Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 219 Hailey’s Little Trouble

"Good evening, my dear idiot friends..." Howard led Bernadette and walked in the door triumphantly. Originally, he wanted to show off his new girlfriend in front of his friends, until he saw Ron .

Then, he immediately stood in front of Bernadette nervously: "Ah, Ron, are you back too? Well... I suddenly thought of a good Chinese restaurant over there on the corner of the street, and I have always wanted to take my dear girlfriend to eat there. , let’s first…”

"Didn't you say you would bring me to meet your friend, Andy?" Bernadette pulled Howard with a puzzled look on her face.

"Okay, Rajesh, Sheldon, I want to introduce my girlfriend Bernadette to you," Howard winked at Ron: "Leonard, Penny and Ron, are you meeting Passed."

"Hey~" X3.

"I hope you don't mind me bringing my girlfriend over for dinner. I told her she could come with us." Seeing that Bernadette was still fine after seeing Ron, Howard finally felt relieved and continued. Started chattering.

“Of course, the more people, the more fun.”

"No, this is a wrong equivalence relationship. More people does not mean more fun. If there are two thousand people in this apartment now, will we be happy? No, we will suffocate to death." Sheldon's leverage Essence comes into play again.

"Take a seat, I'm starving. We can just take out all the food and put it on the table to share." In order to prevent Sheldon from continuing to argue, Ron quickly stood up and invited Bernadette to sit down, and glared fiercely. glanced at him.

Sheldon could only complain in a low voice, "Why don't we put our hands behind our backs and have an eating contest." while walking towards the refrigerator.

Bernadette naturally walked to the sofa, and just as she was about to sit down, everyone shouted: "No! No! No! Don't sit there!"

"What's wrong?!" Bernadette quickly stood up.

"Uh... you can't sit there." Penny rubbed her hands in embarrassment.


"Because that's Sheldon's exclusive seat."

"Can't he sit somewhere else?" Bernadette asked in confusion. Sheldon next to the refrigerator immediately glared over, but this time, Penny had already started to explain for him without him opening his mouth. .

“No, no, no, you see, in the winter, this position is far enough away from the heater to keep him warm but not too close to make him sweat.

And in the summer, this position is right in the breeze caused by the convection between this side and that window. The angle here is not directly facing the TV, so he can talk to everyone without being too biased. , resulting in picture distortion. "

Everyone was dumbfounded by Petunia's magical speech. Even Ron couldn't help but sigh at the wonder of the Creator: "Tell me the truth, Petunia, did you get the wrong script today?"

Only Sheldon looked at Penny with approval: "Wow, it looks like you're not completely hopeless."

In this friendly atmosphere, the meal went smoothly, except for the occasional conversation about shoes between Penny and Bernadette that made Sheldon uncomfortable. Nader’s embarrassment of being unable to interrupt when talking about physics experiments.

Bernadette Weilenard's interest in physics experiments made Howard feel jealous, and from time to time Ron received text messages from Hope, a girl who looked exactly like Bernadette last time, which made him look like Howard. Gotta be weird.

Other than that, the dinner was a very harmonious one.

Well, Ron himself was made dizzy by the complicated relationship in this meal, so after finishing the meal, he was the first to stand up: "I'm full, and I have something else to do. I won't be back tonight, Leonard, you can stay in our apartment tonight.”

Leonard nodded happily and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Ron is still a brother enough.

Well, in fact, the idea of ​​adult beauty only accounts for half of Ron's decision-making. The other half is mainly due to the fact that Hope just sent him a few more photos of gymnastics training with more distinctive clothing.

This kind of service is called "birthdaysuit" in American slang, which is also the so-called birthday suit~

He was so excited that he went to practice gymnastics in a hurry. Unexpectedly, the training lasted all night, and he didn't fall asleep until dawn.

Before going to bed, Ron had one last thought: I am really a gymnastics enthusiast~

However, just when Ron thought he could finally have a morning where he could sleep until he woke up naturally after a busy period of secret service work, he was woken up by his mobile phone again.

