DC Tyrant

Chapter 177 Fierce Battle

The two met in the cornfield. The corn stalks were blown down, and they were lying on the ground deeply under the air current. They both seemed to be crying for their encounter.

With the momentum of thunder and the sound of screaming and piercing the air, they rushed straight like a series of waterfalls, knocking off the fence of the nearby pasture, and the lambs screamed in fear and ran away in a panic; The emerald green corn stalks in the cornfield were completely destroyed where they passed, and those farther away were only affected by the airflow, and they were deeply bent, and the roots were half pulled out of the soil.

Both of them were coated with a layer of scorching fire that rubbed against the air, and the outermost layer formed a white sound barrier energy shield, which was pulled by him as he ran wildly.

From there, the two of them accelerated again, their fists rubbing against the scarlet flame more violently, breaking through the barrier of the scorching flame and the white sound barrier, and punched out.

Both fists turned into red hot rays of light, bursting out with ferocious, brutal murderous aura, accumulating the kinetic energy of all the running in a straight line.


The fists collided directly.

At this moment, there is a feeling that the world is at a standstill.

From extreme speed, surpassing the sound barrier, rushing at supersonic speed, to the expected encounter with the opponent, the moment of stagnation when the fist collides, the speed that even the sound and the air can't keep up, the extreme speed to the instant stop, this kind of intense The visual shock is as if the world stops.

The hurricane airflow brought from behind the two of them had not had time to catch up with the collision of their fists, and compared with the hurricane airflow behind them, it had already been tumbling and reverberating and impacted by the erupting air waves.

The position where they collided was silent, and in an instant, an unparalleled impact erupted.

A circle of huge sonic boom clouds formed in the shape of a dome, and the collision of powerful forces directly created a vacuum environment that surrounded them a hundred meters away. Outward diffusion pushed out, and then the accumulated pushing exploded in an instant, and a white sonic boom cloud burst out to cover them.

A huge noise explosion sounded, impacting the hurricane shock that surged behind them, and the two phases collided, like a huge squeaking sound that a wooden chair could not bear, and then twisted, forming a tornado's twisted rotation, which canceled itself out invisible.

The two felt their footsteps stop at the same time, and the soles of their feet that were touching the ground suddenly fell. The ground suffered a huge force, creating a huge circular pit with a radius of 300 meters and a depth of 15 meters.

The moment the crater appeared, even the edges were very smooth. With the explosive force under their feet, the cracks spread, and the shocking cracks spread explosively. The cracks follow the weak points of the soil veins, and cracks are straight and deep black cracks.

Everything that happened was just the moment when the fists touched each other, the moment when the power burst out.

Batty's arm had already exceeded the impact it could withstand. On the entire arm, the sparks that rubbed and burned the clothes were instantly extinguished, and even the sleeves rolled up and shattered into pieces.

The back end of the arm, the bone socket connected to the upper shoulder, protruded directly from the back of the arm, and the white bones were bloodshot, forcefully protruding from the bright red flesh.

He was directly impacted by Jor-El's strength, and even the bones of his arm were knocked out.

Then a destructive force erupted, and a contest of power and kinetic energy was carried out in his arms. He was not as powerful as Jor-El, and was directly suppressed for an instant.

The flesh and blood of the whole arm was subjected to a huge amount of kinetic energy impact, and the cells of the arm were directly crushed by the force impact. Mixed in the blood mist.

He just lost an arm.

The impact of the force has not been broken, and it is transmitted to Bati's shoulder, causing him to shoot out in the cloud of sonic boom like a cannonball, and his body explodes to the upper edge of the cracked hole in the round pit, smashing out another Nearly 30 meters of cracked spider web pits.

The dust billowed and danced wildly in the sky, rising into the air, obscuring the area.

"He's beyond genetic limits!"

