Death Inquisitor

Chapter 2263 Ye Chen’s conjecture

Mobile phone visit:

Although after this incident, Lin Wei ultimately caused her own tragic end due to her own fault. This result was extremely regrettable and made Liang Yin extremely sad.

Ye Chen learned about the mental hospital through Cao Dongxia, and met Lin Wei under Liang Yin's introduction, and Lin Wei became Ye Chen's lead in exploring the truth about the mental hospital.

After Lin Wei, Ye Chen learned about Chen Mo, the man who deceived and let down Lin Wei's feelings. He can be said to be the next important clue for Ye Chen to explore the mental hospital.

All of this seemed like someone was deliberately pulling him, intentionally letting Ye Chen discover the mental hospital, and then gradually learned the secrets about the mental hospital.

Now, Liang Jingchen accidentally learned that he was in Huacheng through Zhang Xiaofan's mouth, and then this matter was conveyed to Liang Jingchen's mission, and Liang Jingchen came to Ye Chen for help.

Does anyone specialize in this? Or is it all just a coincidence and a series of butterfly effects triggered by the Cao Dongxia incident? Ye Chen touched his chin thoughtfully and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Ye Chen rubbed his head and thought silently: These things really make my brain hurt.

When Liang Jingchen heard that Ye Chen did not continue to express his opinions, he continued to tell Ye Chen what he knew about the situation. His tone was still as serious as before, but he was much more relaxed:

"Before, the superiors didn't pay much attention to this mental hospital, because at that time, the people detained in this mental hospital were only some wealthy businessmen and the like."

Liang Jingchen paused and continued to say seriously:

"But not long ago, an important person in the company was found to be involved in some crime, and soon after, it was immediately reported that this person suffered from a serious mental illness.

So, other people in the company said that this person had committed such a serious crime and needed to be investigated strictly.

However, considering that this person suffered from a strange mental illness, he was forcibly imprisoned in this mental hospital. "

"Oddly enough, no one has ever seen this man as having any mental problems.

However, another person also has the same job as this person.

I didn't know where I got the evidence and information that day, and I reported the person who was sent to the mental hospital.

According to regulations, people with any mental illness cannot hold any position and must receive treatment as soon as possible.

But the mental hospital he was sent to was not a well-known mental hospital, but a little-known mental hospital in this place. "

Liang Jingchen took a sip of water, calmed his breathing and continued to say seriously:

"And the boss of this person who was sent to a mental hospital didn't have any objections. Instead, he listened to his advice and sent this person to that mental hospital."

Liang Jingchen continued to say slowly: "After that, since this person was sent to this strange mental hospital, this person's family has never heard any news about this person.

The family once asked the man's colleagues about the people who were sent there and the conditions in the mental hospital, but no one could give a reasonable and accurate answer. "

“How could the family members of this person who was sent to a mental hospital believe that their father or lover would suffer from some strange mental illness?

Therefore, this person's family members went to the colleague who handled this person many times to inquire.

Trying to understand the truth of the matter.

In addition, the family members of the man who was sent to the mental hospital repeatedly tried to enter the mental hospital to visit, but were not allowed to enter the mental hospital to visit his father or his lover by the director of the mental hospital. .

This person's family was on the verge of collapse. The family that lost it was like a house that had lost its backbone. It collapsed in an instant. "

When Ye Chen heard this, he frowned, his brows filled with a little pity and sadness. Ye Chen asked in surprise:

"Then what? How did this matter get to you and then come to you to investigate?"

Liang Jingchen shook his head helplessly and said seriously:

"You continue to listen to me slowly. This is just the first case of special issues, and then it was revealed that there was serious mental illness.

After that, every province and every city sent some people with severe mental illness to this strange mental hospital in the same way and with the same problems.

Similarly, the family members of these nearly two dozen people never knew that their fathers or their loved ones had suffered from this strange mental illness.

Every family member here has asked those colleagues like the first family member, but all they got were vague answers such as unclear, don't know, and don't understand.

Similarly, these family members traveled thousands of miles to come to Huacheng and wanted to enter this mental hospital to visit their father or their partner, but in the end they were not allowed, could not, or could not enter this mental hospital.

The only people who can enter this mental hospital are these supervisors and these mental patients with strange mental illnesses. "

When Ye Chen heard Liang Jingchen's words, he was even more sure of his idea. There must be someone with super power and even a system behind this mental hospital who is in charge of it.

And people like Chen Mo can only be regarded as small employees working under the boss.

However, judging from Chen Mo's methods, this boss's methods may be darker and more difficult to deal with.

Ye Chen thinks so

He also said this, although his voice was a little uncertain, but it was also a good idea about this matter:

"I suspect... the person behind this mental hospital, oh no, I should say the boss behind it, must be someone with some kind of system, similar to me.

And people who have been sent to mental hospitals recently may be its test subjects. "

Liang Jingchen nodded seriously on the other end of the phone, expressing his agreement with what Ye Chen said and thought. ..

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