"Why can't you turn off your damn cell phone?" Hope was also awakened by the ringing of the cell phone and said drowsily.

"Because I am an agent and I have to be ready for emergencies at any time. Honey, can you hand me your phone?"

"Oh my God, you are not the only agent left in the United States. Can you not talk about work on the weekend?" Hope turned over and half of her body was on Ron. Ron immediately saluted as a sign of respect.

"Of course, but this time it's not about work," Ron looked at the phone number, hesitated, and pressed the call button.

"Hi Haley, long time no see."

It was Ron's cousin, Claire's eldest daughter Haley Dunphy, calling.

"Uncle Ron, how are you doing lately?"

Ron glanced at the alarm clock and sighed: "I guess you called me at eight o'clock in the morning. You definitely didn't want to ask me if I was okay, right? What happened this time? You were caught drinking and you need me to go Bail? Or hit your driving school driver again?

Well, no matter which one it is, I promise I will tell your mother this time. "

"No, Uncle Ron, I didn't get into trouble this time, it's just a little thing. Can you please help me for the sake of my relatives?" Hailey immediately acted pitiful on the phone.

"I'll look at the situation. Tell me, what happened this time?"

"I want to borrow some money to help Jianghu. I promise that I will work part-time to pay you back in the future." Haili raised her hand and swore.

"Borrow money? How much?"


"What?" Ron frowned when he heard this number.

900 US dollars is not worth mentioning to a wealthy person like Ron, but for a high school student like Hailey, it is a large sum.

The purchasing power of US$900 at this time, regardless of accommodation and other issues, can allow an adult to live comfortably for a month, provided that no excessive consumption is made.

"Or you don't have to give me any more gifts this Christmas, or Halloween, and can you deduct the gift money for the next ten years?" Hailey asked pitifully.

"Okay, of course I can help you, but at least you let me know why you need so much money? Why don't you ask Claire for it?" Ron put on a piece of clothing and walked to the table to drink a glass of water.

"Although Claire has always been stingy, if it is a legitimate need, Claire will definitely give it to you."

"Uh...can I not say it?" Hailey started to bargain.

"If you don't tell me, I won't be able to help you."

Ron replied categorically that he didn't want to help Hailey complete any ulterior things, and ended up being blamed by Claire.

"Uh..." Hailey gritted her teeth and finally made up her mind: "Okay, Uncle Ron, I can tell you, but can you not tell my mother?"

"Of course." Ron agreed readily.

Isn’t it just that you don’t tell Claire? What's so difficult about this? If the matter is serious, you can tell Dun Fei. Dun Fei is telling Claire, so naturally it doesn't mean he broke the appointment~

"That's right," Hailey hesitated, then continued: "Some time ago, I wanted to get some fake IDs for myself and my friends. I didn't get the fake IDs to buy drinks. We just wanted to go to the bar to watch a band perform. .”

"Okay, then what?"

"Then I took their money and gave it to my classmate's cousin, but he deceived us all."

"So what are you going to do? Borrow the money yourself and pay back the money from your friends first?"

Haley asked hopefully, "Yeah, that's it, Uncle Ron, can you help me?"

"Of course not." Ron shook his head.

Hailey was furious: "You're cheating! Ron! You obviously promised to lend me money if I tell you. How could you be like this? You can even lie to your niece?"

"Listen, stupid girl," Ron said, rubbing his temples as Hailey made him nod a little, "First of all, I never promised you to tell me the whole story and lend you the money;

Second, although I appreciate your willingness to advance money yourself to repay the money that your friends were defrauded of, that’s not how things work. Son, you should call the police, and the police will get the money back for you. "

"But my mother is running for town council recently. There can't be any negative news at this time. I just want to get the $900 back without affecting her." Hailey's voice suddenly became softer. Ron was there. Manny's voice was heard.

It seems that Hailey should be at home, but is it really okay to say this kind of thing in front of others?

