Daomen Invasion

Chapter 514: : Naval Battle (2)

The expeditionary fleet on Xiahe's side was still calm and focused on fire attack. The opposing fleet found the enemy's fierce firepower. After several rounds of contact, they did not wait to reach Wuli and turned their bow to escape south.

In the sky, small aircraft monitoring the battlefield have been transmitting battlefield pictures.

Xiahe looked at each other's warships in different ways, but he didn't lose power.

Good defense?

The speed is also very fast, I do not know if it is a trap. In addition to its own warships, its own fleet was handed over to the Merrifin family.

Xiahe hesitated for a moment and did not give orders through the magic circle.

He observed for a while, and found that the people of the Merriffin family did not mobilize the flying warship, but kept the fleet at a constant speed and followed. This is an old practice, not radical at all. But since there is a weapon like a flying warship, why not use it?

Thinking like this, suddenly, I saw two large warships in the semi-elven empire, and the power part of the stern suddenly experienced a violent explosion. The entire stern was lifted, leaving the water high, and then fell heavily go back.

Xiahe couldn't help laughing, the underwater puppet, which was released by the Merrifin family, his own fleet did not have this weapon, and all attacked with magic cannons. Because this weapon is relatively primitive, it is easy to be forcibly detonated halfway after being discovered.

I have forgotten that the semi-elven empire and naval warfare ability are not excellent, and their weapons are behind the empire. The cost of making this kind of weapon is not high, and the effect is better than the magic cannon. But after using it, as long as the half-elf empire has read the battle report, it will manufacture defensive weapons in a targeted manner, which is difficult to work again.

Nor is it an important thing, Xiahe did not care.

Looking at the Merriffin family warships chasing behind, more explosive puppets are released, and the battleships of the semi-elven empire are destroyed by power units. The battleships of the Half-Elf Empire are really strong. Such a powerful explosive force only destroys the external propulsion device, and each ship has no water leakage.

But without power, these ships can't escape.

Twenty-three battleships of the half-elf empire were floating on the sea, and the commander of the Merriffin family was not too close, staying within two miles of the other side, and then began to attack with ballistas.

The attack distance of these magic ballistas can reach five miles. That is the theory. Two miles is the best attack distance.

The magic ballista can launch a lot of things. The battleships of the semi-elven empire have almost been cleared of their decks. Now it is a unilateral attack. The battleships of the Merriffin family fired a round of fire.

Regardless of whether the opponent is a decoy, it is destined to be annihilated.

The flying warship on the Xiahe Fleet had already taken off and flew away, patrolling around. Many half-elves jumped off the ship and wanted to swim to the Imperial Fleet side to fight on board.

A dozen smaller warships moved forward, spreading their wings, and the soldiers of the nobles raised their magic muskets and fired at the half-elves who were heading towards the water.

Xiahe sighed, he saw those noble soldiers, with a smile on his face, as if it were a simple hunt.

Fortunately, however, his own soldiers were loyal to their duties and his face was calm. They are not really the most elite troops in Xiahe. It is because they still have problems that they are released to hone and find better ways to train them. It was just an encounter, and the differences between the various armies were seen.

The private soldiers of the Merrifin family did not participate in this kind of shooting at all. They had their own pride. This kind of piecemeal thing was unnecessary and would not be personal.

The elite of the wealthy nobles only motivate things that are of interest.

Without the help of the warships of the little nobles, they would do the same, but with the soldiers of the little nobles, shoot the half-elves on the water. These Merrifin family soldiers are extremely proud.

The empire lasted for a long time, and although the nobles did not forget the style of martial arts, they also maintained soldiers and magicians. But there is not much experience in training soldiers.

These soldiers may be loyal. Can be placed on the Xiahe side, none of them are qualified.

Xiahe sounded the military command of the empire, with hundreds of thick books. How many people know what each word means? The power of the little nobility will never rise. The big nobles control the empire, and have the ability to conquer other worlds. Their army, against these little nobles, is not a problem.

The alarm sounded again, Xiahe amplified the battlefield sound, and heard someone shouting: "Mermaid! Mermaid!"

"Fishman, idiot." Xiahe's fleet was the calmest and no one shouted, but several magicians responsible for communicating with the fleet were impatient. In the magic circle, he heard the incoherent voices of other battleships. I wish to turn off the formation.

