Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 570 Factory accident

In the hospital where Ron and the others escaped, a white man who looked to be in his early forties was sitting on the table smoking a cigar and looking down at the hospital staff and patients squatting on the ground.

The big mercenary who had just been beaten badly by Ron walked up to him with a tablet: "Dad, after facial comparison, the yellow man is a veteran of the Chinese special forces."

"I understand, what next? What are the backgrounds of the other two people?" The man called Dad took a deep breath from his cigar and exhaled the clouds as he spoke slowly.

"I don't know." The big man lowered his head guiltily.

The father angrily threw the half-smoked cigar on the doctor's head: "I don't know? Why don't you know?"

"Our intelligence system is provided by CIA informants. There is no information about these two people in their database, so either they are new people who have emerged recently, but they don't look like them, or they are Someone has encrypted their information, and I’d rather believe it’s the latter.”

An Asian technician standing next to him made a serious analysis: "Dad, if they are from the CIA and we take action against them, will..."

"What about the CIA? Do you think this is still the United States? This is Africa! This is our territory!" Dad stood up and said domineeringly: "I am the king of the grassland!"

Fortunately, Ron is not here at this time, otherwise, he must be punished and let him understand that no matter how ferocious a lion is, as long as he uses the right methods, he is just a bigger cat~

"Here we go~ You will never find such delicious dumplings in Africa. I specially asked the chef I brought from China to make them for you personally. Try them and see how they taste?"

The rich second-generation factory owner took the dumplings from his assistant and handed them to Rachel diligently. He had fallen in love with this beautiful mixed-race girl from the first sight, but unfortunately, the dumplings were only half handed when Rachel suddenly appeared in front of him. As soon as Rang Ren gave birth to a handsome face, he snatched the dumplings from his hand, without using utensils, just pinched one with his hands and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Pork and cabbage are very common fillings, but they taste really good. It would be even better if there was a plate of vinegar." Ron swallowed the dumplings, squinted his eyes with satisfaction, and handed the dumplings to the side: "Bern, you Come and try it too, it tastes really good.”

"伱!" The rich second generation pointed at Ron angrily, his fingers shaking in anger.

"Didn't your mother teach you? Don't point fingers at others?" Ron knocked off the fingers of the rich second generation. Of course Ron was not used to his bad habits: "What are you looking at? Why don't you get jealous quickly?" ? By the way, I asked the chef to weigh another three pounds according to this taste. Didn’t you notice that the lady and the child were still hungry? There was no wink at all~"

The second-generation rich man's face turned red, but he rarely said anything. It was not because his temper had improved, but because he was really frightened by Ron just now, which made him unable to be tough in front of Ron.

Fortunately, Leng Feng intervened in time to prevent this embarrassment from continuing: "Master Fan called just now. At seven o'clock tomorrow morning, a United Nations rescue helicopter will land at the factory on time to help us evacuate."

"Just one?" The security captain who had been leaning next to the sand table model suddenly frowned and raised his head: "We have hundreds of workers here."

"It doesn't matter, leave these to me and I'll make the arrangements!" the assistant waiting on the side quickly said with a big package.

Leng Feng was worried that they were messing around, so he followed behind to see what he planned to do. Rachel also led Pasha and followed him out of curiosity. For a while, only Ron and Bourne were left in the lounge.

"Are you really going to escort these workers to the port with them?"

"Of course, I have a feeling that things won't go so smoothly. The group of mercenaries I met in the hospital today seem to be looking for something. If they don't get what they want, they will definitely come back to cause trouble." Ron said while eating dumplings. replied.

Bourne asked strangely: "Then how can you be sure that they will definitely find this way?"

Ron glanced at the door first to make sure there was no one outside, and then said slowly: "That little girl, don't you find it strange? Dr. Chen said that she was his daughter. But there was no trace of mixed blood in her. There are signs that before Chen Bo died, he tried his best to let us take away such an unrelated child, instead of taking away his other compatriots, when we had a chance."

"So do you think that girl has any secrets? The princess of a primitive tribe in Africa? This tribe has a big gold mine, so do they even use gold to make their tableware?" said Byrne, who is familiar with Ron's character.

"It would be great if that's the case," Bourne shook his head: "But I guess it's almost somewhere, but it's not the gold mine or diamond frame you think, but something more valuable."

“Nothing is more valuable than diamonds and gold?”

"Human life." Ron buried his face in the bowl and said without raising his head. One thing to say is that although this second-generation rich man seems a bit exaggerated, his taste in choosing the chef is nothing to say. This bowl of dumplings, Better than any dumplings Ron has had in America.

Human life can be very expensive, so expensive that it cannot be measured by any money; at the same time, it is so despicable that it only takes a rusty kitchen knife to rob other people's lives. It is the most difficult thing to value in the world.

Considering Dr. Chen's identity and the way the mercenaries attached so much importance to nervousness, it is not difficult to guess that Dr. Chen's result should be some kind of epidemic vaccine that is very popular in Africa.

In this land where the epidemic is raging, whoever controls the vaccine is equivalent to controlling the lives of others, which is equivalent to becoming the real owner of this land. It has to be said that the group of mercenaries has a big plan.

While the two were talking, there was a sudden commotion outside the door, and the huge cheers almost lifted the roof off. Ron stared at Leng Feng who had just walked in, covered his ears and asked loudly: "What's going on outside?"

"It's nothing, I just told them that I will take them all away!" Leng Feng shouted excitedly: "Everyone leave together, the women and children take the helicopter, and the men walk with me. Thank you for your hard work, I will follow The commander said that there will be a place for you on the ship, but first, you are not allowed to walk back and forth on our warship, that is a military secret."

