"I'll bet you that with a kiss, the fight can be resolved in five minutes at most."

"Dip! Dip!"

After saying that, without waiting for Gizelle's reaction, Ron pressed the horn wildly, and the police on both sides immediately separated from each other. At the same time, he pulled out the safety guards of the two smoke bombs.

"Da da da……"

The two big guys from Owen's gang immediately fired a bunch of bullets at the speeding car, but Ron, who had quick eyes and quick hands, opened the car door and rolled out of the car before they shot.

At the same time, two smoke bombs were thrown to the ground by Ron.


The smoke began to spread, immediately covering Ron's figure.

"Hunting time begins now!" Ron's low groan sounded in the thick fog, immediately attracting a string of bullets for him, but there was no sound of bullets entering flesh.

The empty bullet hit the car behind where Luo was originally supposed to be, sending a string of sparks out of the car body.

The hasty firing betrayed the shooter's position.

"Bang!" Ron fired casually in the direction of the fire, and the burly man who looked like a pirated version of Hobbes fell to the ground.

Kill +1.

"Damn it! That's Ron, the God of Death!" The blond woman in charge of responding in the corner quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Get out! Don't fight with him! Get out!"

"Are you making too much of a fuss?" The topless sniper said disapprovingly: "He's just an FBI watchdog. As long as the smoke clears, I can blow his head off!"

"Shut up, you idiot!" The blonde woman was furious and continued to order: "Obey the order and retreat quickly!"

"That's not an idiot like the FBI! That's a trump agent from the IRS! A guy that Irving doesn't even want to confront head-on! Obey the order! Retreat quickly!"

"But what about Dirk and Benji?"

"I've asked them to retreat. As many as they can escape. Let's go!"

During the brief exchange, Ron, wearing a gas mask, walked in the smoke without making any sound from his feet, just like a real god of death, waiting to harvest the life in the smoke.

Regrettably, he could not find his next hunting target until the smoke cleared completely.

"Damn it, these idiots."

Ron kicked the body that was hit by it and found that his walkie-talkie was still working. He suddenly became more playful and picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Dirk! Dirk! Damn it, where are you idiot?"

The intercom was still ringing.

"Owen? Is that you?"

"Ron! It's you!" Owen also heard the very familiar voice and immediately showed a very constipated expression.

"Why do you guys always play this boring trick of sneak attacks every time I meet you?" Ron simply played an electronic music to him:

"F*ck! F*ck! You're doing a sneak attack! You can't afford it! You little trash! You have no strength! You don't even dare to confront me head-on. What a fool you are!"


The signal from the walkie-talkie in Ron's hand was cut off.

"Tch, that's boring!" Ron casually threw the walkie-talkie to O'Connor just like he did to his men: "Let your people check the signal source of this walkie-talkie and see if there is any harvest."

"Yes! Sir!" O'Connor quickly stood at attention out of reflex, but immediately realized that Ron was not his superior, so he could only stand there awkwardly.

But Ron was not in the mood to pay attention to O'Connor's reaction, and walked up to Gizelle: "How is it? Is it very simple? So is it time for some people to cash in on their bets?"

"I didn't agree to your bet~" Gizelle smiled, facing Ron who was getting closer and closer, but she had no intention of dodge. Instead, she put her lips on her, looking like she was letting him take his pick.

If you still hesitate in this situation, can you still be considered a scumbag?

Ron immediately kissed her deeply, and the policemen beside him seemed to become the background.

"Hey, boss, are we invisible? Can they not see us?" a young London policeman said dissatisfied.

The superior tugged at his hat dissatisfiedly: "If you had his skills, you would have no problem even kissing my wife!"


On the other side of the city, after the London police and Hobbes lost track of each other, Toretto finally clung to the back of Irving's motorcade.

However, Irving's team of men had already dispersed, and Toretto, who was helpless, could only stare at a car and keep following it. When he finally forced the car into an alley, the car in front suddenly stopped.

It was Letty who got out of the car!

Toretto was stunned for a moment and walked out of the car blankly: "Letty?"

However, his "Letty" ignored his call. Instead, he took out his pistol "Peng" and shot him, then walked away.

"Ron, you are right, I saw Letty."

In the infirmary, Toretto said while Ron was dressing his wounds.

"I told you so."

"But she doesn't know me at all." Toretto couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes.

"Please, haven't you seen soap operas? All love stories are like this, car accidents, cancer, amnesia, and in the end. The hero and heroine still overcome difficulties and come together,"

Luo complained without stopping his hand: "Believe me, if you and Letty were in a love movie, amnesia would definitely be the best plot. If it were a plot about cancer or car accident amputation, I don’t even know how to make it up until it’s perfect.”

"What TV series are you talking about? Why do I never seem to have seen this type of TV series?" Toretto was stunned.

"I have been watching Korean dramas recently. Don't worry, cancer will not happen to you because you never eat kimchi. Eating too much of that stuff can cause cancer."

After saying that, Ron slapped Torreto's wound.

"Hiss!" Toretto gasped in pain, but in order to maintain his usual tough guy image, he held back and did not scream.

"What should I do next? How can I get Leti back?" Toretto asked Ron for help.

"Of course you have to handle matters of love on your own, but I know, no matter what? At least we should kill Owen first."

While talking, Hobbes walked into the infirmary with a bandage on his head.

The bandage on Hobbes' head was wrapped several times, and from a distance it looked like he had a turban wrapped around his head.

"Hahaha, Big Stupid Bear, what did you do?" Ron laughed out loud: "You look just like Indian Asan now. Let me take a photo. Your current appearance, your daughter You must really enjoy watching it.”

"Stop!" Hobbes tried to stop him in vain.

Click~ The photo was successfully obtained, +1 for Hobbes’ shameful collection.

"Ron, you are so damn evil, can't you think about how to get that bastard Owen back now?"

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