Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1335 A temptation full of selfishness

Prius was a little annoyed by Hellabo's taunting, but now he really couldn't defeat this annoying barbarian.

"Herab, if you want to be beaten, I can't do it."

Auriel narrowed her eyes.

She was obviously standing up for Imprius.

Although she would not take Hailab's taunts seriously, sometimes she had to express her attitude.

Auriel would not worry about the Nephalem having any inappropriate thoughts about Imprius, but it would be more appropriate to eliminate the cause of this trouble early.

"I almost forgot that you existed. I will never make such a joke again."

Hailab immediately understood what Auriel meant, and he directly recognized Auriel's idea.

As a Nephalem with long experience, he certainly understands that people's hearts are unpredictable, so he can't even begin to deal with some bad things!

“Although none of the current Nephalem would have the idea of ​​humiliating Imprius, the Nephalem will eventually continue.

There's no telling when an arrogant kid will appear and try to gain a sense of accomplishment through the lost Impryus.

That's not what we want to see. "

Bulkesso said.

His words directly brought this topic to an end.

Although Bulkatho does not intend to pin his goal of obtaining stability and peace on who knows how many generations of Nephalem.

But there are some things that can't be said for sure. Maybe some accident will cause Bulcasso to have to wait for a long time?

It would be more appropriate to arrange this kind of thing from the beginning.

"Want to visit Rasma now?

You don't have anything else to do now, right?

Why don't you go with them to where the fighting is taking place? A strong man of that level is not something you can see casually.

Such a guy already has the power to influence your plans. "

Auriel reminded kindly.

Wu Fengji has the strength to confront the archangel head-on, if she plans to get involved in the Nephalem affairs.

That is also a force that cannot be ignored!

Although the magic talisman over there suffered heavy damage because of Li Min, it was still superior to Wu Fengji in essence.

If you want to win the favor of this powerful man, this is of course an opportunity not to be missed!

"I'm going to the Burning Hell next, and of course I have to hide it from Barr.

But because of Prius, you can tell Karashim what you want to bring to Baal, and he can help you bring it to Baal when he goes to keep an eye on the Burning Hell. "

Bulkesso said.

He didn't say clearly what he was going to do in the Burning Hell, but since he wanted to hide it from Barr, he had to do it secretly.

However, no one present was worried about the danger Bulcaisso would encounter during his actions.

At this time, he is completely different from other existences!

If Bulcaisel was in danger that he couldn't solve, there was nothing anyone else could do about it even if they knew about it.

They still have this bit of self-knowledge.

Since it's a secret matter, don't even think about asking.

If you can't get any results by asking, there is no need to waste time.

At the Sky Temple, Ulena has also gathered the young monks who will bring them experience.

Although these monks have not experienced many battles like barbarians, the previous war caused by Ultron still made them realize the power of demons.

Even some of them, like Peter Parker, had seen the power of demons before they became monks.

But after becoming a Nephalem, you will have a whole new feeling when facing demons.

The more you come into contact with things like demons, the easier it is to understand hatred and chaos!

"So Rasma is also going to be involved in this operation?"

Ulena asked with some uncertainty after listening to Gruchak's explanation.

Just like Gruchak when he first learned the news, he was not very able to understand Rasma.

If Rasma simply wants to regain his strength, the monk can lend him a set of legendary equipment.

So Ulena instinctively believed that what Rasma was going to do this time had nothing to do with restoring strength.

"Rasma, are you planning to become stronger?"

Ulena asked.

In her opinion, since Rasma doesn't want to restore her upper limit of power, she just wants to become more powerful.

Apart from this reason, there is really no way to explain why Rasma insists on going to watch the battle of strange and powerful men.

He is not like those young Nephalem who still don't understand the scenery of the top strong ones.

Rasma herself fell from that level.

If he hadn't faced Barr's pursuit at that time, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed that he had to detonate his legendary suit to escape!

Among those demon gods, regardless of the special nature of authority, only Baal can force Rasma into such a situation.

As long as it wasn't Baal, even if Mephisto and Diavolo joined forces, Rathma might not have become so miserable!

Rasma's only way to save her life is to appear weak and powerless when facing Baal.

"I don't want to say it. You will know it by then."

Rasma said directly without any nonsense.

He just didn't want to talk about this matter, and he didn't intend to get into any extreme fight with Ulena over this matter.

A clearer attitude can actually help you deal with things faster.

Gruchak spread his hands aside.

The result was this, and there was nothing he could do about it.

As long as you are a Nephalem, and not the original Nephalem, you will feel a little uncomfortable when facing Rathma.

This guy's bloodline can be directly traced back to the source of all Nephalem.

Whether it's Ys or the original Bulkesso and Vasily, they and Rasma are all brothers and sisters.

The development of the Nephalem over the years has produced a lot of morals and traditions.

These are all created to consolidate civilization.

Under the influence of morality and tradition, as long as Rathma does not explicitly harm the interests of the Nephalem as a whole.

Then the nephalem should show him respect.

Although Rasma is old, she is not so dizzy yet.

Naturally, Rasma like this does not need these juniors who don't know how many generations later to serve as guardians.

"Then just pretend Rasma doesn't exist?"

Ulena turned her head and asked Gruchak.

"How can you pretend that such a big man doesn't exist when he's standing here?"

Gruchak was also a little helpless.

"Rasma, I want to make a guarantee from you that your actions this time will never have any impact on young people!

Can you give such a guarantee? "

Gruchak tried another way.

This was at least better than asking Rasma what to do.

“Who can guarantee this kind of thing?

Even if I just stand there and watch, it will have an impact!

But I can promise that I will do my best to protect these young people. "

Rasma said.

