Ron's words made the four little otakus a little eager to try.

In fact, apart from their discomfort at the beginning, they were basically not afraid anymore. Instead, they started to play this, of course, a virtual reality game.

As Ron said, this rare experience is fascinating.

"Look at me!" Rajesh was the first to rush forward, kicking up a bosozoku member and knocking him over. Then he put his toes on the ground and once again used his strength to perform a graceful somersault in the air, avoiding the person behind him and hitting him. After a stab, a kick hit the back between the legs of the bosozoku.

"Bang!" The Bosozou probably reached the upper limit of its attack resistance and exploded into a ball of blood mist, splashing all over Sheldon standing in front of him: "Ron! Ron! Get water quickly! I have to get rid of these disgusting things. Wash it clean!”

Sheldon's scream was louder than the screams of the beaten Bosozoku.

Ron shook his head helplessly. This younger brother of his had lost a full-level account in vain. He was useless!

Following Rajesh, Howard and Leonard also grabbed all the available props nearby and kept throwing them forward like shrews fighting.

Ron covered his face, he couldn't even see it, but there was nothing he could do. Why did the two of them play auxiliary roles? I can only say that it’s a good thing that such a character was not selected by Ron, otherwise, this game would be unplayable.

Ron took out the nunchucks from Leonard's bag, made a Bruce Lee move, and was about to start fighting.

"Bang!" A gunshot rang out.

A man with smoky makeup walked in at the entrance of the market, with a group of younger men behind him. If Ron couldn't recognize that this was the big BOSS with this look, then Ron's years of playing games would have been in vain. .

"Hello, doctor, long time no see." The boss with smoky makeup stared at Sheldon as soon as he arrived, as if everyone else was just a fish in his eyes. This look made Ron feel uncomfortable: "I believe your hand There must be something I want in there."

"Hey, how do you prove that thing is yours?"

"Kaka~" Behind the big boss, the subordinates loaded their guns one after another.

"Let me tell you top gamers, what would you normally do if you encounter this kind of situation in the game? Can you teach me?" Ron gave a French military salute knowingly.

There was a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves. If they were just fighting with bare hands, Ron would have the confidence to hit each of them on the head with his nunchucks, but the problem was that they had guns in their hands.

Howard and the others certainly followed suit: "Normally, if it's in a game, I would control the character to take a wave of damage and get closer, but..."

Before Howard finished speaking, someone threw an iron can between them and the big boss. A large amount of thick smoke came out of the iron can, immediately forming a visual barrier between the two waves of people.

"Hurry, follow me! Hurry!" Ron heard a strange voice next to him. The BOSS in front was furious and shouted "Catch them!"

Ron heard the sound of footsteps coming from the smoke, and Leonard asked anxiously: "What should we do now?"

"Maybe it's some new plot, let's run away first." Howard's answer was simple and neat. Ron happened to have the same idea, so he carried Rajesh and Sheldon back by their collars with one hand.

This time, it wasn't too hard to carry Sheldon, because Sheldon was ready to run away even if Ron ignored him. In other words, no one could stop Sheldon from running away.

On the contrary, Raj asked Ron to work more hard. The Indian was hit on the head, and Ron had to work harder to get him/her back.

"Ron, what are you doing to stop me? I will defeat them all right away!"

"Rajesh, wake up, they have guns in their hands! Even if I use my own body, I can only fight them if I also have a gun."

Ron rolled his eyes and explained.

"Then are we going to follow an NPC of unknown origin and go underground now? I don't want it."

The NPC who rescued them looked like a young man. He had just led them through the streets in the downtown area and opened a sewer cover to let them go down.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm not an NPC, I'm a player like you," the young man said dissatisfied: "Hurry up, their pursuers are coming soon."

"I can..." Sheldon crossed his arms and was about to say something, but was immediately kicked down by Ron who was already impatient. He had no time to waste here with Sheldon.

When the other three scientists saw Ron's behavior, they immediately got into the underground tunnel obediently one by one.