Some of the underwater surveillance equipment was damaged one after another, and the fleet was also recorded. Although some soldiers were panicking on the battleships of some nobles, they still put magic bullets into the water according to the procedure.

These magic bombs began to explode after sinking to different depths, and the whole sea began to choppy. Before facing the giant crossbow fish, because it is an ordinary Warcraft, do not bother. The fish man is a wise life. Although we haven't seen it before, we have only seen patterns in books, but we dare not take it lightly.

There are also a lot of boats on Xiahe, which is equivalent to a deep-water bomb, which can prevent the force under the sea from approaching. Xiahe has his own diving warship and can dive very deep. The warships of the Holy Thunder Empire can infiltrate below two or three kilometers.

As hundreds of magic bombs exploded underwater, a layer of murloc corpses floated on the sea.

If the murloc is strong, it will not disappear from human beings. There is no revenge in this world. Many species, even if they are not dead, have lost the possibility of hegemony with humans. For example, the snowman in the northern ice field. The difference in civilization levels makes them less and less living space, and they live like Warcraft.

The fishman came suddenly, but it should have been raised by a half-elf, just like a human using a snowman as a slave.

There were sharp weapons in the hands of these murlocs, but unfortunately they were unable to board the ship, and they were blown up with blood. Under the sea, even if it is not in the center of the explosion, a powerful sonic shock is enough to kill these murlocs.

At that time, the war between humans and murlocs was participated by the existence of legends and above. Humans entered the sea, wiped out the hamming of the murlocs, and killed more than those murloc mages. They also destroyed their heritage of civilization. The corpses floating on the sea are all murloc warriors without a caster.

Of course, in the war that year, there were also gods involved.

Therefore, between the various continents, the marine wisdom life is almost cleared, and many underwater temples are destroyed by banned curses and erased by powerful divine magic.

Today's murlocs are not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

This is also the reason why the Dao Palace is expanding as much as possible. Without increasing its own strength, even if it is not annihilated in the future, it must be a fishman.

In the multiverse, how could there be any **** peace.

The Shenzhou Empire, once entered a universe, and the galaxies that the empire could detect were conquered by a kind of starry sky Zerg. All life is eaten by animals bred by the Starry Sky Zerg.

Including humans in that universe.

Of course, the Shenzhou Empire destroyed the civilization of the Starry Zerg, and the Starry Zerg was also brought up. Because the quality of their carapace is so good, Zerg can rely on their carapace to fly in the universe. Giant Zerg can also directly jump in space.

Such a carapace is so good natural equipment for the empire.

In this way, the Zerg, which occupied hundreds of giant galaxies, was destroyed by the fleet of the Shenzhou Empire. The empire struggled with its own heavy losses and had to wipe out the Zerg civilization.

The real purpose is not for resources.

Shenzhou already has enough resources to allow humans to survive, but if such a race does not annihilate and let them grow up, sooner or later, Shenzhou itself will become a ruin. No one will miss the former empire, no one will know what kind of suffering the human ancestors have experienced.

These thoughts just flashed in the soul.

Twenty-three half-elven warships were burning, the magic flame could not be extinguished, and the metal objects on the deck began to deform.

Dozens of half-elves flew up and rushed to human warships. They have no wings on them, and they are flying purely on their own. There is no legend, just the caster of the epic realm, the flying distance will not be too far ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is difficult to cast spells while flying.

The magic ballista, filled with huge arrows, shot into the air, as well as the soldiers, bombarded remotely with a magic musket.

One by one half-elf epic, just shot down, how many times can they withstand the spell they prepared?

On some little noble warships, those soldiers and magicians began to laugh.

"What half-elf empire, at this level?"

"I thought it was amazing."

"Epic of the half-elf, let me shoot first too!"

"It seems that if we try harder this time, we can grab a half-elf and go back to work as a servant."

"Come on, they are all big and good, what's the good."

"You don't understand, they climb trees all day long, their waists and legs are very strong. At first glance, they don't grow up.

Hahaha ...

Xiahe can't listen anymore, these goods, still want to grab half the elves and go back to the bed?

The hatred between humans and half-elves is already an endless situation. Grab it back and eat you carefully in the middle of the night.

And what are these people doing? Although the magic musket can shoot more than a thousand meters, don't shoot at such a long distance. Most of the magic bullets were missed, and only some magician's attacks hit the target. Dozens of epic half elves, most of them were shot dead by magic ballistas. There are still a few, which were hit by sieves with precise shots by magicians. 8)

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