Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 371: Big dreams come true

Wang Xuan deeply felt that the situation was serious and was inexplicable. These people actually killed him in his backyard? This is really unbearable!

The red-clothed banshee came. Although he was in a trance, he didn't lose his vigilance.

The red glow spread, the mist was steaming, the red-clothed banshee hummed softly, and the burn was not light. The material in this place was too dense to be close to the real thing.

Especially the crystal-clear red particles that smelt everything, even the Slaying God Banner is black, you can imagine how lethal it is.

"Where is this, where is this place, close to the real meteor... There is a meteorite road?" The ancestor of the underworld blood was in great pain, his eyebrows and beards disappeared, and he looked like he was burned and stunned.

With a swoosh, the red-clothed banshee came again, her arms were not very white, her whole body was full of immortal aura, and she was fighting red substances with all her strength.

This is a mysterious war dance. Her waist twisted like a fairy in the sky, with a little charm. She felt the seriousness of the situation.

At the same time, she approached Wang Xuan again, and saw that he was abnormal, his realm was low, but he was not killed, especially the animal skin on his body looked familiar.

"Boy, pick me up!" Lao Zhang shouted, grinning from the burnt teeth. Without the majesty of the ancestor of the First Sect, his hair was almost gone, and his casual clothes instantly turned to ashes. .

"Where did you guys come from?" Wang Xuan asked. He was very serious and didn't go right away because Lao Zhang had always been a big hole.

For a long time, this place has been regarded by him as a private garden, a place where he can ponder silently and gain peace of mind by himself, but it has been patronized by outsiders.

What's the guarantee of this? His primordial spirit, the celestial medicine he planted, and his life soil may all be threatened by outsiders.

However, they may not be able to leave this meteorite passage.

"Ouch!" Zheng Yuantian was vomiting. After falling in, his realm seemed to fall. The silver mask was burned on the spot.

"Why did he appear here? There is a big problem!" Zheng Yuantian looked at Wang Xuan with coldness while fighting against the red haze.

The peerless powerhouse fell. Although it was burnt and corroded by red substances, it did not retreat. He was very interested in this place.

"It's close to the truth? Good!" The demon ancestor with thick eyebrows and big eyes whispered, the depths of his eyes lit up with brilliance, enduring severe pain, looking around.

"No way, I'm going to be set on fire!" Qi Teng, the ancestor of the immortals, also appeared, walking from a pile of broken meteorites, no longer hiding.

"Where's the road, where's the meteorite passage that I went back to, why is it gone?!" Zheng Yuantian's complexion changed, his face turned black from the burn, and his face was distorted.

Even a master of this level seems to be unable to bear the crystal red particles of matter. He wants to return to the passage, but he can't find the way!

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed.

"Wang Xuan, why are you here?" Fang Yuzhu in fluttering white clothes appeared last, stepping on a large falling meteorite.

Then, her complexion also turned red, she couldn't bear it anymore, her white clothes were turning to ashes.

"I was in seclusion originally, my mind wandering was too imaginary, and then I came here for no reason." Wang Xuan replied that although he was protected by animal skins, the still painful Primordial Spirit was about to crack.

Can this work? The seven masters don't believe it very much, but no one is here to delve into it, and they can't hold back very quickly.

The red substance is irresistible, like a chaotic thunder, and like a supreme fire, everyone who burns is in a trance, and the armor of the primordial spirit melts away.

"Don't you want me to dance the fairy dance? I'm here." The red-clothed banshee frowned slightly, as if the pain was unbearable, this time it turned into a streamer and came over.

She was really close. Although she was in pain in the red light, her posture was still elegant, her slender figure swayed, and she was graceful and graceful.

Wang Xuan was startled, the supreme scriptures revolved, wrapping himself in animal skins, and rushing to a higher place, this is still a painful practice!

Therefore, several people present were shocked again, they all vomited, their chests heaved violently, and some people bent down.

"It has something to do with him?!" Zheng Yuantian's eyes were fierce, with an inexplicable radiance soaring, as if he had discovered some great event.

