Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 321: ? Zhang, Yao, and Fang were also shocked

Huang Ming, although he has sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and yellowish hair, he still has a little fairy mist around him. His image is not very good, but his temperament is a little bit.

"Did you mess around with Zhou Yun again?" Kong Yun glared at him when he saw that his footsteps were flimsy, but he was staggered.

"I didn't!" Huang Daxian exclaimed, wrongfully killing him. He thought he was strict with himself and had never done anything wrong.

On the contrary, it was that Zhou Yun, who just chatted with him when he had nothing to do, and wanted to watch the goblins dance.

"Look, Fairy Zhou is also posing!" Huang Ming shouted.

Zhou Shiqian's celestial energy swirled around her body. She just happened to take a step, but she didn't stand firm. Her graceful body in a white dress swayed, and her movements were not small.

Weasel Jing really can't speak, and several people at the scene didn't want to pay attention to him.

It was really... shocking, starting from the people with the most vain foundations, and finally they were all affected. It was really chilling.

When exactly is it a head? Now every time it shakes, it may shake their realm. For mythical creatures, there is no more terrifying event than this.

"Hope is just an accident, not another extraordinary aftermath turmoil." Cao Qingyu said solemnly.

Their Taoism was loosened, but fortunately, they did not fall below the current state. They stabilized for the time being. If they really wanted to fall again, it would be no less than a real **** theater.

"The last time it was intermittent and it shook for a few hours, I'm afraid this time is just the beginning." Zhou Shiqian frowned slightly, her heart heavy.

She is young and beautiful. As a newly emerging singer, she also has her audio-visual works in the old land. She is very popular and has attracted onlookers now.


"Did something happen behind the scenes?" The people sent by Hengjun stabilized their minds, actively searched for cause and effect, and were trying to contact all parties.

"It should be the sword of the world and the Xiaoyaozhou that appeared again, causing turmoil in the major immortal worlds, and the rules of mythology were expanded and tightened, thus harvesting the rotten supernatural world invisibly."

They are all "broken board" creatures, once ranked in the fairy class, and they went directly to the source after an accident.

On Xinxing, "Old Zhang" looked at the water in the teacup in his hand and trembled lightly. He held the cup firmly in his hand, trying to keep it as steady as possible, and finally got up, his eyes were deep, and he looked into the vast depths of the universe.

In a secret realm, wisps of demonic mist and fairy energy co-transpired, and there was a drizzle, and the sky and the earth were wet. A stunning red-clothed woman stood in the rain, holding an oil-tight paper umbrella in her hand. It didn't seem to move, but the raindrops flew slantingly around the edge of the paper umbrella.

She is like a demon, like a fairy, very ethereal, staring at the sky, and there are magical runes interwoven in her eyes, as if to see through the truth and capture some qi.

Daxinganling, in the underground experiment field, on a golden bamboo boat dug out of the Ascension God Bamboo, a woman in white quivered her eyelashes slightly, her eyes slightly opened, she seemed surprised!

Behind the scenes, there are indeed some big events happening, the treasure reappears, and the battle is heating up.

In the real world, all parties feel it, and many people are extremely vigilant, even fearful.

In the barren mountains, under the soil, Wang Xuan's body was motionless, with a faint silver light flowing, and there were traces of it submerging into the mountains.

This substance is very mysterious and has a very high level. It is accompanied by a strong vitality, which makes his body seem to be remodeling and is changing.

If Wang Xuan sees the appearance of a silver substance on the outside of his body, he must think about it again.

It took him so long to rush over, but a little bit of silver light flowed synchronously here in the flesh.

In the land of nothingness, Wang Xuan sat in the pool and let out a long sigh of relief. This experience was extremely wonderful, extremely comfortable, and seemed to have received a spiritual baptism.

He is immersed in it, comprehends life, wanders too much, and when he thinks about it, all kinds of thoughts are born, all things rise and fall, there are peaks and valleys, and he wants to find a new path in decay.

He looked down at the "afterbirth" that the spiritual body had taken off. The broken clothes were impacted by the rich immortal liquid of life and rolled out of the rough pool wall. In the dark area, they gradually disintegrated and then dispersed.

