Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1388 Busy humans keep adding more money

Although Nick Fury was very concerned about the Scarlet Witch, he did not go to see this powerful existence immediately.

On the one hand, this is because the Scarlet Witch at this time most likely only has the potential to become a top powerhouse and has not yet had time to develop it.

On the other hand, Captain Marvel, who is already a strong man, is more worthy of Nick Fury's attention.

The message sent by Captain Marvel was an mp3, and there was only a recording file in it.

Nick Fury is still a little puzzled that Captain Marvel still uses this method to transmit information, but he is too lazy to think about why Captain Marvel doesn't use other more technological methods.

"I'm about to return to Earth. The battle in the universe is getting more intense, and I have to admit that the devil has the upper hand now."

Nick Fury heard these words when he pressed the play button.

Nick Fury had long been mentally prepared for the fact that the situation in the universe was not optimistic, but he still did not expect to hear such words as "not optimistic" from Captain Marvel.

Although he also knows that there is a huge gap in the power of Captain Marvel compared to the grown-up Scarlet Witch.

But Captain Marvel's own combat effectiveness cannot be ignored.

This is an existence that can use its own power to quell the war in the universe.

And what Captain Marvel said is not optimistic is a very bad situation for the combat effectiveness of the earth.

Nick Fury still has some understanding of the earth's place in the universe.

"So what should we do in the current situation?"

Agent Hill asked.

Agent Hill has been very busy and exhausted during this period. Although the work pressure of SHIELD was definitely not small, it was not so busy that he could not even guarantee sleep time!

If Agent Hill hadn't become a Green Lantern, she might have died suddenly.

At this time, although SHIELD's work content lacked the problems caused by the struggles between countries in the past, it did include countless demon attacks.

When humans face demons, they don’t have the opportunity to make mistakes!

Even SHIELD can't determine the demon's strength from the intelligence!

When faced with this difficulty, SHIELD can only send everyone out in order of strength.

Maximize the risk assessment of every demonic attack!

But even if the demon attack is treated with such caution, the probability of the combat force sent by SHIELD being killed is very high!

Shortage of manpower is the most obvious problem facing mankind.

Even if they can exchange their lives for victory, the number of humans will be completely crushed in the face of the endless demons!

In this case, no matter how cautious SHIELD is, it can't change the disastrous result!

“Follow Captain Carroll’s news, he should come directly to see us when he comes back.

The Nephalem seemed to have said before that the legendary Iron Fist Wu Fengji was looking for Captain Carroll. "

Nick Fury hesitated to speak.

He was not sure whether Captain Marvel's return was due to Wu Fengji's influence, but it was always a good thing.

But to say what SHIELD can do on this matter is pure nonsense.

The only way Nick Fury can proactively contact Carol is to pass a simple message.

If you want to know more about the situation, you have to wait until Captain Marvel returns to Earth.

But it's not like Nick Fury can't do anything. He can at least contact Black Bolt now.

Even if Black Bolt's power cannot intervene in the battle between the Archangel and the Demon God, it can still solve most of the troubles.

Black Bolt has not been idle at all during this period. Most of the time, after news of demonic traces is sent to S.H.I.E.L.D., as long as the accuracy of the news is confirmed, the first person Nick Fury thinks of is Black Bolt!

During this period, Black Bolt has indeed fulfilled his mission. Every incident he dealt with has achieved positive results in a very short period of time.

"There is really no definite information found in SHIELD's database about Wu Fengji.

Do we need to take the initiative to contact this legendary Iron Fist? "

Agent Hill asked.

"The gap between us and that Wu Fengji is too big, but isn't there still an Iron Fist on the earth?

It seems he has returned from Harrogath. "

Nick Fury said.

It may be a more appropriate method to contact Wu Fengji through Danny Rand, the current iron fist.

Although Nick Fury also knows that the current Danny Rand is not really a strong combat power, but with Wu Fengji at the front, Nick Fury is still willing to look forward to Danny Rand's future!

"The Rand family's business has been wiped out by other companies during this period.

Although it still retains the name of the Rand Group, it can only be said to be lingering on at this time.

Those are legitimate business practices, so SHIELD can't get involved.

And the main reason is that the Rand Group's industry unfortunately became the most severely damaged one during the demon's attack. "

Agent Hill said with a frown.

In order to prevent this from being a malicious commercial war, SHIELD also specially sent personnel to verify the situation.

But the final conclusion was that the Rand Group was relatively unlucky.

Although it is a matter of luck, the key is whether Danny Rand can accept such a result.

"So what's the good news now?"

Nick Fury rubbed his head, this thing was a bit troublesome.

“Based on the information given by Constantine, we have found the existence of suspected Eternals.

This can probably be considered good news. "

Agent Hill said.

Although she did not have enough confidence in what she said.

The powerful ones among the Eternals are indeed quite impressive, but they are only barely up to the level of the legendary Nephalem.

In this case, their power is helpful to humans, but it cannot change the current situation.

The situation of mankind has long reached a very bad level.

Although at the beginning of the demon's erosion, those who had a mentality close to the demon had already completed the corruption.

But as time went by, the situation continued to worsen.

Traces of corruption are beginning to appear among human beings now.

Although the Nephalem had already warned about this kind of thing, when it actually happened, SHIELD still felt like it was in a hurry.

I feel hopeless for a long time and always hear bad news.

It is not so difficult to understand that the mentality of ordinary people has begun to change.

"How far have the newcomers over Dugan been trained?"

Nick Fury asked.

SHIELD has expanded its recruitment for the fourth time, but it is still short of manpower.

Dugan also began to return to his old career, temporarily giving up his identity as a field agent and returning to the training ground.

Even though the standards for newcomers have been lowered many times, SHIELD's replacement of manpower still cannot keep up with the rate of loss.

