Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 605 Human Purge Plan

"Ron, you are finally back. How are our TV series plans going?"

Seeing Ron walking into the restaurant, Caroline happily greeted him. As long as the film and television project could succeed, she would no longer have to work as a waitress in this dirty restaurant.

Although she has completely adapted to life in the slums during her time here and has become friends with everyone in the restaurant, if she has a choice, she still wants to leave here. Not only her, but also Max and everyone else in the restaurant. The common idea of ​​​​people is that no one wants to remain poor.

"Of course, everything is settled. I bought a film and television company. If you are willing, you can even play your own role in the show. Max, what do you think?"

Ron looked at Max who had just walked out from behind the counter. She had just changed out of her restaurant uniform and put on a black dress that made her skin even whiter. Of course, the already prominent areas were even more prominent because it was still a low-cut dress. skirt.

"I don't care, anyway, for me, it's just a change of place to play the role of a waiter. I've been playing this role all my life, and I can play it very well." Max said with a shrug.

"But this time, your audience will no longer be hippies hanging out in midnight restaurants, but millions of TV drama viewers. Oh my God, we are going to be stars~"

Caroline excitedly jumped up and down with Max in her arms, dancing an eye-catching dance. Ron had to pour cold water on her beforehand: "No, I can't guarantee whether you two will be invited to star. After all, you have to make money when making TV series. Although the characters are based on you, you have no acting experience, so I prefer to hire actors similar to you to play your roles, such as the role of Caroline. I think it can be left to Anne Hathaway."

"Anne Hathaway?! No, I don't want that creep playing my part!"

Caroline yelled angrily, but Max clapped his hands and applauded: "Haha, I definitely support Anne Hathaway to play Caroline, they are just as annoying."

Anne Hathaway may be an extremely high-quality actress in the eyes of Chinese people. She has no scandals and is as beautiful and elegant as ever. But in the eyes of Americans, she is one of the most hated female stars because most Americans think she is too ugly. If you pretend, in Chinese terms, you are not down to earth.

But one thing is certain, her feeling of being out of tune with the American atmosphere is exactly the same as Caroline, a former rich girl, feeling out of place in the slums.

"We can discuss the casting matter later, and I can let you participate in the casting process, but that's not what I came to you for today."

Ron made a gesture of invitation to invite the two women into the car and then sat in the driver's seat. Caroline's face suddenly turned red and looked extremely seductive: "I know, you want us to I’m ready for the superhero drag show that I promised you before, right?”

"It's not this...well, we can talk about this later," Ron glanced at the independent and shy Caroline and the eager Max: "What I want to tell you is the moving plan. I found it for you. I have already moved your luggage to a new residence. In order to prevent me from carefully throwing away anything you particularly like, I even moved the garbage from your house."

"Oh, Ron, you are so considerate~ But we really don't need to move to a new place. The place we live in now is quite good. It has water and electricity, and there is also a yard where Su Bao can live. ...It's not that we are reluctant to spend money to live in a better house, the main thing is that we like the atmosphere there, not only next to Sophie, but also..."

Caroline explained with erratic eyes, Max rolled his eyes behind him, and Ron interrupted Caroline's nonsense unceremoniously: "Max has already told me, you use your money to invest in stocks. You lose it, right? Seriously, don’t believe the financial knowledge you learned at Wharton before, it’s useless.”

Caroline's eyes widened angrily. Her Wharton Business School degree was the thing she was most proud of: "How is that possible? Do you know who my teacher is? He is..."

"No matter who he is, you have to understand this logic," Ron said helplessly: "First of all, everyone likes money, right? No one can get along with the US dollar. So, your finance teacher Why not make your own money instead of teaching in a school?”

"Hahahaha..." Caroline was speechless by Ron's words, and Max laughed in the back seat of the car.

"But maybe the teachers who taught me finance don't bother to make money in the stock market?" Caroline still wanted to make one last struggle.

"Do you believe what you say?" Caroline lowered her head under Ron's questioning, but Ron did not continue to pursue, but stopped as soon as possible. The car was very busy while Ron and Max were chatting. Driving quickly to the new house prepared by Ron, Max noticed as soon as he arrived that this house was unusual.

"What's going on? Why are there steel plates behind all the windows? And that door, why does it look so similar to the safes in a bank vault?" Max said, pointing to the weird-looking house in front of him.

"Don't worry, the steel plates behind those windows can be opened. This is a safe house I specially prepared for you. I bought it from a lunatic with doomsday fantasy. Not only that, there is a secret room in this house. , hidden five meters underground under the fireplace. If you store some food and fresh water inside, the automatic ventilation system can allow you to stay down there for a long time, even in the event of a nuclear attack."

Ron looked at the house with satisfaction and explained to the two women.

Caroline was puzzled: "But why do we want to live in such a house?"

"Because we just replaced a crazy president. He has a plan called Redemption Day. Have you heard of it?" The two women shook their heads. They were both apolitical people. Ron could only continue to explain: "He I plan to pass a bill and select a day. On this day every year, people will be free to commit any crime to vent their emotions, and God will redeem the people who died on this day and take them to heaven. I don’t want to I feel that when others know that there are only two lovely women living in a house, they will not list it as the primary target for violence.

I am very willing to protect you, but I also know that I cannot be with you all the time, so I can only prepare a house like this for you. "

"Didn't you say it? He just planned it. I don't think anyone will pass such a crazy bill. Ron, you are too unfounded."