Lao Zhang staggered and showed a strange expression, and said, "I'll go, boy, the source is with you, and the root is with you. When you're finished, I vomited and vomited, and I fell into the realm. How can I compensate me?"

Then, he was almost burned into a black man, and he quickly used the bronze mirror to hold the void, trying to force Hongxia back as much as possible.

"Gragging..." Fang Yuzhu, who was not stained with the world and looked like a born fairy, also retched several times, resisting the violent shock, and looked towards Wang Xuan.

"Old Zhang, I'll get over you. Fairy, how can I help you?" Wang Xuan opened his mouth and looked at Lao Zhang and Fang Yuzhu. He had the deepest friendship with these two, and naturally he had to help first.

Old Zhang rushed to this direction decisively, Fang Yuzhu also transformed into Fairy Lingbo, and wanted to meet him before the white clothes were burned, and they all saw that his animal skin was no trivial matter.

However, the faster one was the red-clothed banshee, she was right in front of her, her beautiful eyes moved, and she said: "The relationship between you and I is just some trivial matter, not worth mentioning, we are in the same camp, Fang Yuzhu is me elder sister."

As she approached lightly, her tall body was burnt painfully, gradually turning red from snow-white and crystal, and then her arms began to turn black.

"Help her." Fang Yuzhu spoke before he got close, fearing that the two would conflict.

Afterwards, Wang Xuan felt that a hot immortal body that was close to burning was approaching, and he lifted his animal skin and shared it with him, dipping in his light.

"And me!" Zheng Yuantian, who was also very close to here, said, seeing that the animal skin was so effective, he would also join in.

Wang Xuan's face turned dark, and his nemesis also wanted to share animal skins? What are you thinking, let's talk about a big man, the burning is half black, the smell is too heavy!

He directly urged the Zhanshen Banner, a corner of the flag was raised, and with a bang, Zheng Yuantian, who was charging fiercely, was swept away. This made Wang Xuan startled. Does it have such great power?

He felt incredible, the peerless master was kicked out by him?

Then, he looked at the red-clothed banshee, she was close at hand, she pulled her hair up, her face was finally as white as jade, exhaling like a blue, and said, "It has nothing to do with me."

Immediately afterwards, she retched again and stared at Wang Xuan viciously.

"You're like this... it has nothing to do with me." Wang Xuan quickly spoke.

"Have I heard anything extraordinary?" Lao Zhang rushed over, grabbed a corner of the flag, and began to drill in.

Wang Xuan felt uncomfortable all over, and it was enough to be approached by the graceful figure of the demon, and Lao Zhang wanted to join in, which made him almost get goosebumps.

With a swipe, Fang Yuzhu arrived, approached from behind, and entered into the animal skin coat. This was really a dream. Wang Xuan was in a trance. Wasn't this his occasional reverie? Who has not been young and frivolous, but it has become reality.

Beside him and behind him, the two beautiful immortal bodies were hot. I don't know if they were burned, or they were set off by some kind of atmosphere, which made Wang Xuan a little suspicious of life. Is this true?

Lao Zhang shouted, "Leave a place for me."

"Otherwise, you can just wrap up that horned flag and stay outside, it's too crowded." Wang Xuan said.

Lao Zhang's eyes widened, and he said, "Boy, what kind of nonsense are you talking about, a typical person who cares about **** over friends, let me burn outside, and the three of you inside?"

"And me!" The ancestor of the underworld blood also shouted, and his body was burnt black, and he also rushed over.

Zheng Yuantian, Qi Teng, and Demon Ancestor also approached, and they also asked to be sheltered in animal skins, which made Wang Xuan's head as big as a bucket.

Beside Wang Xuan, the red-clothed banshee exhaled with a fragrance, whispered in his ear, "You can kill Zheng Yuantian, this time I will help you, raise the banner of God Slaying, and smash him to pieces!"

She had an excellent physique. After she got close, she hugged Wang Xuan's right arm with two snow-white arms, and wanted to work with him to kill Zheng Yuantian.

