DC Tyrant

Chapter 246 Rescue

The southern suburbs of the metropolis.

Pro-blackness is like a curtain covering the birdcage and the southern suburbs.

In the silence and splendor, in the vast and continuous dark land, there is a place of light. Here in the camp, strong lights shine.

There are strong, elite soldiers patrolling with guns, watching from a distance above the sentry post, and in the camp, using radar to detect the darkness of the southern suburbs.

Only one dark corner, subconscious, was forgotten by them.

Even the patrolling soldiers were apprehensive when they came close, and subconsciously stepped lightly, not daring to disturb them.

In the darkness, the stainless steel cage glowed with cold light, like a huge giant lying cross-legged, its painful and scorching breath slightly vibrating the air.

It was just a light-footed patrol. After a quick glance, I saw that the monster inside was still there. From the steel cage, a scorching temperature was transmitted, and the two elite soldiers were scorched profusely with sweat and dry mouth. Clothes were sticking wetly to his back.

"It's really scary!"

Far away, after patrolling to another place, the soldier's hanging heart relaxed, he swallowed a mouthful of dry body fluid, and said in shock.

"Yeah, what a monster!"

The fellow soldier's eyes were tightly closed, and he wiped his forehead with his hand, moistening the palm of his hand. His body trembled uncontrollably when the cold wind blew in late autumn.

The two looked at each other and left with a sigh of relief.

Bati walked forward in the dark, using the magnetic field of his body to distort their sight and cover up his own fluctuations.

Looking at the background of their departure with cold eyes, he still remembered that this camp, which seemed to be a bright spot in the darkness of the southern suburbs, was actually nothing but a remnant of the past.

Here, after a few days, Death Knell found him, attacked him, found him, and destroyed the entire camp by Jenny, and no one survived.

Bati floated straight to the edge of the steel cage, the scorching temperature was like facing a crater, and the air was scorching hot.

Jenny fell asleep, her face lying on the ground with a huge face, her brows were very disturbed, and her huge breathing was like a thunderous snoring, accompanied by the pain brought to her by each breath, she was whining slightly.

Bati looked at it quietly, his eyes were sour, and he felt very uncomfortable.

People who love themselves should not be so painful.

a long time.

Only then did Bati recover, and calm down his heart, his eyes were calm.

Using the body's magnetic field to distort the line of sight, affecting the figure of the radar, he started to move, his fingers trembled slightly, and a torrent of nanometers converged and appeared from between his fingertips, converging into particles that ordinary people could see with the naked eye, converging into It was like a gray mist, as if he saw countless locusts coming from a distance, and a cloud of mist that covered the sky and the earth emerged from his fingertips.

1 nanometer is equivalent to four times the size of an atom, and is much smaller than the length of a single bacterium. A single bacterium cannot be seen with the naked eye at all, and its diameter measured by a microscope is about five microns. Assuming that the diameter of a hair is 0.05 mm, it is cut into 50,000 hairs on average in the axial direction, and the thickness of each hair is about 1 nanometer. In other words, 1 nanometer is 0.000001 millimeter.

This is an existence that ordinary people cannot see with the naked eye.

In Bati's hands, the nanoparticle control flow, which is so large that ordinary people can see it with the naked eye, has exceeded billions of calculations, forming a nanoparticle mist, which emerges at his fingertips.

Bady raised his mood slightly, stared at Jenny with a stern face, flicked his fingers, and the nano-mist immediately spread out, making it invisible to the naked eye. In a dark steel cage.

The nanoparticles moved towards the darkness, stuck to Jenny's body, and poured in from her mouth and nose.


Jenny's huge lying head suddenly lifted up, her face tightened, she made a sour expression that she was about to sneeze, and frowned her uncomfortable eyebrows.

The controlled flow of nanoparticles that suddenly entered her body made her hair follicles itch, and her body reacted subconsciously, wanting to sneeze.

In the end, she didn't sneeze, she just lifted her head up for a while, then lay down again, frowning and resting in pain.

She won't move if she doesn't have to because it will hurt.

Bati slightly raised his heart and dropped a big stone, his face relaxed a little, he held his hand, took out a tablet from the storage space, and started to operate.

His eyes are like torches, piercing the perspective line, and with the application of micro vision, he regulates the flow of nanoparticles, distributes them to Jenny's body, controls the nuclear energy change reaction of Jenny's body, and reduces her pain.

Nanoparticles control the flow in Jenny's body cells and neurotransmitters, forming a stable control network, replacing the cells that are proliferating to store energy, reducing the fusion reaction, and slowing down the growth rate of her body.

Immediately, Jenny's painfully frowning expression slowly relaxed. Obviously, her pain was gradually decreasing, making her feel a little more comfortable.

Barty breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to save Jenny, he made a lot of preparations. As long as no one harassed him, relying on the advanced technology of Krypton and his clear understanding of the fusion and fission reaction of nuclear energy, there is absolutely no possibility of failure.

No accident happened, Batty gradually used his penetrating line and microscopic vision to gradually reduce Jenny's pain a little, making Jenny feel better.

Saving Jenny does not mean coming here directly, but simply bringing her back.

Bati needs to have no changes, the world has no changes, or there must be very little changes.

At least Jenny needs to be replaced, and then let the original self experience what he experienced, and perfectly repeat all the scenes that happened at the beginning.

He needed to see Jenny exploding next to his original self, holding the ring with their names engraved on it while he was in the sea of ​​flames, so that his original self would have a will, and he wanted to be able to do whatever he wanted regardless of thousands of mountains and seas. Traveling through time and space to save Jenny is a perfect success.

If he had been aware of and doubted Jenny's love for him at the beginning, and he hadn't had the idea of ​​saving Jenny, then it would be over.

Rescuing Jenny is a very subtle matter, so subtle that the explosion of the bionic body must go through Hera's tens of trillions of calculations, the moment of the bionic explosion, the expression, the expression, etc. Real to the extreme.

Fortunately, at this time, I didn't have microscopic vision, and I couldn't see the program that was controlled deep in the cells of Jenny's bionic body, which made all of this a success rate.

"Jenny, get some sleep!"

Barty said softly.

Jenny seemed to have heard this sentence, and slightly wanted to react. Then, Batty pointed to the tablet screen, and Jenny's head was slightly lifted from the ground, lying heavily on the ground, breathing evenly and long, without pain.

Barty glanced at the bright camp illuminated by the bright lights, showing his figure in the dark corner, stepped into the steel cage, immediately puffed up his cheeks, and let out a frozen breath from his mouth, completely freezing Jenny .

The cold air spread, and when the soldiers were about to notice the abnormality, Jenny had already been frozen into ice cubes by Barty.

Between blurred flashes, Jenny who turned into ice cubes disappeared, and the bionic Jenny was placed out of a special space by Baddy.

Everything around is heating up again.

Jenny frowned in pain, lying between the steel cages again.

After doing all this.

Batty held the tablet and submerged into a nearby forest to monitor and control the bionic Jenny.

After waiting for a few days, my own arrival.

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