"I hope so, but isn't it nice to be prepared?" Ron nodded noncommittally.

In fact, the word "intended" was just to comfort the two women. Earlier, Finch had already hacked into Warren's personal computer through hacking methods. He had reached a secret deal with several congressmen for this bill, and the passage of the bill had long been a long time coming. It was a sure thing, so he hurriedly bought this house to give to the two girls. In addition, he also had corresponding arrangements for other confidantes.

They also gave this secret plan a sensational name, called the Human Purge Plan.

, the Day of Redemption sounds like a very fair event. Everyone can kill anyone without distinction. Those who want to kill will not be punished, but don’t forget that rich people will hire a lot of bodyguards. To protect themselves and their families, they will not be harmed in any way on the Day of Redemption, because ordinary people who take up arms just because of interest will never be the opponents of those professionally trained bodyguards.

The final result can only be that the bottom class kills and consumes each other, while the elites can take the opportunity to save a large sum of pensions and reduce the burden on their own companies. As for the shortage of people? The worst they can do is to wait until the day of redemption to re-recruit. As long as they want to continue living, they will always have to work in elite companies.

"If you feel bad about it, after the TV series based on the two of you makes money, you can return the money you earned to me as payment for the house."

"But, I still can't accept it. This house is too expensive. With our copyright income, there is no way..."

While Caroline was still evading, as if to prove Ron's foresight, the music on the car radio suddenly stopped.

"Urgent interruption of important news: Congress has just passed a proposal by new President Warren. In order to reduce the unemployment rate and at the same time reduce disputes among people, from now on, August 19th will be designated as the Day of Redemption. On this day, all acts of violence will be allowed and will be redeemed by God. I hope you can wash your souls in the indulgence of this day. God bless America and the country will be reborn..."

, the two women were struck by lightning when they heard the news. They stayed there motionless for a long time, looking at Ron in shock.

Today is August 18th, which means that when the clock strikes midnight tonight, the entire United States will fall into disorderly killings. If they still live in the same place, it is absolutely impossible for them to survive tomorrow well.

You must know that the place where they rented a house before was one of the most chaotic slums in Los Angeles!

"Okay, I knew they might pass this resolution, but I never expected it to be so fast." Ron helped the two women close their chins with his hands: "But I think this should give you more reasons to accept it. This house, right?”

"Okay, we accept this house... Ron, can you not leave tonight?" Caroline held Ron's arm pitifully and begged.

Ron thought for a while and finally shook his head: "I'm afraid not. If I were here, you would become more unsafe. Do you think I have few enemies? I don't believe they would give up such a God-given opportunity, no. Find a way to kill me, if I stay here, maybe the gangsters with pistols will turn into professionals with rocket launchers or rifles."

Ron's worries were certainly justified. In fact, just as he was comforting the two of them, a group of strange people gathered in the conference room of Los Angeles City Hall, gathering around a round table to prepare for a meeting.

The reason why they are strange is not just because of their appearance. Although most of them look fierce, the more reason is that they even dress differently from ordinary people.

Some of them used mechanical arms to replace their original physical arms, some had most of their bodies replaced by machines, and some even hid their entire faces behind white ninja masks. Without exception, these people focused their attention. On the man in the middle of the round table with half his face covered by a gas mask.

"It seems like everyone has arrived. It's great. I like people who are punctual the most, because this represents your respect for me."

The man who covered most of his face with a gas mask stood up: "Maybe many of you don't know me yet. This is not my fault, but because your previous ranks were too low, but now, through your previous After all the training you have endured, I think you are qualified to become my followers, so I would like to formally introduce myself to you now. My code name is Doctor. I am one of the 12 Apostles of Aideen, and I am also the commander of you people. official."

"With me, you don't need to think about anything. You just need to follow my orders when I give them. Do you understand?"


Everyone answered together, except for the man with the mechanical arm, who raised his hand with that mechanical arm. If Ron were here, he would definitely recognize this man. It was him who was in the Burmese forest. This golden movie The former royal agent who had modified the robotic arm he met during the circle.

The doctor glanced at him without any emotion or anger in his eyes: "What questions do you have?"

"I'm wondering, what if we have questions about the order?"

The doctor did not answer, but looked around: "Does anyone else have the same questions as her? You can ask them now. I am a very democratic person and good at listening to different voices. If you have any ideas, Anyone can come and communicate with me.”

However, looking around, everyone was silent except for the half-human, half-machine black warrior who was slightly moved. Just as he was about to raise his hand, his arm was pressed down by the white-clothed ninja sitting next to him.

"What are you doing?" the black soldier asked in a low voice.

"You are still useful, you can't die now." The white-clothed ninja said coldly.

"Is there no one there?" The doctor had a clear view of the small movements of the ninja and the black warrior, but did not say anything, but continued to ask, but this time there was still no reply. He left his seat and walked to the man with the mechanical arm: "Look No one here has the same question as you, so I can only answer you alone. If someone has questions about my orders, I usually choose to let the person die. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

After saying that, a sharp blade appeared in his hand without any warning and quickly inserted into the man's abdomen.

"Hiss~" Before the man could react, he fell to the ground in pain, clutching his wound.

"Clean him up and don't let him dirty the floor here. After all, this is still someone else's place."

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