Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 53: 'Super' hero needs help

Damm plays Duggan!

Captain America's comrade, one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., and a member of the Roaring Commando.

The aging grumpy veteran has been slowed down by SSS potion, and he still maintains his peak combat effectiveness at this time.

This person was even the highest officer of his Rumlow training!

Even though Nick Fury is still standing on a righteous stand, his hands are not much less dirty than Rumlow.

Unlike Dum's shot at Duggan, this man who has long since quit the S.H.I.E.L.D. command sequence, is just a soldier and not an agent, and he has no innocent blood on his hands!

This veteran is definitely the strongest help that Rumlow can find now.

After making up his mind, Rumlow collapsed heavily on the back of the sofa, closed his eyes and let himself sink into the soft sofa.

The life of a special agent is summed up as a magnificent tragic story.

Perhaps to outsiders, it looks more like a comedy.

But isn't the core of comedy the tragedy?

Isn't comedy the bullying of one unlucky person by everyone? It's ridiculous to see this guy embarrassed.

But now the person standing on this stage is Rumlow.

He couldn't smile.

Rumlow clenched his fists with all his strength, but the emptiness that had just recovered from his injury filled his body.

"Damn, I will never make any plans with you again!"

Luke Cage was panting and slumped in a small room, opposite him was the scarred Daredevil.

A reckless battle resulted in two people's injuries of varying severity.

"Meet me, Daredevil Matthew Murdoch."

The blind lawyer took off his hood and stretched out his right hand towards Luke Cage.

Luke saw the face under the mask of Daredevil for the first time, but he was not at all unfamiliar.

"Then I'll be Wonder Man. You know my name is Luke Cage. Lawyer Murdoch."

Luke Cage also stretched out his right hand and held it tightly with Matthew's.

When Matthew Murdoch took off his hood, Luke recognized him.

This blind lawyer is the biggest alien in Hell's Kitchen. He is dedicated to providing legal aid to the poor who can't afford legal fees, and sometimes even pays his own pockets to help others, which is rare in Hell's Kitchen.

Luke Cage threw the thoughts out of his head and faced Matthew with a serious face.

"I want to know where you usually go to deal with your injuries. I feel like I've broken a rib."

After letting go of each other's hands, Luke Cage looked at Matthew, who was covered in stab wounds and asked:

"Don't say you don't have medical support, then Daredevil can't do regular activities in this **** place."

"I usually handle it myself, and occasionally go to a night shift clinic."

Matthew lowered his head with a bitter smile on his face.

His strength is really not very good. From the very beginning, he knew that he would always end up with scars all over his body. He couldn't even go to the beach **** for vacation.

Those scars all over his body are not something that should appear on a lawyer's body.

"That's tragic, but I can't find anyone who can help me deal with my injury."

Luke Cage lay flat on the floor, which seemed to make his ribs feel better. The arm that was used to block Mrs. Gao's crutches was already swollen, obviously not too badly injured.

Mrs. Gao, an old lady who was too powerful for him, definitely left him a deep memory.

"Now that you and the Hand Society are completely aligned, what are you going to do?"

Matthew said to Luke weakly.

Today, Luke Cage showed his face fiercely in the hand meeting. It is best to hide during this time, so as not to be targeted.

"I'm wearing a hood, and who can recognize me when I can only see the bottom half of my face? Isn't that what superhero cartoons are all about?"

Matthew is a little helpless. The most famous superhero comic is Captain America, but he doesn't need to hide his identity.

As for the rest, isn't this set so that readers can recognize at a glance that it is the protagonist?

"Besides, the only person who really saw my face was the weird old lady. He was Asian. Just like I can't remember their looks, they can't remember our looks. After all, I'm not as handsome as you."

Of course Luke Cage knew that this was just his delusion, but he still said it casually.

"It's best to stop for a while. When you beat those ninjas before, you showed your face."

Matthew said weakly, took out a medical kit from the closet of this house, and began to treat the wounds on his body.

Compared to Luke who didn't even shed a drop of blood, he had several stab wounds on his body. If he didn't deal with it, he wouldn't be able to show his face tomorrow.

"By the way, I have a trustworthy... um, elder, we can go there and ask for help."

Luke seemed a little hesitant, but he still said the words completely, and when he spoke, he reached out and touched the axe on his waist.

"So, you came to me?"

Bourkessel closed the door of the basement and said while looking at the two unlucky **** in front of him.

Burkeseau did not shy away, he stretched out his hand and took off the jug hanging from his waist, and took a sip.

Matthew's scars and dripping blood are not worth thinking about for a savage, except for the need to clean up.

"It seems that your matter is not as easy to solve as you said."

Burkeseau looked at Luke Cage thoughtfully. According to his thoughts, no ordinary person in this world could stop Luke with the weapon he forged. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Even let this guy with a strong body in the eyes of barbarians come back with injuries, it seems that the enemy this time is not like an ordinary gang.

"Come with me, be quiet."

Bourkesso turned and walked towards the basement with a blank expression. Jill upstairs was still soundly asleep.

After drinking that magical milk today, he probably needs a long sleep.

"Is this elder of yours really reliable?"

Matthew's ears could hear the sound of blood flowing from Burkeseau's body, and of course, he could also hear this movement from ordinary people.

But this time he felt an unprecedented feeling.

The roar was like a muffled heartbeat and the sound of blood flowing like the tide hitting the river bank made him amazed.

Matthew whispered to Luke who was beside him. Even if he didn't wear a hood, Luke couldn't see anything in his eyes.

What can be in the eyes of a blind man who always closes his eyes? Eye shit?

Although Luke didn't see Matthew's thoughts, it didn't hinder his confidence in Bourkesso.

A craftsman who can fill the basement with magical weapons is definitely not a simple guy.

"It's more reliable than you think."

Luke remembered that the weapons in the basement that could be called magical weapons were piled up like a pair of broken copper and iron, and nodded solemnly.

Although I don't know if Matthew can feel it.

The two people who followed behind Bourkesso restrained their steps and walked into the basement.

After Luke Cage closed the door smoothly, he turned his face to Bulkessel, waiting for the next thing.

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