"Then I advise you to calm down, because this is Los Angeles. In any bar, you can find a screenwriter who calls himself "Beverly Dogs" and tells you that he thinks you have great potential and should go to the big screen. Try it on the screen.

Then after you drank two glasses of wine with him, you became unconscious. It wasn't until the next day that you found yourself in a mess and woke up in a room that was not much better than this one. Only then did you realize that he was just a script. Poor screenwriters who can't sell, believe me, there are a lot of them in Hollywood. "

Ron's familiar voice sounded on the window sill, and accompanied by Su Bao's cheerful cry, he appeared at the window sill in the yard. Ron also fed Su Bao very affectionately with carrots.

"I'm sorry, I came a little early, so I just slipped Su Bao for you. You don't mind~"

Ron turned over from the window sill and was greeted by the surprised expressions of the two women: "Of course not, you came just in time. We are looking for you to discuss whether to sell Caroline's personal experience story to others. Let them bring it to the big screen, although I would certainly not pay to see it."

"Why don't you go and see it? Think about an angel-like girl who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but because her father was slandered, her family was ruined, and she was reduced to a slum to work as a waiter serving dishes to people, but she is still confident and optimistic..."

Caroline told her inspirational story longingly, only to receive a blank stare from Ron and Max.

"If such a story is true, I believe he will be reviled by everyone. Don't forget that old Mr. Qian Ning was really imprisoned for fraud. Although it was only the rich who were deceived, the baby boy Ordinary people don’t happen to have any idiots who empathize with them.”

Ron stepped forward and took the initiative to expose Caroline's fantasy: "Now I'm starting to wonder which stupid company would focus on such a story?"

“The business card they left me was Lionsgate.”

Caroline handed the business card to Ron. Ron took one look and knew it was true. Under normal circumstances, those scammers who pretend to be screenwriters like to claim to be staff members of the Eighth Film Industry. They say this, The level of persuasion will be higher, as few people will pretend to be from a small and unpopular company like Lionsgate.

"This seems to be true. Are you really sure you want to hand over your biopic to them?" Ron's shoulders shook violently, as if he was trying to hold back something.

Caroline wondered: "Why not? What's wrong with this company?"

"Well, it seems that you are too excited to patronize this company without knowing anything about this company in advance. There is nothing wrong with this company itself. It can even be said to be a well-known film and television production company in Hollywood, but... hahaha, I can't bear it. I can’t stand it anymore, let me laugh for a while..."

Ron finally couldn't help laughing wildly, and continued at Caroline's urging: "But this company has always been mainly producing horror and thriller movies. Just imagine what it would be like if they came to make your biopic. ? It will probably feel like Scream 6. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if a madman appears in the movie and chases you with a chainsaw.”

"If there is such a movie, I will definitely buy a ticket to watch it." Max said with interest.

"Really, have you laughed enough?!"

Caroline was so angry with these two people that she stomped on Ron's instep to express her anger.

In fact, given her current situation, she doesn't particularly value the income from selling scripts. What she really cares about is the opportunity to put her own story on the screen. This is a great deal for a person with an expressive personality. Of course, Ron understands this deeply.

"Hahaha... Okay, I've laughed enough." Seeing that Caroline was about to get really angry, for the sake of a happy life tonight, Ron immediately stopped laughing: "But if you really want your story to be published, If it goes on the screen, I have an idea."

"What? You're not going to add a perverted killer character to my movie, are you?" Caroline said angrily.

"Of course not," Ron shook his head, raised his chin and mused: "I think if you are willing to give up the big screen and turn this story into a light comedy about two waitresses, I think it should be There will be a lot of viewers willing to watch it.”

"How is that possible!" Before Caroline could say anything, Max screamed first: "No one would want to read this story about two waiters trapped in a low-end hotel, doing nothing but insulting each other every day! Yes, but don’t let anyone see you on the TV!”

Max's reaction was a bit violent, which caught Caroline a little off guard, but everything was as expected by Ron.

Although Max talks all day long as if nothing matters, in fact, she has always had a deep sense of inferiority regarding her life experience. Ron walked over and gently held her in his arms. Huai Li: "Don't worry, no one is going to force you to play your own role. In fact, even if you are willing, considering the ratings issue, the film and television company is still more willing to use professional actors, but you can guest star as the casting director , choose the actor who best suits your image and temperament."

"Really? We really can?!" Caroline said in surprise.

"Normally, as the original author of the story, you only have the right to provide suggestions to the screenwriter. However, if you happen to have a friend who is an investor in this TV series, then you can have the final say in everything."

Ron patted his right pocket confidently. This pocket contained the checkbook he carried with him, and the bank account corresponding to this checkbook contained at least 30 million US dollars!

This is his latest income in recent times.

Now that the super battery project led by him has entered the final testing stage, the money that should be spent has already been spent. Now, not only does the scientific research project not require additional investment from him, but it may make a profit at any time and make him a lot of money!

This made Ron start to feel deeply worried.

It's not that Ron's character has changed and he doesn't like money anymore, but he feels a headache when he thinks about the taxes he will pay on these incomes.

Although Ron himself is a tax officer under the Finance Department, no one said that tax officers cannot legally avoid taxes, right?

The most effective legal tax avoidance method is to reinvest the money before the tax review. As soon as this idea appeared in Ron's mind, he immediately thought of investing in the film and television industry, but he didn't expect to happen to meet Caroline. The story was picked up and planned to be made into a film and TV show.

Isn't this a coincidence? Who said Ron can't invest in the film and television industry?

