Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 384: Transcendent Essence Source Appears

Many people were stunned, not only women, such as elves with long hair and shawls were crying, and tough guys, such as the King Kong White Ape sitting on a flying sword, whispering, many people showed pain and regret.

"Unfortunately, there is not enough time. Otherwise, we can analyze it, and maybe we can create infinite myths artificially." A young man said.

He is very rational, with black hair and black eyes, and wearing a white lab coat. At first glance, he looks like a scientific researcher.

Beside him, there are also two active metal robots.

"It appeared, came here, and can take us home? It's just that if you are in contact with it for a long time, you may get lost and assimilated to death."

Even the few ghosts in space suits were whispering, feeling lost, staring at the boundless light in the universe, both excited and fearful. .

That is the light of life, that is the transcendent essence, that is the source of mythology, it is boundless, majestic and thrilling, sweeping the vast sky.

Everyone was absent-minded and watched. What they saw was so terrifying and so shocking. It was the trajectory of the end of the myth, and it was the afterglow of decay.

Even the female alchemist's eyes did not blink, paying attention to the splendid light. The most powerful creatures even have the desire to fight, and the power of the strongest is flowing, no longer covering up their strength.

Wang Xuan squinted his eyes and didn't say a word. His heart was very restless. He had seen this kind of similar light of life before, and it was not the first time he met.

"It's here, everyone. Although extreme actions are risky, they may bring endless benefits." Someone said with suppressed emotions, and their hearts were shaking.


The huge sound was deafening, like the sound of a landslide, and like a river bursting its banks, as if it smashed the boundless high mountains and drowned the world.

Everyone trembled, this was not a big flood on a planet, but a dark void in the boundless universe.

It can be seen that piece after piece of churning meteorite fragments, mixed with super-substance that is so dense that it turns into liquid, galloping and whistling, passing by here.

"Is that the meteorite fragments that cut through the starry sky, fell on some living planets, and deduced myths? Unexpectedly, in this era of exhaustion, there are still some large pieces, relatively rare, left in the world. It's too wasteful, just to disappear!"

Someone said in a very low mood, looking at the big waves, looking at the splendid river and sea, across the starry sky, boundless.

Of course, it can't be all meteorite fragments, most of them are mysterious factors, mixed with various super substances, colorful, and belong to different levels of extraordinary energy.

In addition to these super-materials, there are also individual creatures that have appeared, but they have long since died. One of them is as cold as a stone, stiff, and it should have been very strong during his lifetime. It seems to be close to peerless, like a demon saint.

"Everyone, be careful, this sea of ​​extraordinary light is still interpreting mythology, but it is also assimilating me, especially for creatures who master the rules, it is especially dangerous."

The white ape who rode the sword light and sat on the huge red flying sword opened his mouth. The stronger the person who entered the sea of ​​light, the faster he might die, and it was easy to lose himself.

"It's like the avenue has gone away and disappeared. We couldn't help but get close to it, approached it, but were assimilated by it, recruited, and died together." The man in the golden battle suit said, like a god, his head The golden hair shone like a scorching sun.

The black-haired young man in a white lab coat, like a scientific research staff, shook his head, and said, "Where is the avenue, people who are lost in mythology are self-hypnotized, and everything can be analyzed scientifically."

He added: "This sea of ​​light is like an extraordinary magnet, attracting all super-materials along the way. Well, strong people like you and me are like iron filings. If you throw yourself in, it will be difficult to break free and will be assimilated. take away."

"The way is different, why deny other people's systems?" The young man with short silver hair and a casual jacket said, and had approached Fang Yuzhu once.

"It makes sense, I can justify it myself, and I have a complete theory that is self-consistent, so I can understand it like that." The young man in the white coat nodded.

They look young, but there are not many really young people here, there are demon saint-level powerhouses, and there are real peerless creatures, and their backgrounds are not small.

"In the sea there are evergreen trees of the heavenly medicine level, have you seen them? It was suspected to be the remnants of the last mythical civilization, but it was also washed out and taken away by it!"

Some people were surprised that there are many good things in Gwanghae. Many people saw the half of the tree, which was hollowed out and made into a treasure box.

But it is still full of vigor with branches and leaves, and is engraved with mysterious patterns. It is related to the vanishing extraordinary civilization and is going away with the "sea".

"Bring it up!" Some people couldn't help it. They felt that the big tree of the heavenly medicine level was invaluable in itself. In addition, it should have something hidden in it. It should be even more amazing, perhaps sealing the essence of a certain mythical civilization. heritage.

Finally, someone couldn't help but threw an extraordinary spear, with the spirit as the thread, attached to the end, it left a stream of light in the cold cosmic space.

