Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 183 Ron out of control

"Yes, you also said that this is Las Vegas, everything is possible, and there are many people who are willing to sell their souls to the devil for money, not to mention their mere bodies?"

Rajesh had already begun to drool: "That is to say, is there a chance that we can have some luck tonight? What if we find a girl? Do we still want to go back to the room? Leonard?"

Obviously, Rajesh only listened to the first half of Ron's sentence, "Everything is possible," but did not listen at all to the content of Ron's willingness to sell his soul to the devil for money.

Although if money were used, he might be the most handsome guy in the room.

"Okay, if I'm lucky, I'll take her to my castle outside Gotham City to spend the night. If you're lucky, I'll go sleep on the moon."

Ron and Leonard high-fived each other in the air to celebrate once again ridiculing Rajesh. Fortunately, Leonard was relatively sane so far. If both of them went crazy, Ron wouldn't know what to do. manage.

"Hi~ What's your name, little brown cutie." A beautiful woman wearing a deep V dress came up to Rajesh and took the initiative to say hello.

The child was so frightened that he took a long sip of the cocktail before he dared to speak to her: "Hello, Rajesh Ramayana Kusapally, I am willing to serve you."

Ron was a little surprised. This was the first time he knew that the middle surname of Rajesh, who had always been inconspicuous, was actually Ramayana. Not everyone in India could be called this name.

You must know that the first holy book of Hinduism is also called Ramayana!

It can be inferred from this that the caste of Raj is actually the first level of Brahmin? This was an unexpected discovery.

"Hello, Rajesh Luo..." Obviously, the pronunciation of Ramayana is not a common difficulty for women. She can only change her words: "Hi, Rajesh~ I am Michaela, do you want to come? Are you going to have a small party?"

"Of course! I like PARTY the most!" Rajesh was overjoyed.

Ron covered his face in embarrassment. Is this unlucky kid really going to just tease him and leave? Why am I not a kidnapper? Find a random woman to give her some money, ask her to help kidnap Rajesh, and then ask for a ransom from his parents.

I'll have to work in a shitty job for the rest of my life!

"Rajesh, can I have a word with you?" Ron was too lazy to bother, but Leonard still called out kindly out of the obligation of a good friend.

"I'm afraid it's not possible now, Leonard. Michaela is asking me to attend a PARTY." Rajesh's face was filled with the pride of a successful person: "Also, you'd better call the moon to confirm. Are there any extra beds?"

"Rajesh, I'm afraid you really need to listen," Ron pulled Rajesh over: "Rajesh, listen, I can guarantee that she must be a special professional."

"XX???" Rajesh shouted out the word in disbelief: "Impossible!"

"Okay, let me put it another way," Leonard replaced him: "How many times in your life has a beautiful woman struck up a conversation with you as soon as you entered the bar? And asked you if you want to join the party?"

"Maybe I can influence her." Rajesh looked holy, and Ron was speechless.

This guy is so awesome. Is this really a common problem among all men in the world: persuading men to be good and women from good families to go to sea?

"Maybe, but I have to remind you that the price here in Las Vegas is about 500 US dollars an hour. I think it's more cost-effective for you to go back to Los Angeles. You know, there are always some people in Hollywood who have dreams of becoming stars. Girls may not even be able to pay the rent for the next day.

In order to continue pursuing their dreams, they will do a lot of crazy things. "

It has to be said that Ron's persuasion was very effective, and it accurately hit the weakness of Indians who like to be careful and careful. Rajesh walked to the woman's side and clasped his palms together:

"Nice to meet you and wish you a brighter and better future."

Didi ~ Just as Leonard was about to sit back next to the slot machine, his phone lit up again.

This time he set a special note on Howard's Facebook: "Oh my God, Ron, Howard seems to be dying.

He had just posted an update on Facebook, and I was at the bottom of a black hole, staring into the abyss of despair, my life meaningless and my future in limbo.

