Deep Space Fleet


It has been two months since the book was uploaded, and it is finally time to put it on the shelves. It will be on the shelves at twelve o'clock tonight, and I will see you there (maybe a few minutes later).

The current collection is thirteen thousand and ninety-nine, which belongs to the kind of commonplace. In the end, there is still no Sanjiang, forced push, there is no way to do this kind of thing, who makes the grades bad...

Ask me what mood I am in right now, of course it is... this mood (+︿+).

Discussed with the editor of the website for a while, and the other party told me not to expect too much about the results. According to the data such as follow-up reading and recommendation votes, the first order is about 1,000.

I felt a chill in my heart. If I was a new author, this grade would be so-so, but as an old author who has been writing for two years, it must be considered a relatively bad grade.

Then, according to the standard of 1000, draw a dividing line.

In the case of guaranteeing two updates, one more update will be added for every 100 additional first orders.

If the first order is 2,000, 10 updates will be added, and if the first order is 3,000, 20 updates will be added!

Of course, everyone just think I'm dreaming...

I know that with such a small collection, this result is impossible to achieve, but I just said it casually. Also, please don’t help me scan the data. The data generated by the scan is meaningless. If I am scolded by the editor, I will have no recommendations in the future, and I will not admit it.

Thanks again for the new book issue, more than 200 book friends who have rewarded me, including the two leaders "Experimental Body King Returning" and "Zhao Shen Representative". The appearance of the latter leader, because the book review area was blocked, I only found out recently that it was really costly, and I will add more for you when I have time...

As for the preservation of manuscripts, there is still a little, but not many. Everyone should know that the next writing of this book is very difficult. I feel a little hard to write, and it is impossible to write quickly. Compared with the quantity, I would rather ensure the quality.

If all the saved manuscripts are sent out, I will be very anxious while writing and posting. I hope everyone can understand...

Finally, I hope to have a first-order result that exceeds expectations.

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t exceed expectations, at least there is no need to add more updates, so at least the pressure is much less ╮(╯▽╰)╭, anyway, I can only comfort myself like this.


The testimonial on the shelf seems too short, let's chat a little more.

Since "The Wandering Earth" became popular, everyone said that "the first year of Chinese science fiction" has started, and then the starting point has opened n essay competitions in a row, such as the sci-fi "Star of Hope" National Hegemony Contest, and the sci-fi "The Eve of the Destruction of the Sun" essay competition Contest, "interstellar universe" theme essay, trying to catch a wave of enthusiasm.

As a result, it was useless, readers didn't buy it, and all kinds of works were just crooked, and basically all the essays were lost.

This shows that "the first year of Chinese science fiction" may be a false proposition. One big Liu is definitely not enough, and one blockbuster movie is far from enough.

However, writing this kind of serious science fiction is too tiring, and the speed is pitifully slow. I work hard every day for two or three chapters, and I have to deal with all kinds of pickiness from readers. Therefore, if a reader friend wants to write a novel similar to mine on a whim, it is recommended to be prepared to use love to generate electricity.

Why is there such a cultural phenomenon?

First, it is because movies such as American Manga and comics are really good-looking and have wonderful plots.

The second reason is because of technology.

In my opinion, science fiction is different from fantasy and cities, and it corresponds to science and technology, and it is the most cutting-edge science and technology.

I don't know if science has national boundaries, but science fiction certainly has national boundaries anyway.

For example, in African science fiction novels, the word "Africa" ​​will directly make readers lose interest in reading. Even if you haven't read a word, you will doubt in your heart, what interesting stories can a writer from Africa write?

Next, a science fiction novel from India?

Still not good, Indians are good at hanging out, being funny, and dancing, and writing science fiction is definitely not good.

Because that's what everyone thinks.

What about Soviet science fiction? At this time, you will be stunned for a moment, even if the Soviet Union has disintegrated, but the sense of black technology should also be full, right?

Therefore, science fiction must have national boundaries, and it is directly linked to the country's science and technology.

Every country can shoot comedies and romance films, but science fiction films can only be produced by the most powerful country in the world, and the No. 1 in world technology can have the most intuitive persuasion.

This is what everyone thinks subconsciously.

At present, there is only one superpower in the world, so everyone thinks that American science fiction is good, part of the reason is this.

There is only one capable challenger in the world... There are many things to challenge, not only hard power, but also soft power.

Relatively speaking, the current cultural atmosphere is much better. The post-80s and post-90s were born in a prosperous period of the motherland, and they have enough room for improvement. The mentality of worshiping foreigners is not so serious, and it is easier to support local things.

For example, when I was in college, my first mobile phone was an HTC, but it became very hot and broke after two months of use. Then I bought an Apple 4. Although it was a bit more expensive, it has been used for several years and has been used as a fruit powder. (Exposure age series.)

But now that I am getting older and Apple is starting to fall, it seems that I don’t have this mentality anymore, because the quality of domestic mobile phones has caught up. If my family wants to buy mobile phones, I will definitely help them buy domestic ones now.

Including buying computers, I will choose hard drives and the like. If the quality is similar, I will choose to buy domestic ones.

So, I really admire Liu's generation. Their environment at that time was much worse than it is now. If they can stand out from others, they must have extraordinary skills...

Well, after nagging so much, I digressed a long time ago.

Reading a novel is just for entertainment, there is no need to go online to the national level.

If you like this book, read the original version and subscribe to Qidian; if you want to read the pirated version, I have no choice but to hit people along the network cable (⊙︿⊙). (Actually, I kind of think about it.)

At 12 o'clock tonight, let's start with the 5th update. It's not a particularly big outbreak, but for a handicapped party like me, it's already an outbreak.

If there is an update owed, it will be made up the next day.

Thank you for your support!

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