Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 80: 9 Snakes' assists to Rumlow

"Hello? If you have something to say, hurry up. I don't have much free time here."

The Blade Warrior's phone was called back to Dugan, but the tone was not very good.

After all, this guy is now constantly fighting with those blood-sucking beasts.

"I want to ask, have you received any strange news from vampires over there?"

Dugan's words silenced Blade's Edge. Strange news is all too common for these shady things.

"What exactly?"

Blade's tone became a little impatient.

"The kind about Hydra."

This time, Blade was completely lost in thought. As a member of the Roaring Commando back then, he was no stranger to Hydra.

"Old man, are you hiding something from me?"

Regarding the news of Hydra, the Blade fighters have not heard of it for many years.

Dugan isn't the kind of person who would entertain him with this news, so Blade wanted to know more.

"You are still under Nick Fury's surveillance, so I can't go into too much detail. If you find any news, remember to let me know."

Dugan said a long list of rare words, and then hung up the phone silently.

Both he and the blade understood what Hydra meant, and he had said enough.

"Nick Fury? What a **** world."

Blade whispered and put down the phone, picked up the gun beside him, and left his safe house.

The time for rest is over. Now, while it's dark, I can go to clean up a den of blood-sucking offal.

He always felt that he and the midnight vampires of the year were completely different from the same species, even though they were both called vampires, but now he doesn't need to think about those.

The news of Hydra has been known to him, so just pay attention to this news in the next action.

Although those blood-sucking chops have never had any hard bones, it is a rare thing that he has not received any suspected news for so many years.

This may be due to his unrepentant style.


"Rumlow, I think it's necessary for you to tell what you've been doing these days!"

Hawkeye, who had just met Rumlow, pressed Rumlow directly.

After all, Rumlow's body is full of scars, and it is obvious that he has experienced a fierce battle.

Hawkeye had to pay attention to the injuries caused by blunt blows.

"As you can see, I am undergoing a trial in combat."

Rumlow opened his hands to show his innocence.

Luke and Matthew, who were packing their belongings, were like little transparent bodies, and they had no sense of existence at all.

They've heard Maddock say that Bourkesso will take them back to Hell's Kitchen today.

"You should know what our mission is!"

Before Hawkeye could speak, the agent who was inserted by Pierce became impatient to accuse him.

He wants to remind Rumlow that Hydra's career is the most important.

Of course, he knew that such reckless and abnormal behavior would arouse the suspicion of Hawkeye, but the statement that this mouth tied himself and Rumlow on the same front made him not worry too much.

After all, he is just a scoundrel, even if Pierce has hired him at this moment, so he sees an opportunity to replace Rumlow.

Even if he is suspected, Rumlow, who has a higher status, is under more investigation. He is just an agent who has just joined Hydra.

As for the information on Hydra, he only knew that Rumlow was his immediate boss, and he didn't know much about the rest, and he was not worried about the serious consequences of his exposure.

Besides, Rumlow wouldn't let him be exposed.

And this is also what Piers deliberately explained, to test Rumlow's loyalty, this is the value of his existence.

At this time, his heart was already shouting "everything for the Hydra".

He intends to try a little harder and let Rumlow make some minor mistakes.

Although Hydra still needs to continue to hide its existence, it is not so urgent anymore.

At this time, blocking the rumrow dessert a little is the maximum that can be done. What if it is exposed?

SHIELD has long been infiltrated into a sieve by Hydra.

So he got a punch from Rumlow!

Rolling on the ground, he did not expect that he would be directly attacked, and his head was a little down at this time.

"You should know what you're doing, right?"

Rumlow's icy voice came, and the icy snow on the ground made him a little awake.

In this squad alone, Rumlow also exists as a commander, and on the Hydra side, Rumlow interrupted this guy's behavior that might expose the existence of Hydra.

At least there's nothing wrong on the surface.

But Rumlow's heart is about to blossom now, and the interaction between the two of them will inevitably make Hawkeye suspicious.

Although no effect can be seen for the time being, after such small problems add up, Hydra will inevitably be exposed to the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Rumlow just wanted to give this guy a round of applause.

"Rumlow, I will take over your command from now on. Next, you have to explain to me what you have done these days!"

Hawkeye took out the order from Nick Fury that he was carrying, and spoke to Rumlow with deep meaning.

"How about we start with that pickup first?"

Rumlow felt indifferent.

And the Hydra that hasn't climbed up on the ground feels a little bad.


"Uncle, is this the reward that Jessica said?"

Jill was standing in the open wielding an axe, staring at the bag on the table with a pair of eyes, hesitant.

The bag contained a large pile of kneaded and messy banknotes, and from the appearance it was impossible to tell how much it was.

After all, the money in this bag has all denominations.

"This is your pocket money. When you run out of money, take the appropriate amount from it."

Bourcasso took a sip of wine and decided to use the money incidentally.

"The training is over, go to rest. You have to go to school tomorrow."

Jill nodded when he heard the words, put the axe in his hand back on the weapon rack~www.NovelMTL.com~ turned around and went to wash up.

Jill returned to his bedroom, and Bourkesso turned around and closed the door of the blacksmith shop. Next, he needed to go back to the holy mountain of Harrogath to prepare medicine bottles for Luke and Matthew.

Although this thing is really magical and unbelievable, what does it matter?

Who can **** something from a savage?

Is it just based on the guy who is currently showing in this world?

After Malthael obtained the power in the Dark Soul Stone, he just borrowed the rules of death to win the battle with Bulkesso.

And how many existences in this world can be as powerful as Marthael?

Sometimes Bourkesso thinks the world is a cage, and the people inside are locked in this place.

No matter what world it is, there are limits to the powerhouses he can breed.

Just like the holy mountain of Harrogath, it has a huge foundation and a few peaks.

If Bourkesso can think of the pyramids, he may be able to describe it more vividly.

He has seen the death of this world. No matter what world it is in, the rule of death is at the apex.

It seems that conceptual existence is always particularly difficult to deal with.

Bourkesso waved his hand to open the portal, and before he walked over, he heard the shouts of the ancestors driving their vehicles.

"Madoc! You xx..."

Bourkesso scolded and walked into the portal, looking at his posture, it seemed that a conflict was about to break out on Harrogath Mountain.

What can the worst be like in this world?

Could it be more miserable than a sanctuary becoming a battlefield between heaven and hell?

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