"Of course it's okay. It's okay if we don't build your warship. But before that, have you thought about how to spend tonight?" Ron asked with a frown, judging from Leng Feng's expression. Apparently she didn't realize the danger.

"I don't know, but the workers outside said they are going to have a party. Do you want to come with them?"

Ron and Burn looked at each other, and Burn took the initiative to come out and tell Leng Feng again what Ron had just guessed.

Leng Feng's originally happy expression gradually turned solemn: "Your worries are reasonable. If that little girl really has the vaccine developed by Dr. Peng, the mercenaries are likely to come after her again. What should I do now? You want me to go Stop their party?”

The two looked at each other, and this time it was Ron who spoke: "Of course not, or let them have more fun, the better. Just leave the defense work here to a few of us. Of course, if you want, you can The security captain was also called, he looked like an experienced veteran."

"But even so, our available combat power is still not enough, not to mention that we are seriously lacking in weapons and equipment." Leng Feng thought for a while and said with a frown.

"Of course I know this, so the first thing we do is to get enough equipment."

Ron took out the satellite phone and dialed Yuri's phone. An hour later, guided by Bourne's cold fireworks, a passing transport plane dropped a container with a parachute.

After Ron and the others had placed all the contents in the boxes, it was already dark. In the open space of the factory in the distance, workers regardless of skin color were gathered around the campfire, banging buckets and pots and dancing.

The rich second-generation boss of the factory also took this opportunity to get close to Rachel and kept talking to her. However, Ron had no intention of being jealous at the moment. His life was at stake, so Ron had to confirm it again.

"Have all our communications equipment been packed into lead boxes?"

"Not only was it put into a lead box, but Lao He dug a hole and buried it just now. Do we really need to be so careful?" Leng Feng asked in confusion.

Lao He is the captain of the security team of this factory. He is an experienced veteran. He had previously arranged the defense facilities at the entrance of the factory.

"Of course it's necessary. Look at the terrain of this factory," Ron said, pointing to the building below: "Except for these factory gas storage tanks, our place is a completely open land. No matter if the enemy attacks from any angle, Neither of us can gain much advantage from the terrain."

"But didn't Lao He still have some landmines buried?"

"Of course I know, but the mercenaries are not stupid, so I guess they will attack from the air. Considering that there is no airport nearby and the mercenaries cannot afford an airplane, there is a high probability that they will use drones to attack us. Attack, so electromagnetic pulse bombs are very necessary. Because their target is still here, they will not use artillery attacks easily. As long as we guard a few commanding heights, everything is under our control." Ron held his palms forward, He said with confidence.

"I hope it's all your worries."

As soon as Leng Feng finished speaking, a red dot suddenly lit up on the portable radar in front of Ron. It was approaching them quickly. He pulled up the camera image at the corresponding position and saw a rotor drone flying towards them. .

Leng Feng's face became a little unsightly. He never expected that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

In the command vehicle three kilometers outside the factory, the mercenary leader Dad looked at the images transmitted back by the drone with great satisfaction: "What a big bonfire party, I really like it."

"Our people are already in place, do you want to launch an attack now?" A mercenary on the operating table raised his head and asked.

"Of course, what are we waiting for? Attack immediately! Give these damn yellow-skinned monkeys a good look! Get them out of my territory!"

Dad pressed the cigar hard on the ashtray and ordered.

As his order was conveyed, several mercenary teams that had quietly lurked near the factory began to move into the factory little by little, and the drones also approached the crowd around the campfire unscrupulously.

"You really hit the mark, what should I do? Do you want to fight or not?" Lengfeng's machine gun was pointed at a side door of the factory. Through the night vision device, he could already see the densely packed team there.

Ron took the remote control of the King's electromagnetic pulse bomb and said calmly: "Don't worry, you can wait until their people launch the mines on their own..."

"Boom!" Li Ming mercenary said because it was too dark. He accidentally broke the fuse of the mine with his foot, and the trip mine immediately bounced up, blowing him and the two companions around him to pieces.

Seeing this, Ron made a quick decision and pressed the detonation button.

"Buzz buzz..."

Harsh noises sounded from all sides of the factory at the same time. The drones that had just flown over the bonfire party lost control and fell to the ground before they had time to function.

At the same time, Ron raised his head and fired a flare into the air.

The heavy machine guns placed at commanding heights throughout the factory opened fire at the same time. The bullets quickly swept through the passing mercenaries like fire dragons, beating the mercenaries who were about to come in from the door to bloody pieces.

The factory that was originally built only to produce goods suddenly turned into a fortress with fire from all sides.

The security team led by Lao He didn't even see anyone. They just opened fire at a few places where people might be entering based on their impressions. Wherever the bullets hit, there were screams.

Almost instantly, the mercenary infiltration force was wiped out.

, in the command car, the father, who was still joking and preparing to watch a killing show, looked at the command screen that suddenly turned black, suddenly stood up, shook the shoulders of the Asian mercenary next to him, and shouted loudly: "Quick! Get them all back! There is an ambush in the factory!"

However, no matter how anxious he was, it had no effect on these scrapped communication equipment. The Asian mercenary was busy working in front of the machine for a while, and raised his head in frustration: "Dad, our communication equipment seems to be broken. I There’s no way to contact the person in front right now.”

"Useless guy!" Dad kicked the Asian mercenary down: "Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you drive over quickly and call them back! Our people can't get in again! This is A trap, an ambush!”

But at this time, Dad's order seemed a bit redundant. Before the Asian mercenaries could set off, some of the just-sent latent troops had already fled back in a hurry.

Mercenaries originally work by killing people in exchange for rewards. Although they are portrayed in many film and television works as if they are gods descending from the earth, when they encounter real difficulties, they often run faster than anyone else.

Faced with a truly evenly matched opponent, these smart guys who only care about making money will not fight against their opponents.

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