Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 309: ?Netherlands Reborn

Zhao Zejun spends most of his time meditating, silently. After "30 years" of nourishment, his body has not only recovered, but is stronger than before.

"Huh?" Chen Yongjie was startled, the time was almost up, and his interior location was going to be closed.

"Let's go, it's time to go out." He reminded him and took Zhao Zejun back to the real world.

"Is this the experience of becoming an immortal?" Zhao Zejun was in a trance. He felt that he had been in that strange world for many years, but in the real world, time has only passed by a quarter of an hour.

There was no problem with his physical body, and he was healthier, which shocked him.

Wang Xuan is about to break through and find the real place!

He had a feeling that he might have to go a long way this time, and it would never be so easy to find the source.

He sat down cross-legged, everything was ready.

Chen Yongjie opened his mouth. He felt that it was really risky. Ordinary people have ideas to try, but what is Wang Xuan doing? No less than a world change!

"If you go on the road like this, if you go wrong, you may be doomed." He said solemnly.

"I will verify it carefully. If I find something wrong, it is impossible to plunge into the abyss of hell." Wang Xuan said, the form and the spirit are one, the spirit is extremely strong, and it rushes out of the flesh like a wolf smoke.

"Wang Xuan, you have to be careful." Zhao Zejun didn't understand his cultivation level, so he could only remind him seriously.

Wang Xuan nodded and took a deep breath. His blood was like the sea and his spirit was like the sun. When the two were combined, they had a perfect divine shape and quickly broke through the barrier.

The mist was flowing all over his body, and at this moment, a dazzling light flashed from the deepest part of his body.

His spiritual body, based on the soil of life, put it into action.

"Going along the mist that rises from the life soil, you can enter the world behind the scenes. And my spiritual eyes can see the depths of the life soil, and there seems to be something at the bottom."

Wang Xuan determined the direction to go towards the source of the birth of life soil.

"Born from nothingness, born in an ethereal place, has anyone ever looked for it?"

The only thing he brought with him was the God Slaying Banner, which didn't enter the life soil in an instant, as if it was approaching the center of the earth, and it seemed to run through a continent, a planet.

In fact, life soil has no regular shape, it is said to be soil, but it is not at all, it is not a real thing.

Wang Xuan's mental body dashed all the way, like a stream of light, and in one breath, he didn't know how many miles had passed, his speed was too fast.

However, despite his constant impact, he still did not break away from the category of life soil, and was always in the "soil layer", which made him suspicious.

According to past experience, when he entered the world behind the scenes from the mist, it took him so long to go back and forth dozens of times!

Now, he is moving in the opposite direction, approaching the so-called birthplace, rushing to the source, and the result is so vast and boundless?

At the end, Wang Xuan was exhausted, his super-material was almost exhausted, his spirit was extremely exhausted, and he was still in the thick life soil.

He was a little speechless. Does his life really have no boundaries? Like the universe, it never ends!

The so-called journey, you have not left the first stage, you are almost exhausted yourself, what is the situation?

Fortunately, this is the initial place of all dharmas and the source of the birth of myths. He can absorb super-substances and restore his spirit.

Wang Xuan rested silently, and when he fully recovered, he set off on the road again. He really didn't believe in evil!

One day, two days, three days... After five days, he didn't want to move anymore, he really wanted to vomit blood again, and he was still in the grave.

"My life soil is very special, or are all life soils like this?" He said quietly, standing on the spot, feeling the steaming mist and the strange "soil quality".

This time, after Wang Xuan rested for a long enough time, he started to use the God Slaying Banner, and it was almost refined. Now that the human and the golden banner are one, the speed has skyrocketed.

In a trance, various time scenes have emerged, which is a manifestation of the speed reaching a certain level of terror.

Even so, he still couldn't live without life soil. He felt like he was going to explode on the spot. How long has it been?

"Keep going!"

In this way, his spiritual body steered the flag of the God of Slaying, flying all the way like light and electricity. When he was really tired, he stopped to rest and replenish his needs.

He counted the time by himself. It's been almost a month since he started on the road. This has completely changed his complexion.

Could it be that his various assumptions were wrong from the beginning? This was also the result of his use of the God Slaying Banner, which increased the speed by more than ten times.

Otherwise, relying on his spiritual body to fly, it is estimated that this distance will take a year.

This is simply unbelievable. He felt that even if he ran through all the big screens, it wouldn't take so long, right? What the heck.

"The beginning of all dharmas, myth was born here. It's true. I haven't broken out after walking for so long. Are you educating me?"

It's been a month, and Wang Xuan is thinking about the state of his body. With Chen Yongjie and Zhao Zejun watching, he should be properly put into the nutrition cabin.

He has already run so far, and he really doesn't want to go back like this. If Chen Yongjie asks him where he went, should he tell him that it has been a month and he has never left the land of life!

Thinking of the scene of Chen Yongjie baring his teeth, he felt unbearable.

Wang Xuan didn't say a word, and headed back to the road again, Zhan Shenqi drew a golden glow, took him beyond the limit, and disappeared into the mist again.

One month, two months, three months...

Half a year has passed, and Wang Xuan is going crazy. When will this day be over? He was a little suspicious of life, whether he was going the wrong way.

However, his spiritual eyes told him that his penetrating nature was correct, and there was no problem with the direction he chose, it was just that the soil of life was...a little thick.

Wang Xuan believes that at his current speed, even if he is flying in the icy universe, he can run from one planet to another.

