Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 338: ? Myth Burning End

"Turn it on!" A white-haired man held a painting fan with a magnificent picture of mountains and rivers on it. With a violent blow, there was a bang, and there were thousands of rays of light. The wonders of mountains and rivers emerged, penetrating a mountain in front of them, and an ancient cave dwelling remains. appeared in front of his eyes.

At the end of the earth, a young man with red hair held a nine-story pagoda in his hands, with a startled expression, staring at the great lake in front of him, where the legendary innate yin and yang entangled, flowing and rising.

He was shocked, and immediately sacrificed the immortal pagoda to take away this legendary material and make the pagoda a peerless treasure.

At this time, in this new world, people from all over the world have found good fortune and strange things, but a large number of people have also died, mad beasts are rampant, the Jedi appears, and they will die if they go to the wrong place.


The round-faced girl sat opposite the fire, absorbed some strange substances rising from the fire, stood up, and said, "This place is for you."

She was about to leave, she couldn't stand seeing that face, even if she couldn't kill, she still wanted to carry him and smash his **** with his long knife!

It's a pity that she can't do it. Since she can only endure it, why don't she just keep out of sight and out of mind.

Wang Xuan was surprised and said, "There is nothing special about this fire, it's just some special energy substances, neither dangerous nor great fortune. Why are everyone talking about it and wanting to find a bunch?"

"Do you know what kind of fire this is?" The round-faced girl raised her chin and was extremely proud. She didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but she couldn't help it.

"I don't know, and neither do you?" Wang Xuan looked at her.

"The demon master said, this may be the embers of the avenue. You think it is so simple. It can burn the gods and destroy the demon saints. When strong, strong and weak, weak. You are too weak, you did not activate it, and did not let it appear. Due luck and danger."

She raised her chin, full of self-confidence. Back then, she was taken by the demon master and experienced the real and terrifying fire of civilization, which she still remembers fresh.

"That is a kind of good fortune. Not many people can experience it. It should be noted that a strong Tianzong who once competed with the demon master died in the fire."

When the round-faced girl said this, she threw him the back of her head, walked into the distance, and said, "You, don't think too much, you are still young, accumulate more, strive to make a difference in the future, and find an opportunity to experience the truth in the fire. "

This kind of fire is always on and off, I don’t know when it will appear, I don’t know where it will emerge, it is only the first fate to meet it, and it is good fortune to really get in touch with its reality, but there have not been many people since ancient times.

In fact, even some peerless masters have no connection with this fire.

"In a big era, it would be good for one or two people to realize the embers of civilization..." When the round-faced girl said this, she felt something was wrong and couldn't help but stop.

Then, she widened her eyes, her eyes full of energy. What's the situation? Why is the surroundings so hazy? It's not the same as her experience back then, but the atmosphere is somewhat similar.

She turned around and looked at the fire, and suddenly saw Wang Xuan Baoxiang solemnly, holding the God Slaying Banner to guard against her, staring at the fire there, as if to see through and understand something.

Then, some scenes appeared around, and the world seemed to be gradually different.

She was dumbfounded, this is... done? Although she knew that this abominable young man was extraordinary, and she was deliberately squeezing him just now, she didn't expect that he really got something right under her nose.

This made her place the picturesque beauty of the White Tiger High Immortal. Just now she was saying that he can't do it, but in a flash, she gave her a slap in the face, showing a marvelous scene, and reappearing the mythical civilization in the firelight.

"Wait for me, the fire is very dangerous, I'll protect you!" The round-faced girl ran over without any shame or shyness, trying to take advantage of the opportunity.

"If you stay away from me, I will feel more at ease." Wang Xuan replied as he stared at the fire, holding the God Slaying Banner.

"No, the demon master said, I have to be responsible for you. In order for you to fulfill the demon master's entrustment, I want to protect you. You can't die now!" The round-faced girl rushed over.

However, on the way, she screamed: "Oh, I'm lost, pick me up quickly, the grievances between us are written off, I won't settle accounts with you!"

Around her, there was a silent street, a strange city, empty and cold, without a sound.

This is a mysterious city, which is different from any era she has experienced. It is close to modern buildings, but it has an ancient atmosphere.

"Heavenly Demon—Blood Peacock?!" She immediately froze. On a building next to the street, she saw a hanged man with his neck strangled, dangling there. He had been dead for many years. It's all dried out.

This is a well-known celestial monster, one of the top three geniuses of the era she experienced, and she just died here, no wonder it disappeared silently back then.

Empty streets, unfamiliar cities, all buildings with mottled ancient charm, in the sunset, there is an unspeakable loneliness, the whole world seems to come to an end, all living beings are perished, only herself is left.

The round-faced girl was frightened. This was different from what she had experienced back then. What she saw was not the same fire, but it made her feel strongly uneasy.

She felt that she might die here!

The spectacle created by the residual fire of this civilization is really killing the strong in the event of the strong, and not letting go of the weak in the event of the weak. There is no reason at all.

In the quiet street, there were only her own footsteps. No, there was another person's footsteps. She turned back suddenly, but there was nothing.


Her cold hair stood on end, and she felt some cold fingernails rubbing against her neck, and blood seeped out, almost cutting off her head.


She went berserk, desperately cast spells, attacked here, and then all the beams hit the ground and slammed into the building, but there was not even a splash of water. Those places did not move at all, not damaged at all.

She ran forward quickly, and saw another corpse, hanged on a roadside building, she looked and looked carefully, her scalp tingled, and she recognized it again.