"I won't lend you money." Ron said firmly, causing Hailey to whimper, but he didn't finish his words: "But..."

"But what?" Hailey said with renewed hope.

"But you can get the money back yourself."

"How is that possible!" Hailey shouted, "He is a scoundrel!"

"Then what if I go with you? Do you still remember what your dear Uncle Ron does?" Ron said with a bad smile: "Wait for me, I will pick you up right now."

"Thanks Uncle Ron!"

It was not easy to get rid of the anger caused by being woken up in the morning, but how could he bear to get angry when facing his cute little niece? Fortunately, there is a little gangster who can give him a good time.

Ron hung up the phone, and Hope had already begun to mourn the poor little bastard in her heart.

But unfortunately, while Hailey was talking to Ron on the phone, she didn't notice that almost the whole family stood behind her and listened to the whole process.

So, when Ron drove to the place designated by Haley, what was waiting for him was not Haley, but all the adult males of the Pritchett family headed by Jay.

"Hi, Uncle Jay, long time no see, so Hailey isn't coming, is she?"

"Yes, thank you for your willingness to clean up her mess." Jay and Ron hugged each other: "But we still want to seek justice for her in person."

"It's up to you, he's just a little gangster anyway." Ron said nonchalantly, not at all unhappy about having his toy robbed.

Of course he won't be unhappy. Although he hasn't dealt with anyone for a long time (not counting the time when he buried Xiao in the ground with a homemade rocket), it seems more interesting to watch the old, weak, sick and disabled fight than to deal with people himself~

Dunfee has a weak personality, Mitchell and Xiaoka are good friends and are mentally ill. They are weak and gay and beat people up. They don't look very reliable no matter how they look at it. Among the four, the only one who looks more reliable is Yes, it turned out to be Jie.

Jay is 65 years old, which can be considered old. At this age, the old people in Ron's previous life usually only had fun watching old ladies dancing in the square. As a result, Jay is still able to stay strong and marry a young man who is only in his early thirties. Mrs.

If it weren't for his age, he could be said to be the most combative among the four men.

"What are you going to do?"

"Yes, I want to ask that too, do we have any plans?" Mitchell nervously rubbed his hands on his clothes.

Deng Fei raised his hands: "Brother has a plan. If that little brat doesn't pay back the money, let him taste the power of my fists!"

"What kind of plan is that?!" Mitchell became even more nervous: "Just wait for me to visit you in prison. You will have to pay a large sum of money for bail."

Jay didn't wait for him to finish, turned and walked towards the house, and Mitchell didn't even dare to follow.

"You still haven't changed at all~Sissy Mitchell~" Ron mocked.

In front of Ron, his son was so cowardly, and he felt a little embarrassed.

He couldn't help but compare his two children with his sister Mary's four children. He was full of frustration, and he couldn't help but want to vent his frustration on the little bastard who bullied his granddaughter.

"Dong dong dong!" Jay knocked on the door.

A high school student who looked malnourished walked out of the room: "What's the matter?"

"Are you Pete?"

"What are you doing?"

"Do you know Hailey Dunphy? You owe her $900, and we are here to collect the money, do you understand?" Jay said fiercely.

"Oh, really? I've called her N times, but her voicemail is always full." The high school student gangster pretended to be surprised.

Frankly speaking, this made Dunphy feel a little guilty, because that was indeed Hailey's style: "So how are you going to make up for it?"

"Wait a minute, I will give you the money now." The gangster promised to go back to the house and close the door.

The three men had just relaxed, but before they could say a few words of celebration, the gangster quietly climbed out of the window and planned to sneak away quietly.

"In the end, I have to take action~" Ron stood up from the car helplessly, and was about to make a good meal out of the little gangster as planned. Unexpectedly, Mitchell next to him suddenly rushed out and killed the little gangster in one fell swoop. The gangster throws himself down!

"I got him! I got him! Ron, did you see that! I did it! Don't ever call me a sissy again!"

"Congratulations, you will officially join the ranks of men from today on."

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