There was a bang, the sound was huge, and the waves surged into the sky. There is no doubt that the man is very strong, the spear threw into the sea, set off a huge wave, and successfully pierced into the stump of the heavenly medicine grade.

He quickly pulled the spear back, intending to take the stump back, but unfortunately, with a bang, the connection between him and the spear was abruptly broken, and the spiritual thread collapsed.

And he himself groaned, took two steps back, and said, "So strong, he actually wants to assimilate me, and he wants to pull me back into the sea of ​​extraordinary light."

The man who presided over the auction in the bar reminded: "Everyone, if you master the super-rules, don't take any action. It's easy to fall into it, and it's not worth dying."

The sea of ​​​​supernatural light is going away and will gradually disappear. This is not the first time it has been discovered. Three months ago, they worked together to deduce it and found the corresponding area.

Today, this is the second time I have seen it.

"At that time, a peerless master was pulled in, and the rules in the primordial spirit were disintegrated and collapsed, and they paid the price of their lives to explain it to us, and then we understood it..."

Everyone is nodding, no one wants to die in vain, no matter how big the temptation is, they can't risk their lives.

"Comparatively speaking, people who haven't cultivated the rules can barely go in and salvage sacred objects, but there are also certain dangers, so you must master them well."

However, mortals or robots made of mortal iron cannot succeed. After all, extraordinary power is agitating in the entire sea of ​​light, which is too fragile and will be torn apart immediately.

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry. According to the last experience, it will take several days for it to go away from this special node. Now it is a turbulent front wave, which is not suitable for salvage. It is better to wait for the sea of ​​​​light to calm down a little."

Wang Xuan listened quietly, and learned more about the vast sea roaring and roaring in this dark universe.

He was sure that he had seen it at the Hanwu Mountain outside Xinxing Su City at that time. He stood on the top of the mountain and saw a blurry sea going away. It was an afterimage, more like it was projected in the endless void. Here it is more real, too clear!

"This is the final essence and truth of the decay of mythology. It is so vividly displayed in front of us. It is the sea of ​​extraordinary light that has taken everything away. It is gradually blurring and dissipating until it is completely exhausted!"

"What is vivid, cruelty is true. In theory, it silently takes away extraordinary substances from the big screen and the major life planets, and makes the mythical rules invalid. It must be balanced and cannot disappear for no reason. Downstream, or somewhere, it should have settled, can we find it?"

A giant dragon opened his mouth, belonging to the sacred system, the body of a real dragon, but it also had twelve pairs of light wings like angels, and it was very powerful.

"I can't find the so-called 'downstream', there is no so-called destination, we can only deduce a few nodes, after three months, six months, maybe two times, it's out of thin air Evaporation, it may be turned into other ordinary energy, or it may not be in this universe."

"Actually, given me time, I should be able to analyze it, but the time it took for Guanghai to manifest is too short to locate and simulate its complete trajectory." The young man in the white coat is the most regrettable, quite scientific The madman's posture, can't wait to rush into the sea of ​​​​light.

All parties began to make preparations. Most of the people who came were in the state of primordial spirit, or avatars, and almost no body came. They were afraid of being killed or accidentally lost in a special time and space.

Because, the Time and Space Bar is not an ordinary place, coupled with the extraordinary sea of ​​light, there are peerless powerhouses from time to time, even if the top powerhouse dies tragically, it is not a surprise.

Someone came to bring disciples and disciples. Those people did not have the power to master the rules, and they were not afraid of the assimilation of the sea of ​​​​supernatural light in a short time. There are also people who separate a piece of Primordial Spirit Light, wash away the texture of the avenue, leave no rule runes, and prepare to let the "low-level self" go to salvage.

"Try to keep a low profile, don't cause trouble, of course, don't be afraid of trouble." Fang Yuzhu was talking to Wang Xuan, because Wang Xuan was going to go into the sea of ​​​​light to salvage all kinds of fetishes.

Fang Yuzhu said solemnly: "At this stage, all parties are in harmony with each other, but once they leave the Time and Space Bar, there may be blood and rain. Death is extremely dangerous. Leave these aside for now, and there may be various situations when you salvage them later, so you have to be careful."

With the passage of time, after more than half a day, the sea of ​​​​supernatural light gradually calmed down, and no longer surged so intensely. At this time, there were all kinds of light transpiring.

Even, Wang Xuan saw something familiar and close to reality, such as a cloud of red glow and a silver light, which shocked him very much.

"As expected of the last aftertaste of the extraordinary world, you can even see these things." He muttered to himself, and soon after, he even saw all kinds of fortune spar!

