Yan Ming didn't speak, but nodded to He Tiancheng, took out the handcuffs, and controlled Yang Hao.

The two of them walked ahead, and He Tiancheng wanted to attack Yang Hao again, but it was difficult to do so right now.

Before being escorted into the car, Yang Hao said with a gloomy expression: "He Tiancheng, let's wait and see."

"I want to see how you perform in the future."

He Tiancheng didn't speak, and watched the car door close.

Yan Ming came to He Tiancheng, "Go back, I have something to say tomorrow."

"Well, be careful, this Yang Hao is too cunning, and he intends to drive us apart."

Yan Ming nodded and said nothing.

After he left, He Tiancheng also got in his car and left.

On the way, he remembered Yang Hao's words, just in case, he decided to make a phone call.

In the police car.

"Yan Ming, you don't even want to cooperate with me, why do you cooperate with that villain He Tiancheng?"

"Do you think he's more trustworthy than me?"

Yang Hao looked at Yan Ming quite speechlessly.

Yan Ming sat on the co-pilot, opened the window, and lit a cigarette a little restlessly.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"You have one more crime. If you have the time, you might as well calculate how many years you will be sentenced for counting the crimes and punishing them!"

Yang Hao chuckled, "Punishment for multiple crimes? You are too young. I can easily wash away what happened last time. Do you think something will happen to me this time?"

"You don't still believe that the evil does not suppress the good, do you?"

Yan Ming blows smoke out of the window.

"I don't know whether the evil will be suppressed or not. I only know that you have fallen into my hands this time. If you can't be brought to justice, you will die forever."

Yang Hao said helplessly: "Don't, you don't want to die with me, it's better to stay with He Tiancheng."

"He's the one who wants to hurt you the most. I'm different. As long as you don't get in my way, I won't do anything to you."

Yan Ming chuckled, "Yang Hao, who is always defiant and arrogant, can still say such a thing?"

"You think I'll believe it?"

"Okay, get out of the car."

When the police car drove into the yard, Yan Ming got down first, and then Yang Hao was also dragged down.

Yang Hao suddenly said loudly to Yan Ming: "I don't believe you will trust He Tiancheng so much, you must want to verify it in your heart!"

Yan Ming paused, then turned to look at Yang Hao.

"You let me meet Jin Zihua, I want to find out why he betrayed me."

"Go check his bank account and recent spending, and I'll ask him face to face!"

"It doesn't matter if you tear up my face because of Yan Xuecheng, but He Tiancheng is a hypocrite through and through. You can't trust him, or you will regret it!"

Strictly speechless, in fact, he could not refute what Yang Hao said.

Although he didn't believe in either, he really wanted an answer.

If the facts are as Yang Hao said, then he really needs to be vigilant.

After all, He Tiancheng was not a good person in the first place.


"Then I'll let you meet Jin Zihua."

Fifteen minutes later, the meeting arrangements for the two were made.

And Yan Ming also asked his colleagues from the criminal investigation department to work overtime to check Jin Zihua's bank statement.

While Yan Ming asked people to check the running water, he listened to the conversation between Yang Hao and Jin Zihua on the spot.

When the two of them met through the bars, Yang Hao had the attitude of wanting to smash Jin Zihua to pieces on the spot.

"Did your kid work for He Tiancheng and deliberately frame me?"

Jin Zihua shuddered through the bars.

He timidly said: "Boss, what are you talking about, didn't you ask me to do it?"

"Don't blame me, I want to reduce the criminal law, so... so I confess everything."

Yang Hao glared, his face turned green with anger.

"How dare you say that in front of me?"

"Didn't my mother tell you that the plan was cancelled? Who told you to do it!"

"I'm telling you, you can't go out, but I can. When I go out, the first thing I do is to kill your family!"

When Jin Zihua heard what Yang Hao said, he was trembling with fright, and hurriedly asked Yan Ming next to him for help.

"Did you hear it, did you hear it! He's going to kill my family!"

"You must send someone to protect my family, otherwise I will not testify and I will commit suicide!"

"When things get serious, no one will look good!"

Yang Hao said coldly: "It's just your humble life that makes trouble? Do you really treat yourself like a dish?"

"Look..." Jin Zihua continued to ask for help with a flustered expression.

Yan Ming coughed lightly, his eyes fell on Yang Hao, and he warned: "You can ask questions, but you can't threaten his family."

"If his answer is coerced and lured, it will be invalid."

Yang Hao naturally understood what Yan Ming meant, he could only relax for a while, and then said to Jin Zihua: "I know someone must have ordered you to do this, and gave you a sum of money, as long as you tell me, I can do it for you." Never blame the past, and will not touch your family."

"Really?" Jin Zihua asked.

"When have I ever treated you badly?"

"It's you and him, who actually bit me at this time, what a bastard!"

Yang Hao scolded Jin Zihua angrily, which made him feel a little loose.

It seemed that he remembered that Yang Hao was really kind to him before, so he also showed hesitation.

Seeing this, Yan Ming could already see that there might be something else hidden about this matter.

But Yang Hao hurriedly said: "Tell me quickly, is the person who instigated you He Tiancheng?"

"He Tiancheng? Who is He Tiancheng?" Jin Zihua looked bewildered.

"The person who asked me to do this is clearly surnamed Tang!"

(end of this chapter)

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