Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 162 The little girl selling cakes

"Ron, aren't you the law enforcer in this city? I think you will stop the crazy behavior of some crazy women who have lost their minds, right?" Sheldon still pretended to be calm on his face, but Ron guessed that in his heart Already panicked.

"Of course, if it's when I'm at work," Ron said relaxedly: "But now that I'm off duty, no matter what happens, it has nothing to do with me. Law enforcement officers also need vacations and rest. This is a human right."

With that said, Ron opened the door and let Penny in.

"Ron?" Penny, who was still aggressive at first, was stunned for a moment when she saw Ron: "When did you come back?"

"It doesn't matter when I came back, what matters is your clothes," Ron had to remind Penny again: "They were all thrown on the wire by Sheldon, don't forget to ask him after you finish cleaning him up. How did you do it? As for what you plan to do, I'm sorry, I don't know anything. I'm just an ordinary office worker who plans to go out for a walk."

With that said, Ron winked at Petunia, meaning you can do whatever you want, I don't care about anything, just don't go too far. Petunia immediately nodded understandingly.

Then he clenched his fists, cracked his knuckles, and walked towards Sheldon.

"Ron! You can't do this!" Sheldon yelled in horror from behind: "You are a law enforcer. I want to report the crime. There is a woman here trying to hurt me!"

"Every day, countless teenagers are bruised and bruised by beautiful women, but this is not within the scope of my jurisdiction. It depends on your enjoyment."

Sheldon was still yelling something, but Ron couldn't hear it anymore, and he was very sure that no noisy neighbor would disturb the intimate communication between the two.

Because he thoughtfully closed the door from the outside when he left.

Ron walked out of the apartment and was a little confused. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

It seems that since he arrived in Los Angeles, he has been busy, even at night, either playing games with the four scientists, or challenging the limits with Max Caroline.

But when Ron wanted to call the two beautiful new bosses to say hello, he found that no one answered the phone. Instead, he was called in between calls by someone he least expected to receive a call from.

"Ron, are you interested in participating in one of our actions?" Hobbs's voice came from the receiver as if he knew how bored Ron was.

"If I have something else to do right now, I won't ask the following question," Ron sighed: "What kind of action? Is it fun?"

"It's just to arrest a small drug dealer. The main thing is to train my new subordinates. In addition, Anonymous wants me to talk to you."

Ron refused in his heart: "What does he want you to talk to me about? I have nothing to say to him."

"Get in the car." A car parked on the side of the road suddenly started and drove to Ron's side. The window was rolled down, and it was Hobbes' big round head: "Let's talk slowly, and I'll bring you some A piece of equipment that, if you haven't gained weight, will be exactly your size."

"Okay," Ron reluctantly opened the car door and got in: "Please start your performance."

"That's right," Hobbs closed the front window, and his voice could only be heard by the two people in the back seat: "It seems that there is intelligence that a series of plans against the United States are brewing recently, so Anonymous is forming a new The secret department plans to recruit elite soldiers and generals from various agencies to join..."

the other side.

On a dilapidated building in a slum, Caroline followed "Max" holding a box with reverence.

Just as "Max" was about to knock on the door, Caroline rushed forward and slapped "Max" on the shoulder: "Max, turn around, yes, I'm following you."

Unfortunately, it was not Max who came back, but a man whose hairstyle, clothes and even body shape were very similar to Max's... man!

"I'm sorry, I just followed you because you have a similar hairstyle and coat to a woman I know. You can take that as a compliment."

"You don't really think he is me, do you? My beard is much thicker than his."

Ding~ The real Max came out of the elevator and looked at the embarrassed Caroline, dumbfounded.

"Where are we going? Why do you want to come to this shabby building? There is a strong smell of hemp in here." Caroline covered her nose and complained: "Oh my god, this is where your mother lives. A place, right?”

"You actually think my mother lives indoors?" Max pretended to be surprised: "OK, listen, a friend of mine who sells medicine will notify me every time after delivery, and then I will take advantage of the person's stomach. Come sell some snacks when you’re hungry.”

Max showed Caroline the box he was holding.

"Max!" Caroline scolded: "They are breaking the law! The FBI will come to arrest them! We won't be able to explain it at that time!"

Max motioned Caroline to calm down with his eyes: "Relax, what they are smoking is just some marijuana. It has been legalized in Los Angeles for a long time. Besides, it's their business how to smoke it. I'm just here to sell cakes." , make some equipment money, did you forget that new oven we had our eye on?

With automatic timer function, with it, we no longer have to get up in the middle of the night to turn off the oven before going back to sleep. "

"No, Ron said that hemp is a drug. This is a Chinese word, which means poisonous medicine." Caroline insisted on her principle: "Toxic weed makes people lazy and in a daze, and it also absorbs all people's ideals. Walk!"

"Oh~ So you found a boyfriend who is an IRS guy and you know all about drugs?"

"Max," Caroline tried to dissuade her: "Believe me, they are not satisfied after trying drugs other than D. Qing, maybe he will use his body to shoot us?"

It has to be said that it is beneficial for Ron to get to know Caroline early. At the very least, Caroline's views are not as distorted as most Americans under the influence of Ron.

Of course, it may not be the person who is distorted, but the ambiguous name. Drugs are just a Chinese term. In the United States, they are called habit-forming drugs, which literally means addictive drugs.

A title that makes people less defensive.

However, the argument between the two hot girls in the corridor had not yet come to a conclusion. With a "ding", the elevator arrived again. The moment the door opened, a large group of heavily armed FBI agents suddenly appeared from the stairs and the elevator at the same time.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" A big man at the front shouted: "Follow me quickly and prepare to break the door, one, two, three!"

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