(Title: Human Wisdom)

In fact, there is no reason for the existence of this chain of contempt. In Zhang Yuan's time, the functions of bionic organs were not as good as human organs, but with the development of science and technology, bionic organs have already surpassed themselves.

"Mr. Yamamoto, what about the reproductive system?" Someone suddenly asked from the audience.

"Reproductive system? You can keep it or not..." Yamamoto frowned and said, "However, keeping the reproductive system will increase the complexity of the system. I still prefer not to keep it. Or, if necessary, make a Bionic organs for tactile function."

"If you want to make yourself happy, you can directly stimulate the brain with bioelectricity to get the same feeling..."

The entire venue was in an uproar. In this way, wouldn't human beings become "brains in vats"?

Are all machines except brains, are humans still humans? Can a little electricity get the same feeling?

"Dr. Yamamoto, your idea seems too idealistic!"

"I don't agree!"

"This poses a serious challenge to our ethics!"

"...What about the brain in a vat? Who can be sure that you are not living in the world of a brain in a vat?" Professor Yamamoto retorted loudly, "It's just replacing the human skin with a more advanced machine. Can it change the true nature of human beings?"

"What is the true essence of human beings?! Can you answer? Do your cells represent you?"

But not many people can accept it.

Zhang Yuan faintly felt that the atmosphere of the whole venue seemed to be a bit chaotic, the voice of the discussion was getting louder, and various opinions emerged one after another.

Even though the benefits of this bionic modification are obvious, most of the people here still have no way to accept it.

Even more unacceptable than the social public support system...

He quietly asked Academician Ding who was sitting next to him, "Teacher, isn't there a better solution that is generally acceptable to everyone?"

Academician Ding smiled faintly: "So... what do you think?"

Zhang Yuan hesitated for a moment, but still strengthened his belief: "I only obey the results of the calculations. If they are correct, then... let's execute them. This kind of debate is not nutritious at all."

"But for ordinary people, these two proposals are too radical and may not be acceptable."

"The so-called better way? Where is there a better way?"

Academician Ding said lightly: "What we have to do is to change the entire civilization from the root, and it will be completely different from the root node. Only in this way can we take a crucial step to get rid of mediocrity."

"...You have to know that it is absolutely unreliable to pass legal and moral reforms. Our generation has witnessed the decline and decline of earth civilization, and indeed has the driving force for reform. But shouting a loud ideal slogan can inspire a moment , but cannot inspire a lifetime.”

"Because human nature is here. Since the birth of human beings, human nature has not changed in any way... Humans are self-interested creatures, with few exceptions."

"Without experience, there will be no corresponding beliefs. When our generation dies, future generations will waste all our efforts, and they will not have our beliefs and persistence."

"A great civilization cannot be built in one generation. The virtue of a gentleman will be cut in the fifth generation; That impetus."

After being silent for a while, Academician Ding said: "So, human beings are still the same human beings. Thousands of years later, our civilization has become the same civilization as the earth's civilization. Zhang Yuan, do you accept this speculation?"

Zhang Yuan was stunned, Professor Ding's speculation was very cold, it didn't sound very comfortable.

But this speculation is indeed in line with normal logic.

The human beings on the Earth Age have witnessed the rise and decline of the earth's civilization with their own eyes. The pain and shock are beyond the comprehension of the next few generations.

If the first generation cannot make major changes, then subsequent generations are even less likely to make major changes.

It is indeed unrealistic to rely on things like morality to restrain the people behind, because morality itself is the product of Nash equilibrium under the mutual game of human society. If a certain "morality" goes against the interests of the majority of people, then humans will abandon it without hesitation.

Academician Ding continued: "However, Zhang Yuan, there are many things in the world. As long as we make a choice, future generations will not be able to make any changes! For example, a few points raised at the meeting."

"If you think about it carefully, there is a child who has no parents since birth. The father's love and mother's love are given to him by robots. And everyone around him has no parents. He will take it for granted. The world itself That’s how it works.”

"If a person lives in society, the people around him are all bionics and have undergone relevant transformations. He will think that bionic surgery is no big deal, and he will not insist on any bullshit pure anthropology... "

Zhang Yuan sighed, yes, it is true.

Humans are creatures of the herd. Conformity is not a phenomenon, but a part of human nature, the best choice based on human physiological characteristics.

However, is the transformed human being still a human being? He was also a little puzzled.

"Then what kind of human being is human?"

Academician Ding smiled: "Using genes as the standard? Chimpanzee genes are 99% similar to humans. Why aren't they humans? The genetic gap between paramecium and humans is not too big."

"Genes will be screened due to the environment. Maybe tens of thousands of years later, humans who are used to living in space have formed reproductive isolation from us. Are they real humans, or are we the real humans?"

"...Wisdom as the standard? Are those congenital mentally handicapped or Alzheimer's patients expelled? You are so smart, do people who are stupid than you stop being human?"

"Using culture as the standard? If you lived in medieval Europe, you would be burned alive if you said 'the sun is the center of the entire universe'; Kneel! Do you think these pedantic creatures are human?"

"Nothing is eternal, especially thinking, which changes the fastest."

"As long as you think you are human, then you are human."

Zhang Yuan understood what Academician Ding meant, and he sighed slightly.

Looking at the noisy group of people around, what people are struggling with now may become very ridiculous to people in the future.

Human intelligence.

It's... childish.

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