Daomen Invasion

Chapter 717: : Giant Ant

Changli said: "The green forest side is different from the ice maple continent. Many magicians also believe in the Lord of Dawn. This time, most of the troops we bring are powers in the world. Say, the effect is still great. If you are willing to sell, the price is not a problem. "

Qiu Xuanji said: "I can take the lead in this matter. It's no problem if you want to buy a structure. You can give me the style now. Rhode Island will take the time to build the temple of dawn.

"Very good, the Temple of Dawn, here controls one coal mine and two iron mines. The associated resources of one iron mine are still very rich. Do you think it is ok to use these to trade?"

"Of course." Qiu Xuanji answered very happily. He came over to search for veins.

Although it is more cost-effective to go directly to an unowned place, it is within the control of the temple, and it is not a loss to dig up mineral deposits. At least the cost of protecting the veins is saved.

Then the excavated material was made into a mechanical structure, and then sold to the shrine. There was a coolie in the middle.

The temple is now rich, the military value is insufficient, and the army is not armed enough, so it does not want to speed up its expansion.

In this way, both sides will take what they need.

And the people in the alchemy factory also need proficiency to build mechanical structures for the temple, which is a training process.

There are more and more qualified alchemists on Xiahe ’s Sun City, just because he sells weapons and equipment all year round. The alchemy factory has been in operation all the time, and the ranks of the alchemists have risen quickly. The earliest apprentices now have more than 20 levels.

If there is no business, Xiahe can not train so many alchemists.

Now as long as he gives the drawings, Sun City can quickly manufacture them. This is a world apart from the dilemma that he had to personally refine everything in the beginning.

Long quinoa seems to know that the other party will definitely agree, so he took out the prepared drawings.

The structure required by the temple is naturally the temple style, and there are still some places on it. The blank area is marked, which is to be reserved for refining the magic.

Qiu Xuanji took the drawing to say goodbye, and thought to himself, that the Lord of Dawn is afraid that it is more powerful than his master.

Adults want to destroy gods in this world, the road is still long.

Qiu Xuanji returned to the camp and went to see Princess Angelina. Princess Angelina frowned when she heard that Xiahe's people were about to evacuate.

However, the camp chosen by Qiu Xuanji was just over two hundred miles north and was directly located in the mining area.

There is a rich iron ore, the earliest batch of steel, directly used to build rails.

This time the carrier of the secondary fleet brought everything the alchemy factory needed. The alchemy factory in the camp was too small to produce a small amount of equipment, which was usually used for maintenance.

After the Duke's alchemy plant is built, it will also transport materials to the camp.

The relationship between the princess and Xiahe is 30% of the transaction price. Even Xiahe often buys things from the princess. The princess is also willing to buy equipment from Xiahe. After all, the quality is guaranteed, the structure is more reasonable, and the cost of use and maintenance is lower.

Even if the price of 30% is not cheap, but in the long run, it can save more than half of the capital than buying it elsewhere.

Qiu Xuanji has this ability, and when communicating with others, it makes me feel very comfortable. Naturally, things were done, and there was little dispute.

After things were said, Qiu Xuanji took people to the mining area.

The location of the iron ore is still hilly, but the ore here can be seen on the surface and is very easy to mine.

Qiu Xuanji ordered to build a six-pointed star castle on the spot, according to the standard of 100,000 people. This time he brought 6,000 people, plus 3,000 people over the camp, that is 9,000 people. Then there are 30,000 mechanical structures, and there are a large number of robot soldiers. It is not a problem to pile up the castle.

Qiu Xuanji chose the address and gave priority to building the core magic tower. This is the center of the magic net. With the magic net, a large number of net masters among the nine thousand people can afford to protect the castle.

Without the magic web, their strength is nothing but a magic apprentice.

Although it is controlled by the temple, there should be no demons, and Qiu Xuanji did not dare to care about it. Besides, this is also the location of the alchemy factory.

One of the other two coal mines is also under the control of the temple, and the other one is relatively east. Although there are also temple powers, there are also demons.

The shrine is kind, and two of the three mines promised are safe.

In another coal mine, Qiu Xuanji sent people to build a small fortress to produce raw coal crystals on the spot. The equipment brought by Qiu Xuanji can only be maintained and constructed, but it cannot be mass-produced. The production line mainly manufactures magic muskets and robot warriors.

The low-level robot warriors are good if they have iron ore. As for the computing core, they are all brought from Sun City. They are very small and do not occupy any place at all.

Qiu Xuanji built the factory and castle in only six days. By this time, the royal army had advanced northward, bypassing the temple, and did not clash with the other three temples.

