Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 29: crossbones bizarre adventure

"So when can it be turned on?"

Rumlow asked eagerly at Nick Fury's urging.

These guys have always been curious about things they've never seen before.

At this time, Nick Fury is passing through the camera on Rumlow's chest to observe Burkeseau.

After all, the presence of his old comrade-in-arms, the child who declared death, made him somewhat excited.

Although he is not a guy who will affect business affairs because of his personal affairs, why not do it when he can take care of some personal interests while doing business?

"If you want, you can do it now. Of course, what I want to say is that your performance in the secret realm will be clearly projected on the square, just like that movie, for those of us who have nothing to do to watch.

As for whether you will be applauded or become a joke, that is not sure. "

Looking at the corbel that was fully cooked in the flames, Bourkessel gently inserted the iron rod into the ground.

Then he stood up and looked at the team of agents.

"Head, we..."

Before his subordinates could finish speaking, Rumlow interrupted.

"We choose to enter now."

They are the top combat departments in S.H.I.E.L.D., even in the entire world when it comes to team combat capabilities, they can still be among the best.

Coupled with the best equipment in the world in S.H.I.E.L.D., they don't think they're a joke.

As for meals, they are not ordinary tourists who are stranded in the mountains, and there is never a shortage of supplies.

"Then satisfy you, but no one will save your life in the process."

Bourkesso walked towards the towering stone tablet outside the Temple of the Elders without expression, and when he reached out, he opened a portal with a golden halo.

"You can go in now."

Bourkesso turned around, and Rumlow, who looked at him with unwavering eyes, trembled a little, as if he had seen a natural enemy, a sense of oppression enveloped him.

This is the suppression of the human beings in this world by the Nephalem bloodline. When the portal was opened, the bloodline power on Bulkesuo was mobilized, and this happened.

After the pressure of death, neither Gu Yi nor Jill felt the pressure of this unconscious spreading.

But for Rumlow, the acceptance was not so smooth.

"Kos, you stay outside."

In order to avoid the risk of total annihilation, Rumlow chose to leave the timid guy outside.

Although this agent named Kos always behaves a little negatively, he is Rumlow's most trusted deputy in this squad.

As for the matter of leaving an insurance, even Nick Fury would not object.

People who are engaged in this kind of special work, no matter how cautious they are.

What's more, at this time, they are more like abandoned sons who are alone, and even their survival is in the hands of others.

"Head, I'll wait for you to come back."

Coase still looked trembling, but those who knew him knew that he was acting.

This kind of performance is accompanied by his inherent negativity, which makes it easy to underestimate him.

Bourcasso looked bored as these people lined up one by one into the secret realm.

For him, this lowest level of secret realm does not even have the qualifications for him to face it.

Perhaps the only ones that interest him are those brave guys, how to face this predicament.

"Burgessau, is this okay?"

Gu Yi was somewhat concerned. No one cared that Rumlow was not a good person. What Gu Yi cared about was whether the S.H.I.E.D.

For these ambitious guys, they will never give up easily if they can grasp the power in their hands.

And the secret realm of the barbarians is a channel that can actually gain power.

It has nothing to do with blood, but any inconspicuous corner of those secret realms may get those gifts from the world of Diablo.

Those demons that exist can also add a lot of combat experience to these guys who don't know much about the extraordinary world.

Moreover, even with the lowest level of equipment for barbarians, they can obtain extraordinary levels of power.

"I don't think they have the ability to pass this trial unless they choose to quit."

Bourkessel's intention was nothing more than to make a judgment for this team of agents. These guys may be able to get a lot of money, but the chances of them being able to bring it out are not high.

The mere arrogance they displayed was enough to make Bourkesso think they were going to die.

Tess, who stayed where he was, heard Bourkesso's undisguised words, and his eyes flickered.

As Rumlow's trusted deputy, obviously his identity also belongs to the Hydra side.

At this time, the camera on his chest was also running, transmitting Bulkasso's words to the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. without reservation.

"Now, it's your experts' job."

Nick Fury looked at the various experts sitting at the round table watching the video footage, including behavior analysis and other professionals, trying to get some useful information from Burkeseau's behavior.

The other group of people hit the point of view of the Rumlow team who had just entered the secret realm.

The purpose of their arrival is to analyze what kind of power the so-called secret realm of the barbarians represents from these pictures. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Even because of the level of confidentiality, they only know what they are going to do, but they don't know anything about the specific information.

At this time, all the personnel began to record and analyze, while Nick Fury kept his hands intertwined in the chin position, thinking about Jill.

The death of this family is absolutely intolerable for Frank Custer, so the revenge that belongs to a man will surely begin.

Although no matter how many gang **** died, Nick Fury would not have any fluctuations, but this matter was not within the purview of his S.H.I.E.L.D.

And he had seen all the news of Frank's family, including the autopsy report, and he was extremely sure that his old comrade-in-arms was alone.

But Jill, who suddenly appeared in his sight at this time, told him that it was not easy.

By this time he had begun to doubt.

Suspicion is an agent's best potential, and Nick Fury is undoubtedly the best among agents.

At this time, the problem he was thinking about has been extended to the direction of alien civilization.

But trying to verify these conjectures gave him nowhere to go.

As the last trump card of S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain Marvel cannot use it like this.

Hearing Bourkesso's comments, even if he was worried, he couldn't do anything.

After all, Rumlow's team is already the strongest force that S.H.I.E.L.D. can send in a frontal attack.

At this time, we can only hope that the Rumlow team, which had just come into contact with the first monster, can get the harvest and come back alive.

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