Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 536 Birthdays and Birthdays

In the corridor, everyone went downstairs, and Penny asked: "Ron, why did you take so long?"

"Ask him." Ron glanced at Sheldon angrily, and Penny also cast a questioning look at him.

"Fathers give out cigars when they give birth, so I have to find my cigar gum so I don't stand around like a fool."

Petunia rolled her eyes helplessly and looked at Ron: "Has he always been this stupid, or was he just fooled by one of you today?"

"Please, it's not the first day you met Sheldon. Don't you know that his common sense and emotional intelligence are both negative? Who knows what movie or TV series he learned the alien customs from."

"Wait a minute, I have to go upstairs." Leonard suddenly stopped.

Penny asked in confusion: "If you also need cigars and bubble gum, just take Sheldon's. He will bring a spare no matter what."

"No, I was going to get asthma medicine. I ran too fast just now."

However, the interesting thing is that as soon as Leonard went upstairs, Penny received a phone call.

Ron asked, "What did Bernadette say?"

"She said don't go yet, she has to wait a while."

"I'm starting to wonder if the Flash baby clothes I bought for this kid are the right ones."

Just after Sheldon finished complaining, Leonard came down from upstairs holding a respirator: "I found the medicine, but it's empty, so we need to stop when we pass by the pharmacy later."

Penny waved her hands indifferently: "It doesn't matter, we don't need to go to the hospital now."

"Are you sure? I think Leonard seems to want to go," Ron looked at Leonard's pale face and said worriedly, "Leonard, are you okay?"

Just as he was speaking, Leonard was already holding on to the wall and gasping for air. This was a sign of an asthma attack, but it was not serious. Generally speaking, just taking a breath of the medicine in the respirator would make him recover, or he would be fine. Take a break and adjust your breathing rhythm.

"Okay, let's go to the pharmacy first. Hey, do you want to come together? After we go to the pharmacy, we can find a restaurant to stay and go there when we call again." Penny suggested.

However, before Ron expressed his position, Amy's behavior became strange and hesitantly said: "Uh... Sheldon, what do you think? You don't want to go, right?"

"Whether I want to go or not is not the point. Today is your birthday, the oldest one." Sheldon waved his hand to express that he had no idea.

"Oh my god, I forgot. Today is your birthday. How about we go to a good restaurant? Let's do something more fun. How about finding a bar?"

Penny said enthusiastically, since she married Leonard, she hasn't gone out to indulge for a long time.

, Ron shook his head and walked between the two of them: "Although I don't mind going out to have some fun now and wait for Bernadette to call again, but let them forget it. Have you forgotten Sheldon's annual ceremony?"

Due to Sheldon's weird brain circuitry, he insisted that mating once a year is enough. At the same time, in order to express his love for Amy, he specifically chose this day to be Amy's birthday. Everyone regarded this day as her birthday. One day is teased as an annual event.

"Wow~" Petunia screamed strangely: "You two go have a good time, Ron, do you want to come with us?"

Ron shook his head: "It still doesn't work. I just remembered that there is still something to do. Don't forget to call me if there is any news from Bernadette later."

Both parties are lovers, so he is in no mood to be a lightbulb for anyone. What's more, if staying at home affects Sheldon's performance on the spot, wouldn't it indirectly affect the continuation of the Cooper family?

However, after Ron left the apartment, he did not go to find any of his confidante. Instead, he drove to the city center and came to the Williamsburg Restaurant, a nearby car repair shop. Although it was getting late now, according to the car repair shop, The shop was still not closed, and the only light on was as if it was reserved specifically for Ron.

Looking at the lights in the store, Ron smiled, parked the car at the door, and walked in.

The fierce-looking man at the table is the owner of this shop, Toretto, the famous underground drag racing king in Los Angeles. Judging from the table and the empty wine bottles thrown at his feet, he has been waiting here for a long time.

"This wine just doesn't taste as good as Lone Star. You should switch to that one next time." Ron unceremoniously opened a bottle of Corona for himself, sat across from him and took a big gulp: "I thought you would continue Avoid me and live your life of retreat."

"Why do you want to show me the video of Jane Doe asking for help? Doesn't he have many subordinates? Just send this to them."

"Here's the problem. Only Hobbs and I received this distress message. Not only did no one in the NSA under his jurisdiction receive it, but after he disappeared, it suddenly became particularly active, mainly around fighting for a person they called To create the Northern Lights, the system that the inventor calls the machine and that you call the Eye in the Sky unfolds.”

Ron touched the bottle with Toretto and continued: "I thought so at first. It wasn't until that fool Roman called Hobbes that I knew he had sent the information to you."

"I know, I have already received the message before you sent it to me." Toretto nodded: "But, I don't know why."

"Because Cypher, she killed your son's biological mother, so Anonymous thought you would definitely help." Ron found a photo of the woman on his phone that Toretto didn't want to recall and handed it to him:

"Jane Doe captured Cypher, but the plane was attacked on the way and she was picked up again, while Jane Doe himself was missing. My people speculated that his plane may have crashed at this location, northwest of Montequinto. He even thought If he is still alive, he shouldn’t be there now, but if we go there, we will definitely find some useful clues.”

The Toretto Effect, like other frustrated middle-aged men, drank the beer in one gulp: "Times have changed."

"But you made an appointment with me today, so I guess there must be some other reasons for you to join my action, right?" Ron was not swayed by Toretto's words, but instead stared at Toretto sharply. Leto's face made her uncomfortable.