This is really a bit outrageous. He can't analyze the situation of this life and soil, and he thinks it doesn't make sense!

That's it... Still want to get close to the so-called true source? His face was gloomy.

After a long time, he silently got up and rode the God Slaying Banner, like a thunderbolt, and set out on the road again in the depths of the life soil. Since he thinks he is right, he will continue to persevere.

A year has passed!

Wang Xuan stopped, looked up at the misty mist, and the special "earth quality". He wanted to greet all the existences in the dark. The premise is that there are those species, otherwise it will be a white greeting.

"What is the shape of the life soil, and what is it based on? It doesn't make sense!" He secretly estimated that if it wasn't for the God Slaying Banner being raised to ten times the speed and flying on its own, it would take ten years to get here!

When he thinks of this, his eyes dizzy!

"It's been a year, do I belong to not hitting the south wall and not turning back? I don't know what's going on in the outside world. Will Lao Chen think that I have an accident, my spirit dissipates, and I become a living dead."

He had all kinds of crazy thoughts. After a year, has Li Xian become a mortal?

Is Zhao Qinghan back?

Besides, Chen Yongjie should bring his body back to the old land, right?

It was a bit unwilling to give up like this. After all, he had run so far away. He gritted his teeth and decided to give himself another year. If he didn't break out, he would temporarily admit defeat.

Wang Xuan traveled far again, and the Zhanshen Banner drew a splendid golden light. He was galloping along the way, as if he had come to ancient times, and saw some mythological ghosts, but also seemed to be walking in legends and saw some vague wonders.

Three months later, he felt his body light up, and with a swoosh, he actually... rushed out of the life soil!

At this moment, Wang Xuan was about to burst into tears. Fifteen months of flying, on the road, drove people crazy, and he finally broke through.

However, the front is too quiet, there is no sound, especially it is dark, no light can be seen, as if approaching there, people will be completely engulfed.

"The land of life is born from nothingness, born in the misty land. Is the source I am looking for at the darkest end?"

Wang Xuan rested for a long time on the edge of the life soil. After replenishing enough, he cautiously walked into the darkness with the Slaying God Banner in his hand.

He could clearly sense that the mist was coming from the front, and the source was in the right direction. He took firm steps, walked faster and faster, and then began to accelerate.

Of course, this time, he didn't dare to move the flag of God Zhan. At a critical moment, he needed it to defend himself and use it to bring himself back to the land of life.

"Hey, the mysterious factor is being consumed very slowly?" He showed a strange expression.

His speed was getting faster and faster, crossing the void along the direction of the mist. A few days later, when he entered the deeper part of the darkness, he suddenly discovered light!

It was a red cloud, covering a large dark area, then illuminated, and drifted silently from here.

Wang Xuan probed out a little spiritual power, and the result was horrific. That little spirit was burnt clean in an instant, and the strangled ashes vanished.

What kind of substance is that? He was startled.

And at this moment, the red haze covered the entire dark area, spreading and expanding here, and there was no way to avoid it.

It was faster than Wang Xuan, and when it arrived, it would drown him.

He quickly wrapped himself with the God Slaying Banner and condensed it into one. Hongxia floated past, and the Zhanshen Banner shook violently, but fortunately nothing happened.

Soon, the red haze disappeared. It was so abrupt that Wang Xuan didn't even see where it eventually flowed.

His expression was solemn, and behind the earth, this strange land was too dangerous, and the primordial spirit, who was about to strangle people at every turn, was hard to resist!

If he didn't come in with the Slayer Banner, did he die just now?

He stood still for a while, then set off on the road again, fortunately, this emptiness didn't consume much of the mysterious factor, and he didn't feel tired.

This made Wang Xuan's heart move, isn't the myth here corrupted? But after careful sensing, there is no mysterious substance and no so-called extraordinary rules.

The mist is still coming, and the ethereal place seems to be never approachable, and I don't know how many miles away.

This time, Wang Xuan crossed the void for three months, and he activated the God Slaying Banner to unite with it and traverse the vast void space.

During this period, he encountered that red haze many times, squeezing the entire dark space, making it impossible for people to escape. Wang Xuan's brows furrowed deeply, which means that if there is no peerless treasure for self-defense, this kind of place cannot be approached at all!

At the end of three months away from the land of life, he found something unusual again. In the depths of the darkness, there was a lot of thick fog there, and there was a silver light shining.

"Is that what I'm looking for? A real Finally he arrived, the fog is extremely thick, there is a pool here, suspended silently in the void, illuminating the darkness.

He felt the vigorous vitality emanating from the pool!

But he was even more puzzled. It was like there was a pool suspended in the boundless dark universe, and there was a silver liquid in it. It was really unusual.

Wang Xuan came to the edge of the pool and cautiously sensed it spiritually. In an instant, a trace of his spirit seemed to be nourished, and it seemed to be given a new life!

He was surprised for a while, and found out more spirits. As a result, he felt that his spirit was changing and his strength was growing!

Afterwards, Wang Xuan carefully sank into the pool and was soaked in the silver liquid. He seemed to be about to soar, and the light rained, his spiritual body cracked open, and he took off a layer of spiritual afterbirth.

His Primordial Spirit strength increased a lot and turned into silver, looking more and more solid.

Outside, Chen Yongjie was taken aback, because he found that Wang Xuan's body was trembling slightly, and silver light began to flow.

"A new spiritual body?" Wang Xuan bathed in the silver pool, the gentle liquid that kept washing his spirit, but he thought that this was not the real place.

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