is quite pertinent.

Although I still feel a little uncomfortable, these reasons are objective facts, and I don't know how to refute them.

"The government raises children, what does it matter to us? It doesn't prohibit us from having children... I don't know what is unacceptable?" Xu Jie was immersed in the game, and he said heartlessly, "It's very simple. If If this bill is not promulgated, there will still be only such a small population in a few decades, and the progress of industrial development will be slow. After the depreciation of the machines brought on the earth, all human beings will die! In this case, do those who oppose it want to commit suicide? ? I can't figure it out..."

Wang Junpeng wondered: "Of course it has something to do with us. Where does the money come from? We pay the tax! The tax we pay is used to support other people's children!"

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