"In the past, a peerless genius among alchemists, according to legend, who dared to compete with Fang Yuzhu in her youth, she actually died here!"

This time, it was a woman, with a beautiful face and lifelike appearance. Her neck was also broken by the black rope, and she was hanging there and swaying. She was not yet dry.

Xiao Baihu's frightened hair stood upright, and his soul was really about to float. This kind of person's "spirituality" is absolutely against the sky, but he still couldn't pass the test and died tragically here.

She felt that, relying on her own words, she would definitely die.

"Demon Lord, I want... I'm sorry for you for the time being. I have to live to serve you." She muttered in fear and guilty conscience.

"Wang Xuan, come and **** me out, don't you want to watch the demon master dance? I do, she does dance to her heart's content occasionally. I have a photo spar here, come and save me!"

The round-faced girl's hair was blown up, and her heart was full of shadows. She knew that even if the demon saint came in, he might die, and the key was to rely on the ineffable - spirituality.

When the demon master came in, his strength was not strong, and he was far from rising, but his understanding was invincible, and his aura appeared frequently.

She felt that she was probably inferior to Wang Xuan in terms of this kind of talent, so she cried out for help.

"Is there really a peerless fairy dance?" Ahead, in the sunset, in an unknown place, came Wang Xuan's voice.

Sure enough, the spirituality is far stronger than her, can you hear her cry for help and see her? However, when she looked along the voice and saw nothing, she hurriedly shouted, "Yes!"

At this time, Wang Xuan was also very shocked. He stared at the fire, out of his body, and saw its essence with the eyes of heaven. When he tried to read the fragments of the scriptures, the surroundings changed like this.

Unfamiliar streets, cities of unknown ages, shadows and shadows gradually become real, surrounding him.

At this time, he was in a square, and a large number of scriptures were being burned, and countless scriptures were thrown into the fire. All he saw was a pair of rough and aging hands, throwing these secret books without reluctance, and they were all lit.

He heard Xiao Baihu's cry for help, and what he saw shocked him, because Xiao Baihu found a black rope and wanted to hang himself.

"You're crazy, why did you commit suicide?" Wang Xuan was puzzled.

In the square, he looked at the round-faced girl not far away. She hangs herself skillfully, her neck is caught in the black cable, her tongue is sticking out, her primordial spirit is also restrained, and she is already wilted.

"I...No, there is a devil...holding my hand, there is something dirty, it will kill me!" The round-faced girl stuck out her tongue, stared at her, and held back a blushing scream of weakness.

Seeing that she was about to die, her neck would be broken, and even her primordial spirit would be broken. That kind of black rope was terrifying.

Wang Xuan frowned, waved the God Slaying Flag, pointed forward, a golden grid spread out, slammed into the street, and slammed the black rope that could sever the soul, and the little white tiger fell directly to the ground. .

At the same time, Wang Xuan saw a pair of white and slender hands dripping with blood, leaving from the back of the neck of the round-faced girl, quite frightening.

"Wang Xuan, take me there quickly!" The round-faced girl was completely hairy, and at the same time felt extremely ashamed, she actually asked him for help, calling him for help.

However, when she thought that the demon saint would be in danger here, and that she was in danger of perishing, her heart became stronger again, and she was not afraid of losing face.

"Step to the left and avoid the **** hole on the ground in front of you." Wang Xuan reminded her to come over quickly.

However, the White Tiger True Immortal stepped directly to the right, her legs didn't obey, and she jumped straight into a black hole that she couldn't see at all.

She felt that something was wrong for the first time. There was a pair of cold palms that grabbed her ankles with infinite strength, dragging her to the pitch-black hell-like ground.

"Aiya, is it terrifying? I can't see it, but it really exists, how can even the physical body be attacked, Wang Xuan, quickly lead me over!"

Wang Xuan was speechless, the round-faced girl was so timid, she was usually fierce, but now she is too timid? How could he know that many great people had died here, and the end was extremely tragic. He didn't understand it, and naturally he didn't feel that way.


At the critical Wang Xuan threw out the fishing line and hook, hooked the little white tiger's hairpin directly, and hung her.

"Ah, someone wants to hang me again!" She struggled wildly.

Wang Xuan caught her with a dark face, but he couldn't pull it, his face changed slightly, and he quickly waved the Zhanshen flag again, the golden lines were intertwined, and a dull sigh came from the black hole, and then the little white tiger was directly caught by him.

Wang Xuan disliked her, it was too useless, the dignified White Tiger Shangxian was waiting for him to save her.

"It's not what you think. The demon ancestor may die if he enters, and the peerless powerhouse may enter by mistake. There may be an accident. Of course I'm afraid."

The round-faced girl was embarrassed and angry. In the end, she turned into a little white tiger about a foot long, drew a circle of curses on the ground, and then covered her face and didn't want to move. Today, she is too embarrassing.

Wang Xuan touched its head, and it felt good in the hand, and then touched it twice more.

"Ow, what are you doing?!" The little white tiger frowned.

"Where's the photo crystal? Don't pretend to be dead!" Wang Xuan glanced at her, not forgetting this.

Then, he looked again and hurriedly looked into the firelight, where the piles of scriptures were thrown into by the rough and aging hand, accompanied by a sound.

"Since you can't get close to the truth, what's the use of you, leaving it will also harm future generations, so let's all burn it." The old voice, with helplessness and despair, was burning stacks of scriptures.

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