Wang Xuan's mind is clear, transparent inside and out, his spirit is unprecedentedly good, and his spiritual power has become extraordinarily powerful!

He got up and looked at the hill of Mingtu next to the pond. He said that it was soil, but it was not real.

As expected, the Nine Tribulations Lotus is also absorbing the silver mist here, becoming more and more alive. The tender bud has grown bigger and is about to spread out, and another bit of greenery has also emerged from the ground.

Wang Xuan thought for a while, took out some silver liquid, sprinkled it on its roots again, and decided to speed up the process to see if there would be any special changes.

Of course, he didn't dare to waste it, and every time he took only a little fairy liquid, he would carefully sense it to see if there was any problem with his state.

Fortunately, everything is normal, he is not unwell. The vitality of the Tianyao became more and more intense, and the second bud grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was green and crystal clear and very soft.

Moreover, the first buds opened and became real young leaves. It seemed that the cold winter was over and the sun was rising, giving people a sense of revival of all things.

With a swipe, a silver light flashed, and the whole plant of Celestial Medicine flowed with radiance, and its vitality skyrocketed. At the same time, Wang Xuan vaguely saw a blurry scene appear in the distance.

That was... his heart was shocked, his spiritual eyes opened, staring at the hazy picture, ahead, a scene that was not very clear was slowly emerging from the fog.

He saw his own life soil and saw the other two celestial medicines. Although they were both vague and far away, he still recognized them.

Wang Xuan was extremely amazed. This was not an illusion. He really saw his own destiny. There was his starting point, and he actually showed a trace.

"Where the life and soil go, where the heavenly medicine comes, it is where my footprints and imprints go. I transport soil and plant medicine. Is this really paving the way? There is some kind of connection!"

He also took some silver immortal liquid and sprinkled it on the Mt. Mingtu Mountain in front of him. It was not limited to the Lotus of Nine Tribulations, and the vitality of the place continued to rise.

The most important thing is that the celestial medicine is flowing with radiance, although it is still small, the halo protects the earth mountain, covers it, preserves the "water and soil", realizes the resonance of life, and forms a kind of beneficial cycle.

"There is a way!" Wang Xuan's eyes were bright, and his face showed a strange color. At the same time, he looked at the faintly visible scene again, full of hope.

"Can they be connected? Close the distance, one day, in an instant, across two places!" He pondered, this is not impossible.

Now, he could see his own life soil vaguely, the other two celestial medicines, and the silent treasure.

After waiting for a long time, Wang Xuan still felt energetic and in a better state than ever before.

"It seems that the silver liquid is abundant, and using some of it will not affect anything, or it is also because the Tianyao and Mingtushan are my own. Watering them is still equivalent to flowing to me, so there is no problem."

Next, Wang Xuan let go of his hands and feet and began to divert water directly, irrigating a large area of ​​the soil until it stopped absorbing it.

At the same time, changes have taken place here. Tianyao, Mingtushan, and Yinchi were originally next to each other, but now they seem to be condensed into one, and the silver mist is filled with life and life!

"Well, it's a lot clearer!"

Wang Xuan saw that his life soil and the two celestial medicines seemed to have been pulled closer by a long distance from an extremely distant place. He could even see the fresh shoots, propping up the "soil", grow up slowly.

The two herbs seem to be nourished, and the buds are transforming into leaves!

He was taken aback, because, in addition to these, he also saw the silver light flashing on the two herbs, which was the strange substance that he had absorbed from the place in front of him?

Wang Xuan's spiritual eyes stared there, and saw a few strands of silver material floating in his life soil, which were absorbed by the two medicines.

"They glowed with silver light because they were drawn from the soil of their own destiny..."

He looked at the Mingtu Mountain in front of him. Is it really related to his original Mingtu? Can pass a little silver substance in the past.

"It is necessary to conduct in-depth research and dig out all the potential!" Wang Xuan's heart was ups and downs, and he had all kinds of ideas.

