Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 93: Rumlow's repressed anger

"Rumlow, what's going on here?"

The first time he arrived among the agents in front of the elevator door, the man with a high hairline put down the gun in his hand and asked Rumlow.

Of course, he just put down his gun, and the other agents tightly blocked the two people in the elevator with weapons.

"I said, can't you investigate these guys first?"

Rumlow's voice was a little irritable, no matter who was attacked suddenly, he would definitely not be happy.

Regarding the identity of the attacker, Rumlow may be more concerned than the two forces in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although these guys have given strong evidence to Rumlow's rhetoric, the appearance of these guys is really inexplicable.

It even seemed that Rumlow could not avoid entering the torture room again.

"go with."

Coulson waved and directed the agents behind him. Those guys carefully avoided Rumlow who had just come out, put on gloves and started to collect the residues of those guys.

"Colson, I don't think I should have done anything worthy of being attacked, right?"

Rumlow looked at Coulson, and looked at Coulson with scrutiny.

He wanted to find some clues in the eyes of this gentle man.

At least you must first determine whether your plan has been exposed to the sight of both parties.

Although Rumlow is very clear that it is doomed to be suspected, but he does not want to be targeted when he has not yet begun to act.

Rumlow's eyes brought a lot of pressure to Coulson. Rumlow's eyes, who had not yet withdrawn from the aftermath of the battle, seemed to be looking at some **** thing.

"I think we need to wait for the Director."

Coulson stretched out his hand, a gesture he always liked to show his innocence.

Of course, the action of the hand can also have the effect of distracting the opponent's attention.

Coulson wanted to hide his unease. As an agent, he couldn't reveal his true emotions.

Unless you can't help it.

"I wish the identity reports of these guys would come out sooner!"

Rumlow's voice couldn't help getting louder, and he didn't seem to think there was any problem. The battle has just ended, and he is not used to this kind of thing yet.

After all, the feeling of smashing a group of enemies with his own hands is completely different from the feeling of killing enemies with firearms, which makes him a little fanatical.

The blood splattered on his body was still dripping, making him look a little scary.

"what happened?"

Nick Fury's voice came from not far away, and this sentence was just a declaration of his sovereignty in S.H.I.E.L.D.

On his way here, someone must have told him what happened here.

Even he might have watched the surveillance video in the elevator before leaving.

"Block off the scene first, and then start investigating the people nearby!"

Agent Hill stepped in and directed the surrounding agents, while Nick Fury didn't say anything.

The current situation has been placed here, and he came forward just to make this place settle down.

There was an enemy in S.H.I.E.L.D., and the enemy hadn't left a living room, so he had to appease the mentality of his subordinates.

The worst-case scenario is the loss of a life double, something that Nick Fury lost.


"Uncle, were those guys just demons?"

Jill's hand tugged at the hem of Burkeseau's clothes, full of doubts.

In the eyes of Jill now, those guys can't even compare to Jessica, who always comes to the blacksmith's for a meal.

"Those, probably like the ashes at the bottom of the furnace, are nothing."

Bourkesso didn't want to go into details. Compared to where he took Jill now, what he cared about the most was where he would go.

The time since he came to this world is not too short, but he has not visited this place much.

"Can we go to the amusement park?"

Jill's tone was very careful, and it was a small test.

"That place is best for your father to take you to."

Burkeseau's eyes turned to a corner not far away, where Frank Custer was watching Jill.

Jill followed Bourkessel's gaze and looked in that direction, and naturally saw her father as well.

He couldn't help but use some force with the hand that grabbed Bourkessel's clothes.

"Okay, let's go."

Burkeseau's hands began to wrap around the burr-like head again.

It's not a bad thing to let Jill go out with his father for a day, and it also saves him from the trouble of choosing.

Although he felt the smoke of gunpowder on Frank's body.


Jill was a little excited, and followed Bourkesso through the crowd to Frank's place.

"Take your child to play for a day, just in time for you to take a break."

Burkeseau's words seemed like a tough order. Although it didn't sound very pleasant, Frank still took Jill's hand with grateful eyes.

Bourkessel was a little hesitant as he watched the father and son walk away.

Suddenly he didn't know what to do.

"Maybe go to Gu Yi and ask her if she has any good sandbags to recommend to me."

Bourkessel's muttering was not small, at least the people around could hear it.


"Matthew, when will you find out about the hand union?"

Luke sat on the floor of the safe house with the Star War helmet in his hands.

This safe house is now shared by two people~www.NovelMTL.com~ Although Luke didn't give out a dime.

"It will probably take some time. Recently, a Punisher came out, which has stopped a lot of those gangsters."

When Matthew talked about the Punisher, his tone was inevitably a little low.

The place where that guy appeared was like a massacre. Those gang members were all finished, and it was difficult for the entire stronghold to find someone who could breathe.

"I'm boring enough these days, why don't I continue training on Harrogath Mountain."

Luke grabbed a towel and wiped his helmet.

"In two days, there is a place to go and see. Although it is not the power of the Hand Union, it is also a trading scene."

Matthew also felt a little bored. Although he was busy providing legal aid to the poor every day, he also felt a little empty when he was used to fighting.


"An old abandoned factory on the west side, it seems that this time it is arms."

"Why do those **** always like to trade in places like abandoned factories? If I were the NYPD, I would definitely install surveillance on those factories first!"

Luke cursed.

Hell's Kitchen is not a good place. Among the police officers of the fifteenth precinct, it is unclear how many black police officers exist.

The guys inside provided a lot of help to those **** one by one.

"Don't you know that their funding has been cut again?"

Matthew said weakly.

The law enforcement department was constantly weakened, and he couldn't figure out what was in the heads of those high-ranking officials.

He doesn't know about coordination and advocacy. He is just a lawyer, not a politician.

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