"I'll help you too." Fang Yuzhu smiled gently and pressed him from behind.

Wang Xuan's heart was beating, even though he was transformed by the primordial spirit and built up his spiritual power, but he also heard the sound of his own heartbeat, as if he was beating a divine drum.

Is he nervous? He secretly scolded himself for being unpromising. Isn't it just two peerless beauties, with skin like sebum, what about immortal muscles and jade bones? No big deal! What is the fiery body too close to him?

However, his heart beat even more, as if it was about to explode.

In particular, his left hand was burning with burning pain, and the pounding of his heart became more and more violent, turning into palpitations, and then horror!

He immediately woke up, what was his left hand, that iron drill, it was unbearably hot, and it woke him up.

Holding an iron drill, he stabbed himself lightly, which immediately caused a thunderous roar, and what he saw actually collapsed like a bubble.

For a moment, although Wang Xuan still felt the pain of being burned, there was also a cold fear from the depths of his soul, and he was horrified.

Fang Yuzhu, the red-clothed banshee, Zhang Daoling, Zheng Yuantian and the others were all shattered and dissipated, as if they had never appeared.

What was in front of him, a rough stone wall, and a very small root that was exposed. The iron drill in his hand did not pierce himself, but inserted into the small root.

He raised his head and saw the pure white and flawless, the most sacred immortal flower, with splendid light and rain, it was less than three miles away from here, and it was already very close.

Wang Xuan got goosebumps, this is another fatal hallucination? He looked down and saw that he was holding the flagpole of the Zhanshenqi in his right hand. He wanted to give himself a blow to his chest, and he wanted to cut himself off? !

However, the God Slaying Banner struggled, but he didn't get his wish.

His real cold hair stood on end and he almost committed suicide?

The fight against the God Slaying Banner had an effect, and the iron brazier actually warned in disguise!

"Magic flower!" Wang Xuan shouted, this time it was really dangerous, he was afraid after a while, and once again nearly died in its hands!

He used an iron drill to give the tip of its roots a few times. Even though he knew that even if it was several miles apart, even if such a small tip was broken, it would not be damaged, but he couldn't help but let out his breath.


The tip was smashed and destroyed by him, and the rest disappeared.

Above, on the rough stone wall, the immortal plant swayed in the red clouds, the pure white light was misty.

"This time, I'm destined to be unable to break through, so I'll go back first!" Wang Xuan felt that he could hardly hold on from being burned.

The most important thing is that he had a premonition of disaster. Holding the iron drill and the flag of God Slaying, he gradually became empty, and his instinct returned.

"It's that red tide is coming!" His face changed, and the flower of immortality made him fall into an illusion, just waiting for him to be submerged by red substances.

He turned around and fled, walking at extreme speed, returning along the same path.

Vaguely, he heard a sound like a landslide and tsunami behind him, as if a real ocean had burst its banks and was about to smash the ethereal land.

That's matter coming from the real source!

Wang Xuan fled, walking at extreme speed, the red clouds behind him filled the sky, the light and mist were like the sea, surging and turbulent!

In the end, he rushed out, followed by the boundless Chixia, who slapped it down. He quickly fled to the side, entered the mine and blocked it.

This time, he really almost died, let alone close to the real source, but he was almost killed by that magic flower again!

Wang Xuan found that he was going to be burnt and burnt out of shape, the pale golden animal skin with holes was fine, the Slashing God Banner was gradually not black, and the silver animal skin scroll was fine, only him, the black one was dry and cracked, the primordial spirit almost disintegrated.

He sat cross-legged by the cactus, absorbed the purple mist with it, rested here, nourished his spiritual body, until many days later he opened his eyes and shot out two purple haze!

"It's time to go back!" He stood up.


Outside, the transcendent realm is completely chaotic, this time the shock is a bit outrageous, the four demons are in a trance, and even his Taoism has declined!

Zhou Qinghuang and Gu Mingxi hugged each other, their limbs entangled, they vomited, their faces turned pale, and they all fell into the realm.