Jo-El's heart trembled. According to his calculations, running at supersonic speed and accumulating kinetic energy violently, plus the power he gathered when he stood up at the end, was enough to pulverize Bati's entire body and kill him completely. He, instead of just one arm, then knocked Bati into the air.

In the process of flying, the huge impact force has been removed.

This made his heart sink. Bati really appeared in front of him because he was sure of victory as he expected.

Jor-El's power is greater and terrifying than Bati's, and his genetic superiority makes him possess the top Kryptonian genes, incomparably terrifying strength and body.

Fight against the accumulated kinetic energy of this sprint acceleration.

His fists were just trembling, his arms were numb, and he couldn't use his strength for the time being, unlike Bati, who exploded into blood mist with one arm.

But he didn't suppress his joy in the slightest, instead he felt heavy in his heart.

His bent feet went deep into the ground and was impacted by the force of the shock. His body had a broad chest, and his awe-inspiring, huge and hideous body leaned forward. The soles of his feet grabbed the ground. He came out of the rock, plowed out two marks, and plowed back a hundred meters directly.

After stopping for a moment, wisps of burning smoke twisted and rose from the body, and water vapor evaporated from the depths of the body rose.

He has a calm dog face and a werewolf-like body that is strong and mighty. There is a trace of steam twisting and rising on the surface, and the muscle lines are tough and bulging. His power is as awe-inspiring as the legendary cruel werewolf.

He wanted to chase again, and pulled out the legs that penetrated into the ground.


Suddenly, a feeling of weakness spread from his right abdomen, causing him to stagger and half kneel on the cracked ground.

A dagger exuding faint green light was inserted into his right abdomen, and the green kryptonite immediately played a role, beginning to erode the solar energy in his body, and spread out green sinister tendons.

He has a device to prevent green kryptonite radiation damage, but it cannot prevent damage from direct contact with body cells, which is already sticking to his own flesh and blood to erode himself.


With a gloomy face, he pulled out the kryptonite dagger, and with the green kryptonite having eroded 20-30% of his solar energy, he pulled out the dagger and threw it far away, creating a green light in the sky.

He was the one who lured the green kryptonite to Bati, but he never thought that it would hurt him.

Bati has rich combat experience and strong combat ability. When he burst out with the most powerful force, he stabbed his lower abdomen with a dagger the moment he didn't realize it.

At this moment, he had already deeply felt the fighting will and fighting skills of Bati in the last battle of Krypton, among the many generals of Krypton's advanced genes.

It's his way of stuffing top-level fighting skills into his head and reflexively using them in his muscles is different.

He transcended the so-called natural limitations, genetic limitations.

Jo-El bared his fangs, growled deeply, his eyes were as sharp as blades tearing through the air, and his half-kneeling body returned to normal, but he lost the most important opportunity to pursue.

In this blow, he has already calculated the physical strength of Batty through a series of parameters such as atmospheric pressure, speed, gravity of the earth, direction of airflow, and the response of Batty's body.

He believes that Bati is the same, and he can calculate his strength in an instant.

Jo-El raised his dog's head, with a deep growl in his throat, and his eyes were vicious and hostile to Batty.

Ba Di stood upright on the edge of the deep pit.

Amidst the dust, his figure was majestic and majestic, as if standing in the sky.

The figure is majestic and incomplete, the torn shoulders are full of bones, the blood is dripping, the face is ruthless and indifferent, looking down from a high position, there is no pain in the eyes, the face, only the condescending, looking down like the sight of slaughtering animals.

Even though one arm was broken, Jo-Eir still felt like he was winning, which made Jo-Eir feel very dreadful.

As the dusty figure gradually became clear, a cold arc sneered on Bati's face, and he pulled out a syringe in his left hand, which contained a surge of golden energy liquid, and he inserted it into his chest.

Jo-Eir's pupils shrank, and red veins suddenly appeared on the eyes, and a little redness appeared at the bottom of the eyes, and then the entire pupils were scorching hot, covering the eyes with a frightening red light.

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