This is quite astonishing. He has to go into the sea and salvage. He may use this to make a breakthrough in the real world. It should be much easier when he goes to the misty land again.

"I'm really looking forward to it. If I find all kinds of substances that are close to the real thing here, and break through to the field of free travel, I won't be afraid of Zheng Yuantian in the future. If I dare to separate my incarnation and think about my body, who is the hunter?" He A little excited.

If he succeeds in stepping into the great realm of free and easy travel in this era, then in the real world, he may gradually be able to stand side by side with Fang Yuzhu and others!

"Whether I can become Wang Wudi, this extraordinary sea of ​​light is very important to me!"

During this process, people kept coming to contact them, and they were all very gentle. Even the creatures that looked fierce, such as the quasi-peer of the green-skinned goddess, this old man bared his fangs, tried his best to show a kind smile, looked at But it was quite ferocious, and he was close to it there, saying: "In a while, we entered the sea of ​​extraordinary light and took care of each other."

Then, the leader of the elf clan also came, with long silver hair scattered and pointed ears, this race is beautiful by nature, with an air of aura, her eyes are very pure, she claims to be a descendant of the moon elf clan, and greets Fang Yuzhu, Enjoyed talking.

Wang Xuan paid more attention to her. Earlier, the roots that were close to the real medicine were sold and auctioned in bars.

Group after group of people came, all very polite. In fact, Fang Yuzhu was also taking the initiative to approach people. He was generous and decent, smiled sweetly, and kept in touch with all parties.

"Fairy." The young man with short silver hair came again, with a smile on his handsome face, indicating that he could form an alliance and cooperate to salvage the fetish.

"Ada, Er, chat with your little brother over there, take care of each other for a while, I have something important to talk about with Fairy." The young man with short silver hair motioned to the two beside him, and took Wang Xuan to the other side. While going to talk about the cooperation after going to sea, he has to talk to Fang Yuzhu in person.

If he didn't pay attention to the details, it might be nothing, and he would still think he was smiling and very peaceful, but Wang Xuan felt that this strong man was really unfinished.

He saw that the so-called Ah Da and Ah Er were by no means the brothers of the silver-haired youth, and most likely they were his subordinates or servants, who were in the position of inferiors.

As a result, now, in the mouth of the silver-haired youth, he is naturally classified as the little brother of Ah Da and Ah Er, and he has to take him aside to talk. This is a gentle look down, and there is contempt in a polite smile. Don't take him seriously.

The most hateful thing is that this big light bulb with short silver hair, in turn, felt that he was an eyesore, and regarded him as a light bulb, and wanted to take Fairy Fang to the other side for a drink and get closer.

Fang Yuzhu told him with a flat face that Wang Xuan was her good friend. If she wanted to cooperate, as a companion and friend, Wang Xuan would naturally have to understand it here.

"Brother, how do you want to cooperate? Let's talk." Wang Xuan bared his teeth, the smile on his face was glowing, and at the same time he walked over generously and wanted to pat him on the shoulder.

When he was still an inch away, he stopped again and just patted his shoulder twice, because the other party was in the state of primordial spirit, they were all big men, and they didn't want to have real contact with this person.

In addition, this person is really strong, suspected to be a fierce person of Zheng Peishi's level!

The short-haired young man smiled, showing a look of surprise. This young man with a low level of realm just called him brother and sister? Is this a I have been upgraded myself.

It's really not good for him to let Ah Da and Ah Er go and talk to this young man as brothers, otherwise he will be demoted.

After chatting for a while, he took the two away.

"This person may come from the top dead place." Fang Yuzhu stared at his back and said.

"His clothes are very modern, but he came from one of the ancient dead places?" Wang Xuan was taken aback. According to Xu Fu, there were many dead places, but the Eight Great Dead Lands were the most famous.

"Who told you that the inhabitants of the dead land must be retro creatures from the realm of mythology?" Fang Yuzhu rolled his eyes at him, this kind of gesture is rare, and the amorous feelings of the moment are so splendid and beautiful, attracting people's attention.

"Yes, my definition of an ancient monk is too biased. For example, Lao Zhang, who dresses more fashionably than anyone else. For example, Sister Fang, who is young and beautiful, looks younger than me."

Hearing that he was called Sister Fang, Fang Yuzhu glanced at him, but did not correct him, saying, "He is very dangerous. If something changes, I will enter the sea of ​​extraordinary light with you."

"No, at the bottom of the sea, if anyone really dares to do evil, I think I can deal with it." Wang Xuan shook his head, not wanting her to take risks.

In the distance, the researcher was looking at Fang Yuzhu and the others, showing a suspicious look, and said, "Such a special primordial spirit is suitable for leaving a bloodline, maybe it can continue the myth!"

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