"Bang~" Ron went down last and closed the lid again. At this moment, the pursuers happened to turn the corner and came to this path. They hurriedly stepped over the underground lid without noticing it at all. Here is the person they are looking for.

"Follow me and do exactly what I say." The newcomer's words were concise.

"You haven't said who you are yet? Why do you want us to go with you?" Sheldon stood up, patted the dust, and glared at Ron: "Also, I will definitely tell my mother what happened today!"

Ron almost got sick of hearing these words, so he simply ignored them and followed the young man.

"Oh my god, you are finally here. You don't know how happy I am that you can come. I saw you at the market and thought it was my hallucination..." The young man took the lead. In the middle of his chatter, he suddenly stretched out his hand to stop: "Now stick to the wall!"

Everyone just followed the instructions and said, "Swish, swish, swish!" Several sharp arrows pierced through the middle and nailed a skeleton behind them.

"I'm a god Shiva!" Rajesh's face was covered in cold sweat, and the arrow just flew past him.

"Keep going." The young man continued to lead the way without changing his expression.

"Who are you? And who do you think we are? You seem to be very familiar with this place." At this time, even Ron couldn't help but ask the questions in his heart.

"Sorry, it's my fault. Let me explain the situation first..."

"Are you the pilot, the guy called 'Seaplane'?" Sheldon immediately revealed his identity before he could say anything.

"Yes, that's me. I was the one who was involved in the game before you. Be careful of the white bricks under your feet." As soon as the boy got ahead of the game, everyone immediately followed the instructions.

Sure enough, a group of people emerged from the wall and passed by them in a dangerous way.

"What a bad game!"

"It's not over yet." The young man walked a few more steps and suddenly threw away the torch. However, the torch did not fall to the ground. Instead, it continued to fall downwards. By the light of the fire, everyone saw that there was actually a house full of crocodiles in front of them. Shenkeng: "Just use this board."

The young man put the plank on the pit and walked over first. Ron was the second and easily pulled Sheldon over. Sheldon continued to hold the hand of the next person, a group of timid people. The scientists just walked hand in hand across the plank.

When they finally walked through the crocodile pond, all the hardships finally came to an end. The young man pushed open the wooden door in front, and the world outside turned into a dense forest.

"I'm Alex."

"I'm Ron, that's my brother Sheldon, that's Leonard, and those hugging each other over there are Howard and Rajesh. Also, although it looks like a woman, there's an Indian inside. Old man, I hope you won’t be fooled.”

If Rajesh were a woman, she would definitely be the best green tea bitch in the world. Ron had just watched him hit the new guy countless times.

"Would you like some margaritas? I made my own. It's one of my character's specialties. The other speciality is that you know, I'm good at flying airplanes, but considering my plane is being used by a group of orangutans, I’ve knocked down rocks before, so maybe I’m not that good at it either.”

"Thank you," Ron took the glass and drank it in one gulp. Except for Sheldon who clearly refused, everyone else said it tasted pretty good: "Please give me another glass. How long have you been here?"

"Uh...I don't know about this, but it must have been a few months. I didn't stop until I reached the parking shed level."

"The parking garage, that's the next level, I've died there twice." Alex raised his arm to show that he only had a tattoo left: "The first time was on the hot air balloon, and the second time It’s the orangutan incident I just mentioned.

Then I only have one life left. I feel that I can't survive on my own, so I rest here and wait until you arrive. "

"Parking shed? Is there a car there?" Ron's heart moved. If you want to talk about a car, I won't be sleepy.

"Of course there is, but I don't recommend going through the ground because there are..."

"No, no, no, I think you may have misunderstood something?" Ron interrupted Alex's explanation: "Maybe you may get very good driving skills from this role itself, but the driving itself has nothing to do with the mentality. It has a lot to do with it. You have the corresponding ability, but you don’t have the corresponding mentality, but I have this."