While fighting against the shock, Zhang Daoling, Zheng Yuantian, Qi Teng and the others **** Lan Yingying's spar block, and they fought hard, smashing out of the void, breaking out of ten layers of spiritual ruins, and leaving the City of Lightning.

Lao Zhang stood in the spiritual world. After vomiting, he stood still, with the mirror covering his face. He was very deep, looking for the source and earnestly exploring.

"Don't let me find it, or I'll kill you. Hell, could it be that the Yudao flag was nearby and deliberately shocked us?!" He frowned and said.

He thought it was very possible, because the treasure of this super civilization never appeared, and they rushed in, which might have angered the tattered flag.

Wang Xuan returned, stood in the life soil, and finally knocked at the Yangshen Furnace, shaking constantly, causing the outside world to shake again.

At this time, the competition for the blue spar by the peerless masters is not over yet. Even if they rush out of the ruins, they will still attack each other from time to time, and they will be scattered in the four fields.

While alert, Lao Zhang used the mirror to bang himself twice, swaying the true meaning of immortality, and stabilized himself, he didn't want to fall too hard.

However, at this time, including him, the peerless masters have each lost a realm, and all their defenses have been broken. Today, they have become a veritable ceiling that is at the highest point, and they are not lightly shaken.

At this moment, Lao Chen was terrified, he was guarding Wang Xuan, and he was about to vomit out his gall, but what made him furious and strongly disturbed was that Zheng Yuantian was haunting nearby, and he once passed by, fighting with people and competing for spar.

If you get closer and find them, slap the two of them directly, making sure that they will be smashed, and the two will die without a place to be buried.

"Wang Xuan, Wang Jiaozu, wake up quickly, Lao Zheng is here. If there is no God Slaying Banner, if we can't prevent it, we will be beaten to death!" He called in a low voice.

Zheng Yuantian is definitely still nearby, that kind of powerful coercion has not gone away.

With a sudden sound, Wang Xuan opened his eyes, his spirit returned, and then he quickly put away his physical body, holding the banner of the Slaying God in his primordial spirit state, and was on guard vigilantly.

As soon as he came out, he heard Chen Yongjie's call, and also felt the pressure from the vicinity.


On the dome of the spiritual world, the red-clothed banshee was fighting with people, grabbing Qi Teng's blue spar and grabbing a piece, but she actually retched during the battle, and then landed quickly, vomiting on a mountain. It is even more confrontation with the fairy dance.

Wang Xuan showed a strange look, what's going on? In the meteorite passage, it was a dream. How could I see a similar scene in the real world?

"I saw a similar future, or did the big dream really shine into reality?"

"Zheng Yuantian is here!" Old Chen's expression He saw a dazzling beam of light swooping down from a distant mountain, like a comet hitting the ground. It was so violent that the pressure made him suffocate!

Zheng Yuantian found the two of them, like a rainbow piercing the sun, and they were not far away in an instant, and the nearby mountains collapsed, bursting in an instant!

A graceful figure, like a **** standing in the bright moon, is pure and flawless, sacred and refined, Fang Yuzhu, accompanied by the light and rain, came from the other direction at high speed. With a bang, she intercepted halfway, knocking Zheng Yuantian into the air, leaving a trail of blood and being knocked back.

The female alchemist was not injured, but just like other masters, her primordial spirit was shaken so badly that she lost her realm and retched from time to time.

Wang Xuan showed a strange expression, but he didn't stop. He rushed up very quickly, waved the God-killing flag, and hit Zheng Yuantian fiercely.

Zheng Yuantian didn't care at first, he gently waved his robe sleeves, not wanting to kill him, but wanted to capture him alive, but he was thrown out with a bang, and fell into the mountains.

Wang Xuan was a little ecstatic again. The scene in his dream also appeared when Zheng Yuantian was slashed by the God-killing flag?

He rushed over quickly and supported Fang Yuzhu.

"I'm fine." Fang Yuzhu was surprised. Just now, he was shaking so badly that he wanted to vomit, but now he's all right now. She knew that the extraordinary earthquake was over.

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