"Yes, I decided to join your action, but I have a condition." Toretto swept away the image of the decadent middle-aged man just now, and regained a kind of strength in his body: "Only I will follow you in this action. I don’t want other family members to get involved.”

"This is impossible. The place where the plane crashed is a military blockade. Without diplomatic intervention from the US government, we can only find a way to sneak in. Your superb driving skills will be the biggest helper in this operation," Ron He shook his head and refused, then thought again and said, "The most I can promise you is not to let Leti participate in this operation. In addition, I can also arrange a bodyguard for your son to take care of him."

Toretto fell silent again. Seeing this, Ron had no choice but to press on: "You know that with actions like this, I can't promise you anything. We have been friends for so many years. I will never lie to my family, but I I can assure you that there will not be many times when you are required to participate in battles this time, most of them will be driving and information support."

"Don't worry, just like every time I cooperated before, the most we can do is save the world. Can I still let you drive to outer space?"

Before Ron's time travel, The Fast and the Furious had only been released to its seventh installment. Judging from the structure of the entire story, it was almost finished. At most, it could be filmed as a spin-off to earn a wave of emotion.

Besides, the Fast and Furious series is nothing more than an action movie, so what does it really have to do with space?

After finishing speaking, Ron immediately got up and drove to the hospital without waiting for Toretto's reply. When he arrived at the hospital, Penny and the others had already arrived, and Bernadette and the others who actually gave birth to the baby were Howard hasn't come yet.

"Raj, I didn't expect you to be with Sheldon and the others. I thought you would come to the hospital with Howard and the others." Ron said with some surprise as he looked at Raj who was hanging out with Sheldon and the others.

Among Sheldon's small group, Raj and Howard had the best relationship, spending almost all day together, and even made Leonard's mother think that the two of them were a homosexual couple for a long time.

"Do you think so too?" Raj, as if he had found a soulmate, immediately began to talk: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time. I should be with them at this moment, but they actually kicked me out. Come out and let Stewart stay there and help them."

Leonard said frantically: "I told you just now, Raj, that's their baby."

"To be fair, I spent nine months helping Bernadette prepare for the baby, and Howard only spent five minutes getting her pregnant with the baby." Raj said angrily: "Five minutes is nothing. Give him face."

"Only five minutes?" Sheldon showed a surprised expression and looked at Amy next to him: "We must have done something wrong. It takes us several hours each time."

Amy smiled happily and strangely, and Ron patted Sheldon's shoulders proudly: "Thank you, Dad. This is the genetic advantage of our family."

"Why do you say it is an advantage? It obviously took several times more time than Howard. This is not efficient at all."

"Believe me, Sheldon, there are countless men in the world who want to have this inefficient power of yours. Please cherish it." Ron said earnestly, Leonard and Raj nodded in sympathy, but When Penny's eyes swept over her, she immediately stopped, as if nothing had happened.

While they were chatting, Howard and Bernadette walked into the hospital late. Ron quickly pushed a wheelchair and stopped in front of them: "Quick, use this, Howard, hurry up and send Bernadette in." .”

"Thank you." Howard put the wheelchair next to Bernadette and rushed towards the delivery room without looking back. Everyone looked at their leaving figures and smiled happily.

"It's hard to believe that Howard is going to be a father." Leonard couldn't help but sigh.

Amy interrupted: "That's right, it was Penny who introduced Bernadette to him."

"Oh my god, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Penny raised her hands in surrender.

"It's not just Bernadette and Howard, every one of us has changed." Ron glanced at the partners around him one by one: "For example, you and Leonard got married, and you, Raj, although you didn't pursue Fucked my sister, but also defiled another member of my family, Alex, who was only 19 years old!”

Ron was furious when he said this, and Raj quickly put on a smile to avoid being beaten.

Anyway, Raj and Alex were in love with each other. Ron glared at him and said nothing more. I returned to Sheldon and Amy and became softer: "Even Sheldon is with me." Amy is living together, do you know? Little George and I once thought that this guy would die alone. We even planned a nursing home for him in advance. However, this guy actually talked about his girlfriend, and We still live together, I don’t know how he did it, it must be a miracle from God!”

"Ron, why have you become a superstitious maniac like your mother? Couldn't it be because of my invincible charm?" After Sheldon finished speaking, he patted Amy's hand: "But if my mother asks, Said we’d sleep in bunk beds.”

Time passed minute by second as everyone chatted about the changes around them, and the child in Bernadette's belly, like Nezha in myths and legends, did not see any movement. It was not until a few hours later that everyone chatted. Just when he was about to fall asleep, Howard suddenly rushed out from the corridor: "She gave birth! The baby was born!"


"Very good."

Everyone cheered, and after cheering, Penny quickly asked: "How is Bernadette?"

"Very tired, but very good," Howard's face was filled with happiness: "Mother and daughter are safe."

"Have you given the baby a name?" Ron also asked.

Howard nodded: "We named him Harley."

"Yes, it's interesting to name it after a comet."

"Ugh..." When talking about the name, Howard said a little depressed: "There is another thing that is the same as Halley's Comet, that is, you can't bring him and say that he only sleeps with me once every 75 years."

Seeing Sheldon's thoughtful expression, Amy quickly explained to him: "This is not true, he was just joking."

"Thank you for your company. I can't wait for Harley to meet her uncles and aunts..." Howard turned to look at Raj halfway through saying, "And the godfather."

Raj immediately excitedly showed off to Stewart: "Did you hear that? Stewart, I have a dog and a goddaughter, and you don't have any shit!"

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