Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 351 Fierce Battle in the Laboratory

In northern Italy, the Alps that span many countries also have a branch here. Because of the altitude, it has become a local ski resort.

Of course, there are other things in this place besides the ski resort, such as the secret laboratory of the Golden Circle, where the antidote to the new blue virus is made, and the traitor Charlie, the king's agent, is giving medicine to his girlfriend. antidote.

After taking a bottle of amber liquid, the snake-like rash on the woman's face immediately disappeared visibly to the naked eye.

"It has worked. Thank God, you are so good to me Charlie!" The woman hugged Charlie in surprise, and at this time, their conversation was all picked up by the bug hidden in the woman's body.

"Whiskey, the antidote is effective. I'm sure it's genuine. You're ready to go!" Agent Whiskey, dressed almost like a cowboy like Ron, heard the headquarters' intelligence coming from his headphones. He nodded clearly and looked at the other three companions.

Old Galahad (Harry), New Galahad (Eggsy), and Ron stood in a row in front of him.

"The antidote is genuine, we can start taking action." Whiskey started to make arrangements: "Ron, Eggsy, you go to the laboratory with me, Galahad, you stay here to ensure the safety of the control room .”

"Why am I staying?" Harry asked a little unhappily when he was stopped when he reached the entrance of the cable car. In his opinion, he should be the main force to visit at any time.

"He's right. Your memory has just been restored and your body has not yet recovered. It's just right to leave it. Don't worry, just leave it to us." Ron squeezed his shoulder and closed the hatch.

As soon as the cable car started running, Ron asked Eggsy impatiently: "What did you mean last time you called and said you had a bug in? What other high-tech technology do you Kings Agents have?"

It was okay if Ron didn't ask. Eggsy immediately blushed when he asked. Whiskey next to him saw this and answered directly for him: "That's right, we have developed a new tracker that can be inserted directly into the body. The vibrations collect sound, but the shape is a bit special, and you must use some kind of family planning product, you know~"

Whiskey winked: "I didn't expect this kid to be very charming. It's only been a few minutes..."

"Cough, cough!" Eggsy quickly interrupted Whiskey with a cough and changed the subject: "Ron, we just sneaked into the laboratory to steal an antidote sample. Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

Eggsy pointed at Ron's equipment. Unlike the two ace agents who only carried a gun or an umbrella, Ron's outfit didn't look like he was going skiing at all.

He carried a Stinger missile launcher on one shoulder, a long-dusted M32 grenade launcher on the other shoulder, and a large backpack on the front and rear, which contained M32 grenades and other small items. thing.

Originally, he planned to bring Hank's LG-5 sniper grenade launcher, but unfortunately it was under maintenance, so he had to take out his old equipment and make do with it first.

"Of course it is necessary. You are still too young. You don't understand. There are many ways to sneak, and it's not just the one you learned from Harry. In fact, your method has long been outdated."

Eggsy was unconvinced and said: "Outdated? I don't know if the methods of agents are still outdated. So what do you think is the most popular sneaking method now?"

"Harry may have told you that just like a suit, although the classic style will always be classic, in fact, there will be some subtle changes in the style every year to keep the classics advancing with the times."

Ron said while winding up the grenade launcher: "As the times progress, anti-submarine equipment is also improving, so infiltration operations without alerting anyone are becoming more and more ineffective."

"Then what do you think we can do to be more efficient?" Whiskey looked thoughtful, and he felt that what Ron said seemed to make sense.

"Of course we fight all the way in. As long as we kill everyone who sees us, no one will know that we have sneaked in. From this point of view, it can be regarded as not alerting anyone, right?"

Eggsy moved his lips. He wanted to refute, but couldn't find a suitable reason for the moment. He could only say: "But, what if the other party has the advantage?"

This reason is very good. Whiskey also looked at Ron, waiting for his answer, but Ron took out the tablet from his bag and opened a map that had just been scouted by drone: "Look, This is where their laboratory is located. Excluding experimental equipment and scientific researchers, the laboratory area can only accommodate up to fifty militants."

"Only?!" Eggsy's tone changed due to Ron's lack of common sense: "That's a total of fifty people! And there are only four of us, and one of you left behind! It's equivalent to 3VS50 !”

"Yes, 3VS50, the advantage lies with me, do you have any questions?" Ron said matter-of-factly.

"No, it's nothing." Eggsy wanted to remind him that he didn't bring the super powerful combat team with him this time, there were only three of him, but at that moment the cable car had reached the top of the laboratory, and he swallowed his words again. .

Forget it, at worst, if you can't fight, you can still run.

Along the long corridor outside the laboratory, Eggsy used his watch to detect possible hidden buildings, and finally found the hidden building behind a wall.

"This is it!" Eggsy said in surprise: "I will call Merlin to crack the door open."

"No, why is it so troublesome?" Ron impatiently took out a small box from his backpack and threw it at the door casually: "You two, please stay away a little bit, I'm going to detonate it."

"What are you doing! It's useless. Generally, laboratory doors of this level are made of high-strength alloys, so blowing up the door won't be useful at all!" Eggsy retorted, but his body was still hiding honestly. Get behind Ron.

"Who said I was going to blow up the door?" Ron Zhang said as he detonated the bomb.

There was a harsh "buzz" sound, and the bomb exploded. It was over without even sparks rising high, and the door was not damaged by Silk Hao. Just when Eggsy was about to laugh at Ron's bomb, it was useless.

"Tsk~" A puff of white smoke came out of his glasses and headphones, and an unpleasant burnt smell spread into his nose. Eggsy quickly threw them to the ground, and the whiskey next to him was doing the same thing as him.

And just as he was throwing things, the hidden door that had left him helpless just now opened by itself, and Eggsy looked at Ron in disbelief.