In this way, the surrounding coal mine was also cleaned up by the royal army, and Qiu Xuanji immediately sent people to take the robots to mine. All are shallow mines, easy to mine, large machinery roars day and night, the raw coal crystals are refined on site, and transported back to the six-pointed star castle.

Qiu Xuanji's heart was set, and the Sun City also began to manufacture the mechanical structures needed for the temple, and dispatched ships to deliver them. Moreover, Xiahe gave priority to the mechanical construction of the temple, and he worried that the sea would be blocked by the demon in the future.

The Star Wars of the Mozu, I do n’t know where to send them to build, and when they are successful, unless Xiahe himself also sent the Star Fleet to come, there is no way to fight. The sea was blocked and the supply was cut off.

The Master of the Magic Net keeps day and night, arranging in the underground space.

The demon have many methods of drilling the ground, so the construction of the underground fortress camps is very troublesome. Fortunately, the flash dust is mixed in various artificial stones, which is considered to be a very stable substance, and it is difficult for the Devil to penetrate. The formula provided by Xiahe allows the flash dust to survive in the alchemy factory at a lower cost. This thing is now a strategic material.

The royal family controls prices and will definitely not increase the prices of manufacturing materials.

There is also a large number of magic scrolls available to magicians over the quinoa, which are used to purify the devil.

Qiu Xuanji didn't push it away, he gave back a batch of magic scrolls.

Mages, including Magnet Masters, have recently disassembled mechanical structures day and night to understand the structure and facilitate maintenance. The soldiers went to the coal mine in the east in batches, patrolling, and exploring the deep road.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed, and all three mines began production. The battle of the imperial army in the north was fairly smooth, capturing some important points and building a castle.

However, if you go further east, the terrain is complex, the army is inconvenient to move, and the empire's active area is still 300 kilometers from the sea, an unusually long and narrow area. And on both sides of the north and south, there is the strength of the temple intertwined.

There is no conflict between the shrine and the empire, but the imperial army cannot pass by from other people's territory, and it is marching against the edge.

Qiu Xuanji's people patrolled the mines in the east day and night to find the devil who was missing the net.

Further east, there are mountains, valleys, rivers, and forests. There is nothing flat. All patrols are teams of five. On this day, a five-member team crossed a hundred miles east of the mining area and marched in a river valley.

Ten robot warriors are walking in front, and behind the robot warriors are the armored soldiers, carrying his four men. There are ten mechanical structures and ten robot warriors on each of the two wings.

The entire team is five soldiers, twenty-five mechanical structures, plus thirty robot soldiers.

In the sky, there are small flying machines. The squad leader is an armored soldier. He is a demon warrior himself. He also has a feather snake and flies high.

In Xiahe's domain, anyone who can control Warcraft will buy a few feather snakes to keep. The varieties sold by Xiahe are all improved and have ordinary combat effectiveness, but they are loyal and have everything to eat. They are most suitable for field investigations.

The precision shooter walks and observes the map again. They carry magic devices and can draw maps.

Every time a new area is patrolled, it is actually the process of adding maps.

"Captain, we have gone too far today. This area requires a squadron to explore." The precision shooter is on the armor.

The armored soldiers waved their hands, and even the robot soldiers stopped. These robots have superficial wisdom.

"Okay, after checking this river valley, we will go back. We are not going anymore, Tom, let the mechanical spiders go over to investigate, and by the way, see if there are caves on the mountains on both sides.

"Yes." A soldier unbuttoned the box behind him, opened it, and released ten fist-sized mechanical spiders. The mechanical spider crawled forward quickly. The precision shooter stares at his magic map, looking at the expanding area above.

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"Found caves ... contaminated Warcraft, already distorted, **** it, giant ants!"

"What should I do, Captain, should I ask for assistance?"

Giant ants themselves are not very capable of fighting, but the number is large. After being contaminated, the aggression becomes high and it is easy to be violent.

"Wait a moment, the mechanical spider has not been attacked, and the giant ants have weak perception. Let the mechanical spider see if there are any other exits in the cave. If not, let the robot soldiers go in and spray fire. Bottles, giant ants rarely have more than ten levels, do n’t be afraid. ”

The armored soldiers said calmly that he was already a fifteenth-level fighter. If he was n’t a giant ant, he would n’t worry about anything at all.

Of course, the remaining four people can only obey orders.

Although the giant ants are troublesome, the entrance to the cave is not large and you do n’t have to go in. There are robots, with fire-breathing devices, everyone is blocked outside, just wait for the giant ants to rush out and hack to death.

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