As long as we start a project based on Caroline's biographical story, set up a film and television crew, and then invest the money into the crew's funds, in addition to a series of expenses such as actor's remuneration, filming expenses, etc., we can completely use various names to Spend the money on yourself.

For example, going out for a luxurious meal in the name of food expenses. After all, no one stipulates that investors cannot eat lobster on the set, right?

He bought some luxury furniture in the name of a prop, and after the filming was completed, he recycled it into his new home at a price of one cent. There were so many things that could be done here, and Ron seemed to have a dollar paved road in front of him. Golden Avenue.

"This is a good idea. If I film a light comedy based on the two of us, what should the TV series be called?" Caroline nodded happily, as long as she can put her story on the screen , she doesn’t mind if it’s a movie or a TV series.

"How about we call them bankrupt sisters? If you are bankrupt, she is a sister. I have a hunch.

This TV series is sure to have huge ratings! "

"Really? That's great!" Caroline excitedly threw herself into Ron's arms and gave her a sweet kiss. She was about to stand up, but she didn't want to be hugged by Ron, so he kissed her again until she could hardly breathe. Angry, Ron let her go. He continued to hold Caroline with one hand, and opened his arms to Max with the other hand: "What are you waiting for, baby? Then shouldn't we celebrate today?"

"Hell, I still can't refuse you now!" Max complained to the doctor angrily, and simply followed Caroline's example and got into Ron's arms.

After a sleepless night, Ron barely managed to sleep for a while until Caroline and Max went to work, but the sleep did not last long. In order to make a fortune for himself, as soon as he woke up, Ron immediately went to Hollywood to find several producers with whom he had good relationships. People asked about issues related to setting up a crew.

Originally considering the possibility of using this method to avoid taxes for a long time, Ron originally planned to register a company by himself. After Sol explained to him the troublesome procedures involved, I decided to affiliate the crew with an already established film and television company. company or acquire a company that is going bankrupt.

After leaving all the work of acquiring the company to Sol, Ron happily returned to his apartment.

"Oh, Ron, you came back just in time. Here is the good news. We have an invitation." Sheldon gave Ron an invitation. Ron looked down and saw that it was his and Amy's wedding. invitation letter.

"Have you finally set a wedding date? It's not easy. I thought you would have to discuss this matter for at least another year. Wait, what is the pattern on this invitation?" Ron pinched the invitation. Tie asked strangely.

"That's when the MRI images of our brains were photoshopped together to look like we were kissing." Amy said proudly.

"Well, as expected, freaks like you think differently from ordinary people, but in this case, can we discuss how to arrange your bachelor party?"

Ron put away the invitation and immediately had countless fun ideas in his mind. Leonard, Howard, and Raj also looked at Sheldon expectantly after hearing this, but considering the possibility of holding a bachelor's party, They are Sheldon, so they can only shoot 99% of the ideas in their minds first.

"Bachelor party? How about it being arranged this weekend? Let's have a crazy and exciting girls' night! Oh my god, I'm finally getting married!" Amy jumped excitedly, and in response, Sheldon's expression was Much calmer, it can even be said that there is no change at all.


Sheldon glared at Leonard, who lowered his head in frustration: "Well, as Sheldon's best man, I have to regretfully inform you that there will be no bachelor party."

Sheldon nodded with satisfaction: "Tell them why."

"Because you are always nagging and complaining. If there was a place for you, there would be no party!" Ron replied unhappily for Leonard.

"Of course not. The bachelor's party is just a hedonistic party that pursues physical pleasure. I have no interest in it. I would rather go on a spiritual journey, such as this."

Sheldon pulled out a letter, and just when Ron thought he was going to show it to him, Sheldon poured a little of Ron's Reserve whiskey on the plate and burned the envelope to ashes.

"What is this? I thought you were going to let us read the letter."

"No, I promised Dr. Walcott, who sent the letter, to burn it immediately after reading it, but I can tell you that the content of this letter is a map of how to get to his secluded cabin. This weekend I Planning on spending time with him at his cabin.”

"Wait a minute, isn't Dr. Walcott already crazy?" Raj stood up as if something sounded.

"Of course not, he just lives in seclusion and specializes in studying mathematical problems. He has recently made a new breakthrough, which can just solve the problems I encountered in string theory, so do you plan to go with me?"

Sheldon looked at everyone expectantly, and Ron was the first to shake his head: "First of all, exclude me. There is no music, no girls, and no beautiful singing and dancing performances. This kind of bachelor party is simply terrible, aren't you guys? Being a scientist is so boring."

"That's not the case." Howard denied loudly.

Ron curled his lips and began to scold: "Your bachelor party became a one-man talk show by Raj. The specific content was the stories that you and other women had to tell. You almost couldn't get married because of it." .

Although I didn't go to Leonard's bachelor party, I heard that when you drove your rental car to Mexico, the car broke down halfway. You spent the night repairing the car, and finally you set the car on fire and walked back. It really makes me worry that when Raj gets married, what kind of trouble will you make? "

"Wait, now is not the time to talk about your bachelor party." Amy stood up and walked between Ron and Raj: "Isn't it time to worry about Sheldon? Ron. You can't let him go to the desert alone. into a stranger’s cabin in the mountains.”

"Hey! I've grown up and don't need a guardian!" Sheldon complained unhappily: "I just need someone to take me in, pick me up when it's over, and pack a lunch for me."

As he spoke, Sheldon stared closely at Ron.

"Don't worry, I can't do this, Sheldon," Ron spread his hands helplessly: "But, I know someone is very willing to help, right? Leonard?"

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