Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1104 Awkward Leoric and Gruchak

A result is awaited on Gruchak's side.

It would be a lie to say that Gruchak has no worries about Aidan becoming human.

Even for Masail, Gruchak's feelings are extraordinarily complicated.

On the one hand, it is the gratitude to the Archangel of Wisdom, and to the wisdom itself for bestowing everything in the world.

On the other hand, it is the deep hatred between being a barbarian and Marthael!

Hate Malthael, but respect wisdom.

This is what Gruchak was thinking in his heart at this time, if things hadn't deteriorated to the point where he needed to fight with his life.

At this time, Gruchak hopes to risk everything to have a fight with Masail!

This at least allows him not to think about those troublesome things.

"Gruchak, I'm actually very worried about all of this."

Leoric said slowly on the side.

Skeletron folded his hands in front of him, his hammer resting on the ground at an angle.

This gesture is somewhat unusual for Skeletron.

After all, a lunatic who is ready to attack at any time will not leave himself without a weapon.

Even if the weapon was within his reach.

"Skeletor, who is worried about all this, is waiting with me for the outcome of this.

This is ridiculous, Leoric! Although you and I are not familiar with each other, it is more because we both trust Bulkelso. "

Gruchak glanced back at Leoric.

He was a little curious about the purpose of Skeleton King coming to him. After all, although Leoric was crazy, he rarely did worthless things.

"It's as if our trust in Bulkelso will never be shaken."

Leoric said.

If he still has a human body, then he would probably curl his lips when he said this?

"We have no choice but to trust him, do you have any other options?

Is it Li Min or the first ancestor of the barbarians? Or Rasma? "

Gruchak sneered.

The First Patriarch can be trusted to a certain extent, since his help to the barbarians is not false.

The power of wrath still runs in the veins of every savage.

This kind of gift can already be called selfless.

As for whether the first generation of ancestors planned to take back all the anger at some point, Gruchak actually didn't care much.

A savage of his level would not be a weakling without the support of anger.

It's just that there are not many barbarians who can reach his level.

"Maybe there is? Li Min is actually very trustworthy, isn't she? As long as she is interested in what we need."

Leoric said calmly.

This calm tone made Gruchak somewhat unable to distinguish whether this was a joke by Leoric.

In fact, they all know that Li Min's strength is trustworthy, but Li Min's thoughts are not something they can guarantee.

It's never been an exception in Sanctuary for seekers to go crazy or go astray.

Who knows if Li Min will one day become curious about the experience of being a demon?

"We can't limit other people's ideas, so we can only gather together when we are still like-minded."

Gruchak said softly.

The voice didn't sound like it came from this savage who was stronger than a bear.

"I have a feeling that the calm we're having at this time is at its last moments."

Leoric looked into the distance, wondering what he was looking at.

The direction he was looking at was just a mountain range, and there was nothing worth paying attention to in Gruchak's eyes.

"It won't be so bad that we are forced by the demons to continue migrating."

Gruchak gritted his teeth.

difficulty? There is hardly anything in the life of a savage that is not difficult.

Who wouldn't want to live in a warm place if they could?

Staying on a cold mountain with only snow, even food supplies are not stable.

Although the barbarians built a civilization, they were nomadic in the beginning.

Even though their relationship with the druids allowed them to master farming techniques, neither the Arreat Mountains nor the current Harrogath was a suitable place for crops to grow.

"Those angels, I get mad when I see them.

There is a voice in my head that keeps telling me to crush them straight away. "

Leoric pointed to the angel who was fighting those metal demons in the distance and said.

These words are not a temptation, but Leoric's true thoughts.

Even if the lost Aidan is recovered, Leoric still doesn't like the angel.

Perhaps watching the angels help the current Candulas is Leoric's greatest restraint.

"Perhaps, you can do that, but it's probably not a smart thing to do."

Gruchak sighed.

There's certainly something wrong with hating the whole thing because of the individual, but that's the most common case.

Human beings will like or dislike the same kind because of the first impression, but it is not unusual for an individual to represent the whole.

"I mean the big guy who has reached the outer edge of the planet, that guy is dangerous."

Leoric looked like he wanted to roll his eyes.

"You're thinking too much. I'm just talking about the troubles that are right around the corner."

Leoric added angrily.

"Dangerous? So what to do? Kneel on the ground and cry? He's right there, just leave it alone.

Anyway, the big deal is to die again. You seem to be used to the process of dying? Or have you been half-dead in the process of dying? "

Gruchak ran on.

He didn't care if he would provoke Leoric here and lead to a fight.

A dead person and a person who is neither alive nor dead, neither of these two guys are afraid of death.

"Not alive or dead, it can also be said to be half dead or not alive."

Leoric nodded, he was not interested in Gruchak's attitude, but he very much recognized Gruchak's evaluation of him.

"Let's stop chatting about waiting for the result. There will be a lot of trouble after Aidan returns."

Gruchak said angrily.

The angel Aidan is mild and unpretentious. Gruchak is not familiar with Aidan, so he doesn't know if the human Aidan also has this kind of personality.

But Gruchak doesn't think so, the angel Aidan's good temper is a bit too much.

The shadow of the dark wanderer who is famous for killing demons can't be seen at all.

Human Aidan's temper is definitely not very good, maybe he will have some vengeance?

If this is the case, then Adria's death may make Aidan bitter.

The bearing of a king is not necessarily generous, and there are not a few kings who are narrow-minded.

Adria turned into a demon and killed Leah.

But it was Aidan the Dark Wanderer's lover and companion after all...

Who knows if Aidan will hold a grudge?

Besides, Aidan was an existence corrupted by Diablo, so can the independent soul influenced by Malthael be guaranteed to be human again?

