DC Tyrant

Chapter 117 Jor-El's Fear

At night in Smallville, the night sky was unimaginably huge, almost as shocking as overhead, empty and washed, with stars twinkling in the sky and the moon shining brightly.

In the wooden house, soft lights were on, and the sound of laughter and babbling could be heard.

Under the eaves, Krypto propped up his forelegs and sat on a wooden plank. The bright moonlight shone slightly on his snow-white hair. He looked like a wolf or a dog.

There was a cool wind blowing, and there were small rustling sounds from the farm in the dark night, a quiet comfort under the night sky.

From time to time, it opens its mouth and sticks out its tongue to dissipate heat. Dogs have no sweat glands, so they need to often stick out their tongues to dissipate heat.

But I always remember that I am not an ordinary dog, nor a dog. I always subconsciously show the instinctive reaction of a dog.

It closed its dog's mouth again, and looked up at the moon with a deep dog's face.

Suddenly, there was another feeling of wanting to bark at the moon.

But he is a dog, not a wolf.

This instinctive reaction of the body that was about to move was suppressed by him again.

It's Jor-El, though not quite.

Its eyes enable far vision and perspective lines. It passes through the field with corn stalks and not far away. At night, it gradually rests in the town. The lights are soft and dim, and it enters the time tunnel again. The scenery is pleasing to the eye and abandoned, the eyes are focused, and the exploration is 16 kilometers away from the town.

It was empty.

It was originally where it placed kryptonite.

Now it's empty.

It saw Mike taking the kryptonite away at the beginning, using the perspective line, far sight, watching Mike take the kryptonite, he placed the prepared kryptonite, watching him go out of Kansas, to nowhere up.

It has no way to follow, he needs to stay with his son.

It was really afraid that once it left its son, Bati would appear, take his son away, pull out the code of life, and hurt his life.

After all, Bati came to the earth too early. A few years earlier than himself is enough for Bati to develop a great momentum. On this primitive planet, he should be able to become a ruler and a god like a fish in water.

Its dog's head was turned around, its eyes pierced through perspective lines, and its farsightedness was opened to the extreme, after looking around.

I only saw the prairie in Kansas, the plants on the farm, nothing I wanted to see at all.

It breathed a sigh of relief, and then a heavy pressure rose again, and the haze enveloped its heart.

It didn't show up, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing.

It is familiar with Barty.

And, fear Batty.

Think of Barty.

It slowed its snort, and breathed slowly, with lingering worries, worries, and fears in its pupils.

According to the gene sequence of Krypton, Bati is just the lowest-level ordinary warrior gene, and his talent is completely the gene of a low-level fighter, and it is also a defective gene sequence.

According to genes, Bati's achievements can only be topped by a senior soldier in his life.

But in Bati, there seems to be a miracle, a situation that has never appeared on Krypton.

On Krypton, he was the first to break through the limitations of genes, and was able to use hard work to defeat the miracle of talent. On Krypton, it is simply impossible for genetics to determine future achievements.

He is a living miracle of contemporary Krypton, breaking through the limitations of genes,

From an ordinary soldier, a low-level and defective gene, relying on his own ability, he was promoted all the way from a soldier to a senior soldier, a non-commissioned officer, a lieutenant, a second lieutenant, a lieutenant, a lieutenant colonel, a colonel, and finally a military coup. Sit in the general's seat.

Along the way, the light is dazzling, an unprecedented miracle.

The hope of the entire underground class of Kryptonian society is pinned on him, bright, the entire lower class of Kryptonian is going crazy, and they worship him to the extreme.

Genes can't make him, what makes him himself is his own hard work, unyielding will, the hard work that never thinks that genes are talents, and the madness to break genes.

As if he had the madness of the moment of despair, the efforts he made were self-mutilation, self-abuse, torture, deep pain and despair, climbed up from the abyss, raised his fists, and broke the genetic fate.

This had an earth-shaking impact on the Kryptonian society at that time, and the lifeless lower classes of the entire Kryptonian society followed in his footsteps, bursting out with unprecedented enthusiasm.

It seems that Bati is a kind of belief, a kind of desire, a kind of light, leading them forward.

Genes do not determine the future!

Talent doesn't prove everything!

This man destroys Krypton's long-standing genetic science with crazy will!

This unscientific!

This is totally unscientific!

At that time, Jo-El, like other scientists who tested Badi's gene, cried out in shock.

It's unbelievable.

However, after successive tests, there was no problem at all, and it was still the low-level, defective gene.

Some of them even believe that this defective gene is not actually a defect, but a high-level gene that they have not discovered, a comprehensive gene with great talent.

However, various experiments and experiments have been done.

Except for the miracle in Bati, nothing else has changed at all.

This completely shocked and chilled Jo-El.

This man completely distorted and affected himself with his own will.

Especially during the military coup of Bati, when Jor-El met him, he felt that Bati was more terrifying than him beyond the limit of genes. In an instant, Krypton fell into the flames of war, and countless lower classes regarded him as their belief , charge the trap for him, and break Krypton's long-standing highly rigid social class.

In many fights, they were at a disadvantage.

It is unbelievable that on their side, they have cutting-edge technology and advanced genes. There are a lot of generals, staff officers, and commanders like General Zod. Facing Bati alone, he actually controlled the war , playing extremely hard, completely under pressure.

If he hadn't drawn out some things about Bati from Harle's mouth at the end, it was inferred that Bati had a great possibility of seizing the Code of Life, and if he cooperated with General Zod near the Code of Life in advance to ambush him, it would be hard to imagine the future of Krypton The star will become the planet ruled by Bati.

Of course, the real Codex of Life has been taken by Jor-El, but all the more so the fake one cannot be discovered.

As long as it is discovered, Bati can take advantage of this to set off more grand reform activities, and Krypton will be completely over.

This made Jo-El extremely chilling.

At that time, they were somewhat lucky. The most elite general on Krypton, the most elite warrior in the army, more than fifty people came to besiege Bati, but he still killed more than thirty people by himself.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a dead end and besieged on all sides.

In desperation, Bati boarded the escape ship temporarily.

Hall begged Jor-El to let Baddy die.

Jo-El ignored it, and designed the ambush circle, allowing Bati to hold a funeral in the starry sky, turning it into a bright fireworks.

But obviously, Badi didn't reveal anything more, his scientific achievements were no worse than ordinary genius scientists, so he delayed the bomb's explosion procedure in the spaceship.

Knowing that the spaceship did not explode in the starry sky, Jor-El was extremely shocked.

He didn't expect that even so, Ba Di could still survive.

Jo-El can almost imagine that the place where Bati is located in the future will set off a bloody storm.

He and Ba Di are in an unexplainable confrontation, and they have no intention of sitting down to make peace.

Bady and Al's family, either you die or I die.

Therefore, before Jor-El came, he also made arrangements.

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