If the earth mountain here can have a closer connection with his original life earth, and transmit silver substances from time to time, what changes will it have? Unthinkable.

In addition, if the two places become more and more connected in the future, regardless of whether they are separated from each other, can he return to the original land in an instant, thus solving the problem of the long distance.

It's not impossible, otherwise, why does the silver substance appear in the primordial life soil in an instant?

"Old Chen said that the last time my physical body was exhausted, the mysterious factor was about to be exhausted. At the critical moment, there was silver light flashing."

Looking at it this way, the silver substance can also enter his body, and it arrives in an instant, which makes him have a lot of associations again.

At present, in the rough pool, the silver liquid level is extremely high, which can give people infinite vitality, and can also turn into a powerful extraordinary power.

Wang Xuan wondered, if the super-substance in one body is gradually replaced with this silver substance, will there be some kind of amazing transformation?

"Obviously, there will be great benefits. My spirit and body will be double baptized, and my attack power will be improved!"

He looked at the deep and boundless nothingness in the dark, and just started, he has already discovered an incomparably broad and splendid prospect.

As for the source, passing through the dead end and passing the real place behind the crater made him even more looking forward to it.

"Don't worry, take one step at a time, just like I paved the road with my life. Once the strength is reached, I will naturally be able to set foot there in the near future."

He was not impatient. No one can go to the sky in one step. If they think they can do it, it may be an illusion. If they step down, there may be an abyss in front of them.

In his opinion, the false prosperity of the present world and the seductive practice traps on the real road are interlinked, and they deserve his vigilance.

"Since I want to replace the super-substance in my body and spirit, can I be more proactive?"

He was staring at the depths of the darkness, and he had been fighting those red light ideas, but now it seems that he can go a step further and be more radical.

There are new births and destructions here. It is worth trying, grasp the cycle of rise and fall, or move forward in adversity and climb to the peak.

Wang Xuan put on the Slaying God Banner and left the Pool of Life. He stood in the depths of the darkness, waiting for the bright red light to reappear in the vast void.

"Come on!" Many days later, he saw the long-lost Chixia, majestic, sweeping the boundless darkness, like a tide hitting the shore, and transpiring like a cloud, which was extraordinarily dazzling.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to dive straight in. That would be purely courting death. He kept going backwards while protecting his body with the God Slaying Banner, avoiding the torrent of red light that dispelled the darkness, standing on the edge, and carefully fetching the red substance.

"This kind of feeling is's not wonderful!" Just as he was approaching, and just touched a little red substance, Wang Xuan felt extremely painful.

That part of the mental power had already collapsed and was twisted in an instant. The traces of mental power were like burning ropes, and the bright red rays of light burned along the road.

Soon, silver light appeared from his body to fight against and block the red glow. During the fierce collision between the two, Wang Xuan was about to explode in Is this a practice? It's a hell-like torture!

That kind of red glow is too destructive, to burn all souls, beyond the limit of pain that ordinary people can bear.

"It's a pain at the breaking point!" His body was shaking, it was just an experiment, he just used some mental power, and he "wanted to die".

"I don't know if there is another coincidence in this world. What happened to the return of the broken-level powerhouses?" When the burning pain was unbearable, he began to distract himself.

"I have to hold back and persevere, I am reborn from the ashes!" He encouraged himself and strengthened his beliefs.

"It really hurts, I can't stand it. This is not the sin and pain that people should bear, or falling into purgatory, and it is not so difficult and hard, right?"

Wang Xuan was in a trance and was a little numb. At this juncture, he could only comfort himself.

"In case the outside world shakes, I wonder if 'Lao Zhang' has been shaken from the crescent moon?" His spirit completely radiated to Lenovo.

"Has the red-clothed banshee been shaken? It would be interesting if she could be shaken to dance the fairy dance. Hiss, it hurts me!" Wang Xuan grinned and enlightened himself, but the effect was not very good.

I thought that the double monthly pass was on the 7th, but it was an oolong, but I didn't need it for the second two days after it was doubled. I'm dizzy. Thank you all readers for subscribing and voting.


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