What do you think? "

"It doesn't sound rhyme at all. It seems he has no rap talent." Ron shrugged.

"Seriously, what should we do? As friends, we should help him."

"Okay, the answer you want is over there," Ron gestured to him with his eyes. Leonard followed Ron's eyes and saw that it was the woman who had just left.

"Of course the best way to heal the wounds caused by women is to use women to heal them, and a beautiful partner is definitely the best medicine to cure all broken love."

"Yes, look at that girl just now, she is definitely Howard's favorite type," Rajesh said as if he had found a treasure, his eyes gleaming as he stared at the hips swaying as the woman left.

"If you give him money and ask him for help, Howard will definitely cheer up."

"No, Howard doesn't need to find someone to get comfort." Leonard decisively refused.


Howard's updates were updated again, and Rajesh took his phone and read: "i'm so lonely lonely lonely, I am lonely lonely in my life..."

"Okay, this time it's Nana's lyrics again. Are you sure you don't want to do something? Good friend?" Ron rolled his eyes helplessly.

"If I ask her to quote a price now, I won't get beaten, right?"

"Come on, warrior." Ron touched his wine glass gently and drank it in one gulp.

Then Leonard took an indomitable step and then forcibly dragged Rajesh after him.

"Sir, do you need a refill of wine?" A sweet female voice sounded in Ron's ears.

"Of course, thank you." Ron handed over the cup as a matter of course, and suddenly found that the voice was pleasant and had a special sense of familiarity.

Ron turned around suddenly, and the familiar smiling face made him inexplicably surprised: "Peggy, why is it you? Why are you here?!"

"Of course I come here to work. The salary here is slightly higher than in Texas, so isn't it a natural thing to come here to earn some extra money?"

Peggy added wine to Ron and winked mischievously: "Besides, my car is out of gas. I heard there is a gas station here and the gas quality is very good."

Ron was immediately frightened by this almost teasing remark. He stared at the wine in his glass but did not dare to drink it.

"Wait a minute, you're not going to drug me again this time, are you? I think it's really unnecessary. Saints will not fall to the same trick twice!"

Ron began to regain the vigilance of an agent, and at the same time secretly swore in his heart that he would never drink or eat anything Peggy gave him this time!

"Drug? Haha~" Peggy chuckled: "Do you think if I really want to deal with you, do you have a chance to guard against it?"

It was okay that Peggy didn't say anything. As soon as she finished speaking, Ron felt his head spinning, and at the same time there was a strong sense of excitement, as if a fire was lit in his body, and then the whole world burned down. into a wonderful summer.

Even Peggy's already good-looking face became more colorful and attractive.

"OMG, what did you put in my drink?" Ron asked in a low voice. Fortunately, he still retained all his sense and did not reveal Peggy's identity.

It doesn't matter if she is just being teased by Peggy. In the end, she is the one who takes advantage. But if Peggy's true ability is known, many intelligence organizations will definitely focus on her fat. By then, unless they immigrate to Mars, otherwise Ron had a hard time keeping her thoughtful.

"It would be too deliberate to wait until now to drug your drink," Peggy leaned over and said in Ron's ear. To outsiders, this action looked more like flirting.

"I directly added a slow-acting drug to your car's air conditioner. The effect is probably similar to that of Rufeilin, which is also commonly known as Feihun."

"Wait, inside the air conditioner? In that case, doesn't it mean that all three guys were also tricked?" Ron was shocked. This woman is really getting bigger and bigger now.

Peggy licked her lips: "Don't worry, I will stuff them all into the closet soon and won't let them spoil our good deeds."

Ron only felt that his reason was getting further and further away from him. All kinds of crazy thoughts kept spinning in his mind, but his mind was getting closer and closer to a blank space. Leonard and Rajesh next to him also showed similar symptoms.

"Brothers, let's go find Howard." No, I also have dignity. No matter what I say this time, you won't succeed. Ron tried his best and walked towards the elevator.

But just when they walked to the elevator.