He first expressed disdain for Gruchak's request. After all, in his opinion, Gruchak's idea was a bit outrageous.

Although this is somewhat too serious.

But for Rasma, a powerful spellcaster, rigor is a very important quality!

"That's enough, Ulena, is there anything else you want to ask?"

Gruchak turned around and asked what Ulena meant.

In his opinion, Rasma's statement was enough.

"I accept."

Ulena doesn't talk nonsense either.

Although they couldn't fully understand Rathma's plan, they at least believed in Rasma's position as a Nephalem!

If even Rathma wants to go with the devil to harm the young people of the Nephalem, then it is probably time for the Nephalem to retire.

As the defender of balance back then, Rathma was also the Nephalem's biggest trump card!

The probability of Rathma betraying the Nephalem's position is actually about the same as the probability of the Archangel being corrupted.

Guys like Rasma, even if they are captured by the demon gods, they can definitely commit suicide if they want to!

They are the kind of Nephalem that are least likely to be corrupted!

The mentality of the first few Nephalems was completely different from that of the Nephalems that followed!

They are not the kind of guys who will be corrupted by their personal desires out of control!

The original Nephalem were not so much humans as they were existences between humans and gods in the current sense!

Their way of thinking is closer to angels and demons than to humans who have developed over a long period of time!

Only the method used to corrupt Yizuer can corrupt them because of their stance!

But for the current Nephalem, it is also somewhat difficult to understand these original Nephalem.

"Let's go then, or do you plan to say hello to Bulcasso before taking action?

Things on his side should be over as well. "

Rasma said.

He acted as if he couldn't wait to reach that battlefield.

This was another performance that was difficult for Gruchak and Ulena to understand.

"There is no need to say goodbye to Bulkesso, he will know everything we do on the Holy Mountain.

No ancestral spirit would hide such a thing from him. "

Gruchak opened a portal as he spoke.

This portal does not go directly to the battlefield between Wu Fengji and Divine Rune, but only arrives at a planet close to the battlefield.

After all, with teleportation magic, you must at least know what the place you are going to looks like.

If he could be as powerful as Bulcaisuo, it wouldn't matter if he could sense the situation over there just by staying here.

But Gruchak wasn't good enough.

As the holder of the authority of the earth, Gruchak can sense all things on the earth.

But some places just don’t have land, or even a place to stay…

Even if Gruchak himself could directly use the power of authority to create the earth as a foothold, that would only happen after he arrived there.

However, Yin Na does have such power, but that is because of the authority of the sky!

Although there is not earth everywhere, everywhere outside the earth is sky!

Yin Na's influence is not strong enough to control the boundless sky, but it is quite easy just to sense it.

The moment the portal opened, the aura of the identity and Wu Fengji's battle had already been conveyed.

"The location of your portal should be quite a distance from the battlefield, right?

Is this breath so clear? "

Ulena was a little surprised.

"Do you think everyone will control the scope of the impact just like you when they fight?"

Gruchak said.

Uliana's fighting method is to make full use of the explosive palm to cause large-area damage.

But the smaller the scope of the damage of the Exploding Palm, the greater the killing intensity of the Exploding Palm!

Therefore, Ulena's battle is very impressive if you watch it live, but it is particularly difficult to perceive it from a distance.

“The level of this power cannot be underestimated.

Don't waste time, hurry up! "

Rasma urged directly.

He was not interested in the differences in the fighting styles of Ulena and Gruchak, and he did not want to spend time listening to their arguments.

He just wanted to reach the battlefield over there as soon as possible and then complete his unexplained purpose.

"What I mean is that with such intensity of battlefield aura leaking out, should we add a layer of protection to young people?"

Ulena didn't pay any attention to Rasma's urging.

"It's not unreasonable, but it's unnecessary."

Gruchak said.

"They just want to see the vastness of the world. If the influence of the battlefield aura is blocked, the effect will be too bad."

Gruchak gave the reasons for his objection.

Even this reason is quite good.

The situation this time was different from when the three ancestors took Wayne and Rorschach to see the devil's vision.

At that time, Wayne and Rorschach were ordinary people, so of course they would not be treated so harshly.

But the aftermath of the battlefield is something that any Nephalem must get used to!

Every time the Nephalem faced someone like the Demon King, they never had a choice.

If you can't even bear the aura escaping on the battlefield, then it's basically equivalent to "being unable to set foot on the battlefield."

"Monks and barbarians train young men differently.

The monk prefers a step-by-step approach. "

Ulena said.

"Huh? Is there still time for you to take it step by step?

No one knows when young people will set foot on the battlefield!

When you were in Sanctuary, your location was too far away from the center of chaos, so you were able to proceed step by step!

But now, tsk! "

Gruchak said.

Although the current world is not as dangerous as Sanctuary, all Nephalem at least understand that Bul-Katho does not intend to take too long to solve the problem!

So even if a full-scale war breaks out in front of them at the next moment, it won't be surprising!

"Ulena, although I dare not say that all of these young people can grow up to the level of you and me.

But at least they were carefully selected to be here!

Barbarians are a group of people born on the battlefield. I have not seen many children who died due to the pressure of the aftermath of the battlefield!

Don't think of them all as weaklings! "

Gruchak said with a rare seriousness of words.

He wasn't kidding!

Not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of experience, Gruchak is richer than Ulena!

Ulena pondered for a while before agreeing with Gruchak's statement.

"So do you want to take action or not!?"

Rasma became more and more impatient.

In her impatience, Rasma did not notice the exchange of glances between Ulena and Gruchak!

They are obviously still very concerned about Rasma's purpose, and are even a little wary!

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