Ron's driving skills were directly obtained from Toretto. If that was the case, then there would be no difference between her and Alex. But the problem was that Ron was very interested in driving, and In past missions, I drove more than once and escaped from various dangerous environments.

"Take us to the parking garage and I'll do the rest."

"Okay." Alex was moved by Ron's confidence and readily agreed.

The parking shed, just like its name, is filled with vehicles of all kinds. In addition, there are helicopters, hot air balloons, and all other means of transportation you can imagine.

"Which one should we choose?" Alex asked.

There were originally two guards outside the parking shed, but Ron sent Rajesh to seduce and attract their attention, and he broke their necks from behind, easily getting rid of them.

It is worth mentioning that Rajesh’s dance is real...

Until Ron took care of the guard, Rajesh was still hugging and twisting around the pillar.

"What's the alternative? Of course it's a car." Ron found an off-road vehicle and got in without even thinking about it.

"Now move on to the next level!" Ron immediately started the car after everyone got in the car.

The car crashed directly through the gate and drove onto the road, but the game could not let them go smoothly. Sheldon pointed out the window in horror; "But what should we do with those rhinos?!"

In the distance, a large group of rhinos ran towards them, looking very impressive.

If Ron didn't even bother to take a second look: "What else can we do? As long as we run faster than them."

In fact, this is exactly the case. Even on rugged mountain roads, the average speed of off-road vehicles is more than 60 kilometers per hour, while the maximum speed of rhino is only 30 kilometers per hour. This is only sprint speed, and long-distance running will be slower. .

No matter how much the game tries to embarrass them, they must follow basic biological common sense.

"Howard, look at the map! Where is our next stop?" Ron asked as he drove.

"No need to look, we're already here, right over there!"

Following the direction of Howard's finger, a tall leopard statue stood not far from the forest. The top of the statue was shrouded by a large black cloud. According to the general game setting routine, this should undoubtedly be the final level.

"OK, let's go there now!" Ron suddenly turned the direction, causing the rhinoceros to rub against the passing car and step on the accelerator to death.

The car broke through the rhino herd and rushed towards the statue. As the car approached, the rhino herd slowly disappeared from their sight whether they were tired or tired.

Instead, on both sides of the road, torches lit up one by one as they moved forward.

"If we weren't playing games, I would have thought this was some kind of welcome ceremony. Sheldon, do you still remember what the NPC said at the beginning what we should do?"

"Put the gem back where it belongs, which is inside the black panther's eye, right there." Sheldon pointed to the black panther's forehead: "But the car shouldn't be able to drive up. Can you go up and put the gem back by yourself? I'll wait for you in the car."

"Can't drive up?" Ron chuckled: "I think you are still too young. It depends on my driving skills. Are you prepared for the bumps? Guys?"

"Ron, what are you going to do?" Sheldon grabbed the handle of the roof of the car and asked in horror.

"Of course it's something exciting!" Ron's eyes showed a crazy look. Facing the high slope in front, not only did he not stop the gas, but he switched to the highest gear again and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

The mountain road ahead only meant a ditch that could be passed by one or two people, but this did not trouble Ron. She directly pulled the steering wheel and drove the car up the slope of the ditch.

"Stop them quickly!" The big boss who had met Ron and the others before pointed at the car climbing up the statue and ordered his subordinates.

But it was too late, they had just reached the foot of the statue, and Ron had already rushed to the head of the statue.

At this distance, it is difficult to hit directly even with a grab.

"Stop the car quickly! We're already there! Now we just need to put the gems back on the head of the statue!" Sheldon saw the car driving towards the head. Before he could be happy, he found that the car not only had no intention of stopping, but actually went faster. .

"Ah!!!" Sheldon screamed as the car drove up into the sky.

"Give me the gem!" Ron grabbed Sheldon's gem. When the car just left the ground, he opened the car door and jumped out. The position she faced happened to be the place where the gem was missing on the head of the statue.

"Youmanji!" Ron pressed the gem back into place...

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