DC Tyrant

Chapter 462: Hell Slams into Heaven

In the realm of the gods, the void was completely silent. All the gods and mortals opened their mouths wide in horror and stared at the sky with wide eyes.

Bati's huge body, magnificent epic, stands in the realm of gods, every planet, every universe, every void, as long as there are creatures, eyes, and souls, they can be seen from different angles his presence.

He exists in all things.

All things began with him.

He is stepping in the void, his head seems to be above the boundless realm of God, it seems to have reached the top, his face is expressionless, and his eyes are slightly indifferent.

The stars are not qualified to surround him.

The universe is incapable of serving him.

Time has no power to record him.

The domain of God seems to be overwhelming and trembling.

The gods in heaven felt that a catastrophe was imminent, they raised their heads and stared in horror, no matter which direction they looked from, even if they closed their eyes and hearts in fear, they could still see the indifferent face of Bati, the beginning of all things.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

"How could he!"


"I don't believe it... I don't believe it!!!"


The angels actually saw the glory of the past, the glory of the past, the shadow of the Lord, and the figure of the father on Bati's face.

Many angels howled and screamed. Some of them couldn't bear the bad news. It's not true that some people are so like the father and the Lord. They don't want to believe that the continuous heaven blew up and defended their hearts with death. Lord of the heart, Father of the heart.

They don't want to accept this new brand of the previous brand in their hearts, and they don't want to take another look at Bati. Every time they take another look, they will imprint more of Bati's appearance in their hearts and forget a part of the master.

"Take up arms and defend the glory of the Lord!"

Michael wept bitterly, watching Bati coming forward holding the universe in the void, his boundless face filled his heart, the Forgotten Lord made him heartbroken, and wept bitterly.

He cried loudly, bravely raised the cross sword, and shouted to defend the faith in his heart to the death.

The high-level angels cried blood and tears, and raised their weapons one after another, encouraging morale with great enthusiasm.

I shouldn't have waited for the end to come.

It is the destiny of us angels to defend the faith in our hearts with death.

But depriving angels of their destiny and their faith in the Lord and the Father is too tragic.

Too many angels couldn't bear to blow themselves up, too many angels squatted on the ground and cried bitterly, too many angels were mad and wanted to cry and laugh.

This is the end!

When everything is forgotten, this is the end!

"Who else, remember my family, Raven, Pamela, Fiora, Diana, Jenny, Hera..."

"I sacrificed all my subordinates on Krypton, and I gave up Fiora, but I failed to save Krypton, so I ran away."

"I traveled through the past, at the risk of changing everything, to save Jenny who loved me and became a monster for me."

"I fell into endless demons and was eroded by nightmares that I couldn't let go of in my previous life. It was my wife Raven who walked through the haze in my heart and rescued me from the nightmare."

"I will never forget that Hera, the artificial intelligence who is always loyal to me, spent more than 140,000 years of lonely companionship in the never-ending 1,723,821 reincarnations in August."

"Does anyone remember them?"


"except me!"

"I am the end, it is the beginning, the progress, and the end."

"I am the Trinity."

"I have everything!"

There was a smile on Bati's indifferent face, his wife and others were still there, and he was still there.

His eyes were moist, and the past was like a stream of light in his heart, which warmly made him feel the presence of his wives.

A tear of God quietly fell from the corner of His eye and dripped into the void.

"How can I allow them to be wronged."

Bati's smiling, indifferent face began to look ruthless and frightened God.

The hell He held up raised his hand and threw it, and the huge hell fell headlong towards heaven.

The bright sky of heaven was instantly covered by the shadow of hell, and the terrifying shadow of hell enveloped heaven, and when hell fell from the sky, a huge suffocating pressure was about to fall and hit heaven.

Some angels crazily said that they could not bear the pressure brought by Bati and the suffocation of hell, and that heaven was going to be destroyed, so they returned to the embrace of the Lord first.

Some angels looked directly at Batty's face too much, twisted it crazily, and his body became an indescribable mud.

Some gods could no longer control the angel's revenge and began to run away.


The bottom of hell has been dyed red with anger, like a small human being, standing at the bottom of a meteorite that could destroy the Jurassic era, the fear that the meteorite fell, and the sky was filled with black shadows, spread to the whole body.

The feeling of smallness and powerlessness spreads in every angel's heart.

A pair of big blue hands suddenly stretched out from the highest level of heaven.

The great craftsman made his move.

The supreme craftsman under the command of God once used the origin to create everything in the realm of gods.

The huge blue hands, like the gentlest woman, held up a clear spring.

Hell paused abruptly.

He was held and supported by these big hands, and he didn't fall down.

The angel's terrified expression suddenly raised hope, and he heard the sound of the war starting.

Seeing this pair of big azure hands appear, Bati lightly shook his right hand in the void, opened the particle universe, and released all the gods.

The sky is everywhere, and the void is densely packed. For several ages, the gods who have been imprisoned by many angels and stuck to the wall of origin have hideous faces and red eyes staring at heaven.

"Kill them!"

Bati issued a ruthless order, and many gods moved out in the void like a dense honeycomb, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky.

On both sides, the light and the hideous darkness collide.

From time to time, huge god bodies fell, angel wings were torn apart, and god bodies exploded one after another.

In the turbulent chaos, many gods who were once imprisoned by angels, with their deep-rooted hatred, set off killings in this bright heaven.

The bloody blood stained the heavens red, and the white haze of light gradually became bloody and evil.

From time to time, the gods who were once stuck on the wall of origin raised their heads and laughed, happy that they sealed a combat power of the same level, and laughed loudly because they had gained freedom.

Bati's eyes were indifferent. From time to time, gods with sealed angels of the same level came to him, and they were directly purified and killed by him. The free gods sang loudly and left the battlefield.

Seeing that they were really free, this group of gods became even more fierce and crazy. There was no place in the whole heaven that was not a battlefield. The killing became crazy, and the blood filled the void.

Barty moved.

His great hand reaches out to the great craftsman.

What all the gods didn't expect was that the big hand that seemed to come from the void outside the sky touched the body of the great craftsman. Under the expression of disbelief that the big craftsman opened his eyes, the big craftsman was smashed like this, and the shock wave blew Passed through heaven and broke the angels.

None of the great craftsmen under the command of God could survive Bati's fingers.

Bati didn't even bother to ask this stupid guy why he killed his wife.

No god can stop hell, and hell is slowly falling again.

The mentality of the angels in hell completely collapsed, and many angels gave up struggling, crying and begging the Lord to appear and save everything.


At the moment when hell is about to hit heaven.

The well of divine waves in heaven spurted out divine waves violently, and rushed towards hell, directly impacting hell high.

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