"Ding!" The elevator door opened, and five guys who looked equally crazy came down. One of them greeted him: "Hi, friend, I remember you. Do you want to come to our bachelor party?"

Ron wanted to object rationally, but for some reason, the words turned into "YES!"

As soon as the words came out, Ron's sophisticated brain completely shut down, and then Ron's mind went blank.

The next day, the sun came as promised, once again shining its light on a city like Las Vegas.

Unrecognized ceiling.

This was Ron's first impression after he opened his eyes. Because the sunlight was too dazzling, he immediately covered his eyes with his hands, but after letting go and confirming again, he was very sure that this was definitely not his room!

This house... was a complete mess. Clothes, empty wine bottles, and leftover food were thrown everywhere. Even the TV had a hole stabbed in by a sword that came from nowhere.

"Woof woof!"

Ron even heard a dog bark! It sounds like it's in the bedroom, and there's more than one! So, what really happened last night?

Ron turned his head, and Leonard was actually lying next to him. Oh my God, the medicine Peggy gave yesterday had some fun ingredients! Ron quickly stood up and groped around on his body. Fortunately, his clothes were still intact.

"Leonard, wake up." Ron pushed him.

"Ron, morning~" Leonard stretched, until he opened his eyes and saw everything around him clearly, then he shouted in horror: "Wait, where are we?!"

"Hell, how do I know? It's not our room anyway." Ron got out of bed and casually kicked the head of the David statue away. Its body was not far from the bed, leaning against it in a strange position. Statue of Venus de Milo in the butt.

"Oh my God, has this place been bombed?" Leonard grabbed his hair in disbelief: "Where is Howard? And Rajesh, where are they?"

Tap tap tap, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and Leonard rushed out: "Howard, is that you? God, who are you?!"

"I also want to ask who you are?!" Outside the bedroom, there was a man with glasses and a missing tooth on his head, "This is our room!"

Ron rubbed his swollen head and walked out. In addition to the man with glasses, there was also a fat man with bare legs wearing a ridiculous T-shirt, and a long-haired man sleeping not far away on the ground. He finally found A little memory.

"You are the group who came to have a single party, right? Yes, Leonard, this is their room. Our room is opposite. Go and see if Howard and Rajesh are in there."

Ron pushed Leonard out, and Leonard quickly ran over and took a look. The room over there was empty, almost as it was when they left last night.

Now it was a bit troublesome. Ron turned to look at the two guys with blank faces: "I'm sorry, gentlemen, maybe we went to the wrong room. Maybe we drank too much yesterday. I can't remember anything. , and we also lost two partners, do you have any impressions?"

"A brown-skinned Indian, and a skinny Jew wearing a turtleneck."

"Hiccup~" Glasses burped: "One, two, three... We seem to be missing one person, wait, it's Doug! We lost the groom!"

"Ah!" While the two were talking, the little fat man who had just gone to the bathroom to use the toilet suddenly ran out screaming and tripped over the sleeping man on the ground, kicking him awake.

"FXXK! What are you doing, brother? Damn it, can you put on some pants first?" The man stood up and complained, holding his stomach.

"What's wrong? Is Doug in the bathroom?" Glasses asked quickly.

"Phil, don't go into the bathroom! There's a big tiger in the bathroom!"

"What the hell? What is all this mess?" Ron was confused by this messy morning.

"There's a big jungle cat in the bathroom! And he's wearing black stockings!" Fatty yelled incoherently, causing Ron to have a headache.

"Wait, what did you just say? Tiger? Still wearing black stockings?" Ron was speechless: "Are you sure it's not a pole dancer from a nearby bar who was locked up in work clothes? We have just sobered up, look. It’s normal to be wrong.”

The fat man was still hysterical: "No! It's a real tiger! The kind of tiger that belongs to the king of the jungle!"

"Okay, okay," the man on the ground raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "Let me go in and take a look. No matter what kind of tiger it is, I will use a stick to tidy her up, okay?"

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