"What are you looking at? It's just an EMP bomb. Don't be like a country bumpkin. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you in advance." Ron said awkwardly.

EMP bombs, also known as electromagnetic pulse bombs, are not lethal in themselves, but they can be used to specifically destroy command, control, and communications electronic equipment and computer targets.

The radio wave transmitter on the bomb can emit billions of watts of powerful microwaves in a billionth of a second, which is equivalent to the electromagnetic waves released by a nuclear explosion. It can penetrate underground defenses and follow the tunnels of cables and air conditioners, enough to paralyze all underground defenses, power supplies, telephone communications, television broadcasts, computers and other systems, but will not harm human lives.

Once there is a power outage, the door of a secret laboratory with only one door for entry and exit will automatically open so that the people inside will not be trapped to death.

On the other hand, the EMP bomb also has another function, which is to paralyze all electronic equipment. In other words, from now on, the only enemies he faces are about fifty armed men in the laboratory, and they will get any assistance.

"Gentlemen, take out your weapons, we are ready for a big fight." With that said, Ron threw his backpack on the ground, took out two tear gas canisters, pulled out the plugs and threw them into the laboratory.

Just when Eggsy thought Ron was about to rush inside, he saw him taking two more tear gas canisters and throwing them into the laboratory, and then two more...

Ron threw a total of eight tear gas canisters into it. He didn't give up until all the tear gas canisters hanging on his waist were thrown. He picked up the M32 grenade launcher again and lay on the ground at the door.

Eggsy was stunned.

"Didn't the adults in your family teach you? Anytime people find a lot of smoke coming out of the place they are in, such as in a cave or other closed environment, they will subconsciously jump out. This is the experience on the battlefield. , kid, you still have a lot to learn."

"No, I'm just curious why you are lying on the ground?" By this time, Eggsy had completely put away his dissatisfaction with Ron. He felt that this was a wise man no less than his first teacher Harry.

But this time, before Ron could speak, the militants in the laboratory gave him the answer first.

"Click, click, click..." A string of bullets shot out from the smoking door, flew over Ron's head, and hit the wall behind.

"Look, this is the answer. These drug dealers are not fools. Of course they know what I am doing, so they use bullets to clear the way in advance. At this time, whoever stands at the door will be dead."

These are the lessons Ron gained in exchange for his blood. This is where a gunshot wound on his chest came from. If he hadn't been strong enough, he would have been able to travel through time again.

"Then what should we do now?" Eggsy asked, and Whiskey also turned his questioning eyes to Ron. Maybe he didn't realize that subconsciously, they had begun to regard Ron as the leader.

"Of course, wait until the right time...such as now."

Ron calmly put his ear to the ground and listened to the footsteps inside. When he felt that the distance was about the same, he smiled slightly, pointed the muzzle of the M32 at the inside of the laboratory door, and gently Pull the trigger.

"Bang~" The launcher made a crisp sound, and the grenade was fired into the corridor with the only exit of the laboratory.


The grenade exploded in the corridor, and the small space allowed the grenade to maximize its power. Eggsy judged from the screams that there were screams from at least four different people in the corridor!

As for whether there are unlucky bullets that die directly before even making a sound, it's even harder to say.

Eggsy's eyes were full of admiration.

However, this was not over yet. In addition to reporting the results of the battle to Ron, the screams inside also had a more important function, that is, telling him that there was no problem with the position just now. Ron adjusted the angle slightly.

The second, third... and sixth grenades flew into the laboratory one by one. The explosions and screams mixed together, beating on the hearts of the militants in the laboratory like a life-threatening symphony. .

Ron also did not forget to give on-site teaching to his new fans: "Look, fire suppression sometimes does not require you to have much firepower. It only requires you to accurately put the most effective firepower into the battlefield at the most appropriate time. , it’s that simple.”

Ron smiled proudly, and even felt a little relaxed.

The path from the laboratory door to the interior is a path from top to bottom. If you hit him from bottom to top, as long as he lies low enough, it is impossible to hit him, but his grenade launcher can direct the fire through an arc. Transported on the heads of militants.

The range of the grenade launcher meant that the militants would not have the chance to throw grenades on him. Therefore, Ron would definitely win this wave...if there was no traitor like Charlie.

Just when Ron was a little relieved because of his pride, suddenly, a black thing whizzed from bottom to top and hit his face!

Ron quickly lowered his head, and the thing continued to fly over his head without abating, until it was embedded in the wall behind him. Only then did he see clearly that it turned out to be a grenade!

"Get down!" Ron yelled, rolled to the side first, and shamelessly rolled right behind Eggsy, using Eggsy as a human shield and lying down.


The grenade blasted a small crater in the wall, but Ron was not harmed except for a sprinkling of gravel.

"Bah!" Ron spat and said angrily: "What the hell, what the hell can you throw a grenade so far and even be embedded in the wall! Did this guy grow up taking hormones?!"

"That could be Charlie, do you remember? Our traitor, he has a very powerful mechanical arm." Eggsy reminded weakly.

Ron glared at him fiercely: "I almost forgot, you also have a Winter Soldier."

"What should we do now?" Eggsy asked worriedly as he listened to the footsteps getting closer and closer in the corridor.

"What else can we do?" Ron put six new grenades into the magazine and wound them up, and stood up: "Of course, run! If we don't run, can we wait for him to blow us up?"

After saying that, ignoring Eggsy and Whiskey, who were staring at each other, Ron picked up his equipment and ran outside.

Eggsy and Whiskey were stunned and quickly followed.

Just after they left where they were, a dense group of black dots flew out of the corridor like a flock of sparrows. If you look closely, you will see that they are all grenades!

"Boom!" The grenade exploded behind their hands.

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