In Gruchak's view, the existence of the angel Aidan will become the prince Aidan again, which is just part of Masail's plan.

The nephalem are half angel and half demon, so turning Aidan into an angel is restoring that weird balance in the nephalem's body.

"Yes, but you'd better be prepared.

I was on Leoric's side before, and maybe I'll be on his side in the future.

But when Aidan came back, I had to think about my son. "

Leoric said softly, with a feeling of making a clear statement before breaking up.

"It's like you can handle Bulkelso, although that guy is always angry.

But you have never seen him really angry. That kind of look reminds me of the volcanic eruption I saw as a background when I was a child, and the two giant bears were engaged in a life-and-death fight there. "

Gruchak tilted his head and said.

"Sounds spectacular."

Leoric nodded, and there was a clicking sound in his spine.

"Bulkasso is like that volcano when he is furious. Everything is tragic and just an embellishment of his terrifying power."

Gruchak said angrily.

"True rage is impossible without fear, and it's kind of funny that Bulkelso isn't complete."

Leoric shook his chin.

It was funny, but Gruchak couldn't laugh.

Because Leoric was right.

Bulkelso's anger could not reach its peak as the fear disappeared.

Although anger is a seemingly simple and pure emotion, it is extraordinarily complicated.

As far as Gruchak's own feelings are concerned, there are probably three or four types of expressions of anger among barbarians.

The mad rage of Barnar and Hylab was one.

The restrained rage of Tariq and Korik was another.

And the purposeful anger of Orlongus and Cassius.

There is even the anger of the Juggernauts Kahn and Kaerqiu towards themselves.

There are too many types of anger, and Gruchak is too lazy to subdivide them.

Perhaps the still-secret Vorusk had a form of rage that was all his own.

It's just that Gruchak cares more about how the anger of the first generation ancestors will be displayed.

The ancestors of the first generation still exist, but they have not been completely wiped out!

"If possible, I hope no one sees a fully enraged Bulkelso.

It looked scarier than when I first saw Lakanos. "

The muscles in the corners of Gruchak's eyes twitched twice.

"Worse than despair?"

Leoric was a little curious.

"Facing Bulkasso like that, I felt like a child seeing his father who got angry after being drunk.

Helpless, panicked... and overwhelmed? "

Gruchak went on and on about the feeling he would have at that time.

"His rage creates fear, doesn't it?"

A dim light flickered in Leoric's eye sockets.

"His rage seemed to tear apart everything, including fear.

It ends up leaving your mind so empty that you forget even how to breathe. "

Gruchak took a deep breath before speaking.

"It sounds very scary."

Leoric let out a chuckle that Gruchak didn't know what he meant.

"I'm serious, Bulkelso is the most human savage I've ever met, but I have to say he has an eerie detachment.

Don't you see it? Is he cynical, or careless and condescending?

That's what it means anyway, but none of us can figure out how he got this attitude. "

Gruchak gestured restlessly with his hands as he spoke.

"I know, when I first met him, I still remember his arrogance that surpassed us by a latitude."

Leoric interrupted Gruchak.

"Yes, it's arrogance. That's what he was like when he was weak.

At that time, although I could only watch them from the holy mountain, Bulkelso at that time left a deep impression on me. "

Gruchak tapped his palm suddenly, and said as if he had suddenly realized.

"I don't care, but what we're going to see now will determine a lot of things."

Leoric turned his head and looked in the direction where Malthael and Aidan were.

Although Aidan's attitude will not change Leoric's position, it is still no problem to slightly change Candulas' performance against Nephalem.

Aidan is upright, but no one knows if Aidan will have some new ideas at this time.

Especially when the leader of all this is that guy Masail.

"If Aidan said that Candulas would have perished long ago, would you dismiss everyone in Candulas?"

Gruchak asked curiously.

"I am the king of Candulas, and he is only a prince. Have you ever seen a prince who is above a king?"

Leoric's skeletal face spoke to Gruchak.

Gruchuk could see that Leoric was eager to roll his eyes at him.

"The prince of a great country and the king of a small country?"

Gruchak said angrily.

He was running on Leoric, and this kind of running was probably to dilute the tension they were waiting for the result.

Both Gruchak and Leoric could feel the change of breath in front of them.

The angel's aura is rapidly weakening, from two angels to only one angel's aura, Marsail.

And the other breath is a little strange, even for Leoric.

"Aidan's breath is not like this, maybe the Aidan inside is just a substitute?"

Gruchak asked.

"Being through so much, of course the breath changes.

The connection between our father and son is not only blood, but also soul! "

Leoric said angrily.

"Well, the essence of the soul cannot be changed, it's just dyeing the soul or something."

Gruchak said.

"It's just that you'd better remember one thing, both Aidan and Leah have unfortunately become Diablo's containers.

But now Diablo is just missing, and no one can guarantee whether Diablo will reappear from them. "

Gruchak talked about some off-putting topics.

"You don't have to worry about this issue for the time being, I guarantee that it will take a long time for Diablo to appear again."

Bulkelso's voice appeared suddenly.

"Let me remind you that time is based on the relative existence of matter."

The doctor's voice also sounded.

The voices of the two came together with the unique roar of the TARDIS!

"That is to say, if Bulkasso's work left a tail behind, perhaps Diablo has passed the so-called 'long' time at this time?"

Li Min's teasing voice also sounded.

And Leoric was a little nervous.

In the face of a guy like Bull Casso, who can use his strength to let his own ideas run over other people's objections.

Nervousness is the most normal expression.

At this time, Marsail's aura in the room fluctuated violently!

Masail didn't want to see Burkasso at such a time!

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