This situation has made the hard-hearted Nick Fury start to feel uneasy. This situation is already terrible!

"According to the latest standards, those personnel have already entered the workforce of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It’s just that the probability of sacrifice remains high, and now there aren’t even many people signing up for recruitment. "

Agent Hill said.

Nick Fury took out his cell phone and dialed Black Bolt's number.

The other party will send a text message back after receiving the message.

"Stop giving Black Bolt missions for the time being. I have some things to discuss with him."

Nick Fury left directly after saying that.

Now he needs to deal with those troubles one by one. Even if he cannot solve them completely, he must slow down the deterioration of the situation.

Agent Hill, who stayed behind, left after recording these matters.

There is no time to rest in S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Supreme Mage and the others have built a new line of defense where Ultron fought.

Or a fortress.

Not a prototype, but a fortress that has already taken shape.

Although there is still a lot of room for upgrading and transformation, it has now reached a level that can be used directly.

Although no ordinary people have moved in here yet, in terms of usage effect, it has been completed.

Several supreme mages have already set up defensive barriers, and a large number of modern weapons have been deployed.

A large amount of survival materials have been prepared, and even the structure of a small ecosystem has been completed.

Although the Nephalem have not yet intervened in the construction here, humans have already built it quite well.

This fortress is of extraordinary significance to humans!

The construction of this fortress can be said to have been carried out with the full support of mankind.

Although this has a bit of a sanctuary feel, it is not a wrong decision to preserve fire for human beings.

At the beginning, humans did not consider sending human fire into outer space.

But after learning about the suffering experienced by civilizations in the universe without the presence of the Nephalem, Project Allspark became Project Sanctuary.

Although the top human beings cannot be wary of the Nephalem, at least now there is no doubt that the Nephalem protect humans.

Humanity now has basically given up on using nuclear weapons to bomb demons.

There are many civilizations in the universe, and the technology of Earth's civilization is definitely not top-notch.

Earth may be the closest civilization to burning hell in the world, but their situation is actually the best.

But now news of the collapse of many civilizations has come, including some with civilizations whose technological level is more powerful than that of the earth.

Although they did not receive any news about the effect of nuclear weapons on demons, they thought the effect was not ideal.

However, humans have just given up on using nuclear weapons to clean up demons on the earth.

If the time comes when humanity is about to be destroyed, they will launch all nuclear weapons into the burning hell!

The Nephalem knew this idea, but had no intention of stopping it.

This is actually the same as Bulqueso's "table-turning threat".

It's just that nuclear weapons don't have a significant threatening effect on demons, but Bulkesso can do it.

Strange is still staring at Sir Newton, while Loki and the Ancient One are helping humans continue to strengthen the fortress.

As for Casillas, he received a share of the power belonging to the Crimson Universe from the intentional mage.

He is grateful that he is staying here now, which can be regarded as joining the construction of this fortress.

But now they all felt uneasy in unison!

Because at this time Barr finally began to speed up his actions!

The power of the Burning Hell began to flow towards those so-called gods.

The infusion of this power has even affected the state of the Crimson Universe!

And of course the mages who have obtained the power and authority of the Crimson Universe cannot know anything about this!

It's just that although they felt the power of the Burning Hell, they were unable to accurately target the target of this power!

However, this is not a difficult problem to find out.

The Crimson Universe is divided among three parties. Since there is no problem on the side of the mages, it must be on the other two sides!

The portal was opened directly next to Sir Newton, and Loki and Master Ancient One walked through the portal one after another.

"Is there any news from Emperor Weishan?"

Sir Newton asked very seriously.

Master Gu Yi shook his head. She was the current Supreme Mage. Even if Emperor Weishan wanted to contact them, he should contact Master Gu Yi first.

"The power of the Burning Hell does not pass through the area under our control."

Loki said.

Casillas on the side hesitated to speak.

He has given up the power of the caster. Although he has also obtained a share of the power of the Crimson Universe, he is not suitable to express his opinion.

"I'll contact my mother."

Loki continued.

Fairy Queen Frigga's share comes from all the gods. As one of the most powerful wizards among the gods, Frigga must have received the power of the Crimson Universe.

Casillas suddenly received the summons from the Holy Mountain and spoke.

“No need to ask, it’s those gods.

The center of the whirlpool constructed by Constantine is those guys from the Celestial Group.

But now Constantine has been completely used, and those so-called gods have become the center of the game between the burning hell and the high-level heaven.

Ancestor Gruchak and Rasma are over there now, and perhaps Burkaiso has arrived as well.

The above is the information sent by the ancestors of Hellab with the help of the connection with the Holy Mountain. "

Casillas told the mages in front of him the information he received.

The news he received was from Hailab, and he also mentioned that the news did not need to be kept secret.

Although Casillas doesn't think he is very smart, at least his brain can still be used normally.

He understood that this news did not need to be kept secret, which meant that things could no longer be changed by just anyone.

Although the final result has not yet been presented, all this has happened is irreversible!

"The God Group?"

Sir Newton said with some disdain.

"Is this the result of the Nephalem letting it go in order to train Constantine?"

Strange asked.

In his opinion, since the Nephalem had such clear information, the Nephalem had known about all this happening a long time ago.

And even though the Nephalem knew about it in advance, it had developed to the current level. The only reason he could think of was "the Nephalem wants to cultivate Constantine."

"I don't know, but this is a bit strange."

Casillas said.

He doesn't talk nonsense about things he doesn't understand.

What is happening now is full of weirdness, and Bulcasso may even have arrived there.

Then the situation should still be under the Nephalem's control.

After becoming a barbarian, Casillas recognized barbarians more highly than other young Nephalem.

Even Casillas has completely regarded himself as a barbarian. (End of chapter)

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