Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 243 Sheldon changes his orientation

Although Ron and Arthur were discovered by patrolling police during their retreat, they still used their excellent skills to successfully evacuate before the large-scale police force encircled them.

Ron made a copy of the envelope and handed it to Arthur to negotiate with Mr. Cass, the actual controller of the bank.

Sure enough, Mr. Cass wilted half as soon as he saw the envelope. When Arthur showed his IRS ID, he was lying on his high-end sofa with a pale face. If he wasn't still breathing, Arthur would have died. I suspect this old man is dead.

"I know you! You are that hungry wolf's subordinate!" The old man shouted loudly, and then cursed a series of curse words. But after the curse, when he finished breathing heavily, the old man finally calmed down.

"Okay, what does that hungry wolf want?"

"Mr. Ron just wants you to pay the taxes you owe over the years. These are the details he listed." Arthur handed the details that Ron gave him to the old man.

The old man immediately picked up his reading glasses and started to read. Then, the more he looked, the harder he became breathless. In the end, he started to curse again: "This is not reasonable at all. These are not tax arrears, but complete tax avoidance! No matter how much you find, The top tax office comes to investigate, and my accounts can withstand scrutiny!"

"I got all this money from reasonable tax avoidance based on my ability, why should I pay it back!" The old man was furious, tore the copy into pieces, threw it into the sky, and immediately scattered it all over the room.

"Then you can take care of it." Arthur was too lazy to talk nonsense with the old man. With that free time, he might as well go home to spend time with his girlfriend, and said impatiently: "Ron's meaning is very clear, pay taxes, or Make that thing public and you can only choose one.

Even if you tear it up, it's useless. We still have many copies of that kind of copy in our office. Mr. Ron said that if you want, he can post this thing all over the street and send it by fax to Let’s share it with Mossad. "

"No! You absolutely can't do this!" The old man's entire face turned red in an instant.

No one knows better than him the consequences of this evidence falling into the hands of Mossad. The man he used to work for the government was discovered by Mossad. As a result, he drove up to meet him in the car. While he was playing golf, his home and his car turned into a ball of fire and flew into the sky.

This left a deep impression on him.

Arthur didn't speak, just looked at the old man coldly. The old man looked at him unwillingly, but it didn't take long for him to soften.

"Okay, okay, I understand, I will pay the tax, but now I don't have that much cash on hand, can you wait..."

"Mr. Ron said that he is willing to accept the Facebook shares you hold to pay off the debt, but the price certainly cannot be calculated based on the current market price," Arthur's mouth twitched: "His original words were: 'Then If you have more stocks, I will help you take over them at once. Why don’t you give me a wholesale price? I think it’s 20% off~’”

"Vampires! You are simply a group of vampires!" The old man felt his blood pressure suddenly surge to his forehead. Unexpectedly, Arthur was not ashamed, but proudly said: "To each other, but the difference is that you are sucking the blood of ordinary people. , and our IRS has always only sucked the blood of the rich..."

Everything that happened after that had nothing to do with Ron. Arthur handled everything very skillfully. Therefore, as soon as Ron got up the next day, he received a text message from Andy that the taxes had arrived.

With 20 million US dollars in cash and 50 million US dollars worth of Facebook stocks, Ron smiled with satisfaction. With Facebook's current upward trend, these stocks will almost double by this time next year!

Ron stretched out with satisfaction, put on his pajamas and planned to go to the apartment next door to have something to eat. Ever since Penny and Leonard got along, they never made breakfast obediently. Ron always ate Sheldon. of.

Then, when Sheldon asked him for food money, he casually wrote a bad check to pay for it.

Anyway, Sheldon's own salary checks are often not cashed, let alone the food expenses given by Ron. With Sheldon's income, he is actually very rich.

Moreover, in his words, the things he really wanted to buy were currently unavailable at all, so Sheldon's financial situation was quite good. In this way, Ron was equivalent to paying for Sheldon's food every day.

But this morning was a little different. As soon as Ron opened the door, he saw that Sheldon, who had always only had milk and cereal for breakfast, was surprisingly carrying a plate of surprisingly rich breakfast and a flute. He didn't know his plan. What to do.

On that plate, there was juice, coffee, and some pancakes with bacon on top. Although it was pitiful for Ron, who was used to Chinese breakfast, but believe me, for any American, this breakfast It's enough to be called a rich sound.

"Oh my God, what day is it today? You actually prepared such a sumptuous breakfast for me. I clearly remember that my birthday is still several months away." Ron took the plate very skillfully: "But thank you anyway, Sheldon, I will give you a tip for your service in full for this month’s food expenses~”

It was a blank check anyway, and Ron didn't mind being generous.

"No! These are not for you. If you want to have breakfast, there is cereal and milk over there. They are for my best friend Leonard." Sheldon angrily stretched out his hand to grab it, but quickly retracted his hand.

Because Ron had already unceremoniously grabbed a piece of pancake rolled with bacon and started eating it. When he saw Sheldon reaching out, he immediately stopped it with the hand that had taken the food.

"Okay, okay, those foods are yours. I'll make another one for Leonard." Sheldon stamped his feet angrily, but he had no choice. He knew he couldn't beat Ron. yes.

Ron raised his head strangely: "To Leonard? When did the relationship between you two become so good? So you prepare breakfast like this for him early in the morning? I said, you haven't changed your sexual orientation, have you?"

"Has Petunia agreed to break up with Leonard? Or is she willing to continue to cover up your relationship? But you'd better not tell mom yet. I don't think she can accept it for a while, although I guess she has already done it. Prepare you to die alone.

But, homosexuality, God, it is still a huge blow to a devout Christian~"

Sheldon's eyes widened: "What are you talking about? I just want to be friendly to my roommate."

"Be friendly?" Ron asked doubtfully, turning to look out the window: "So, the aliens captured you yesterday and made a stand-in for you to stand in front of me? How is my brother? Give my brother back quickly. "

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