Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 155 Business trip to France

"Ma'am, can you stop?" Ron covered his ears, wondering how this woman managed to scream for so long.

Of course, if the law allowed it, he would rather use the last 12.7 pistol bullet left in the magazine to blow that woman's head off!

"Is that blood on my face?" Lauren was too scared to look at the sticky things on her hands. She half-closed her eyes, took a deep breath and shouted to Ron in horror.

"Not entirely." Ron said with a mischievous smile: "In addition to blood, there are also some brains."

"Ah~~~" Lauren screamed again.

"Calm down, madam, this thing is actually the same as a traditional Chinese food: tofu pudding. It is said that over there, this food can be divided into sweet and salty. Which flavor do you prefer?"

"Isn't the brain generally salty?" Karl stepped out of the car at some point: "I heard a Chinese neighbor say before that he had eaten pig brains, and I really want to try it once."

"There are not only salty ones, but also spicy ones. If you can convince your sister to come with you, I can invite you to try this Chinese cuisine: hot pot. In addition, we can also order an extra portion of tofu pudding. As a side dish.”

"Ma'am, would you like to come with us? I can also order some tofu puffs for you. I usually like sweet food. What flavor do you want?"

Ron just stood like this, talking about the sweet and salty party disputes to a woman who had just been kidnapped and drenched in blood and brains. It looked particularly funny.

Fortunately, the two idiots Tucker and FDR who were worried about Lauren finally arrived, otherwise Ron guaranteed that the woman would faint in ten minutes.

"Boss, you are really great. When can you teach me how to shoot?" Ron simply said hello, leaving the two of them to clean up the mess, and drove away with Carl.

"It's nothing. As long as you practice well, you will be like me in the future. Have you ever been exposed to a gun before?" Ron asked while driving.

"Of course, Philip and Ian and I occasionally go to practice under the bridge. There is the sound of the train over there, which can completely cover up the sound of gunfire. No one will notice even if we kill someone there, so we can hijack the meat tickets to …”

Carl is indeed a genius child in the field of crime. He can immediately switch from the topic of shooting to how to carry out a "perfect" robbery crime. Ron feels that his educational task has a long way to go.

"Stop it, stop it!" Ron couldn't bear to interrupt Carl's genius plan. He couldn't let him talk any more. If he continued, he wanted to give Buffett or Bill Gates a try: "From today on, no more." Watch those gangster movies again!"

"Also, from now on, show me an episode of Garden Babies every day."

"Garden Baby? Isn't that a retarded fairy tale for children? Can you learn marksmanship by watching that?" Karl was confused.

"No, I just want Macabaka to cleanse your sinful soul!" As soon as he arrived at the door of Gallagher's house, Ron couldn't wait to kick little Carl out.

Ron took a deep breath while sitting in the car, and the world finally became quiet~

But just as he was about to drive home, the phone rang again, and the caller was Olof.

"What's the matter?" Ron said angrily.

"Of course, congratulations on solving our troubles. Well done."

Obviously, Orlov had learned about what Ron had just done through his information channel: "Of course it's good, but remember, you owe me again."

"Of course, how about I adjust the share ratio of our partnership business? From now on, it's seven to you and three to me."

"That's right." Ron nodded happily, finally his hard work these days was not in vain.

"But there is one small problem." Orlov said hesitantly, just like the NPC in the game who specially sends tasks to the protagonist. Ron immediately had an ominous premonition.

"You won't cause any big trouble again, will you?" Ron took a deep breath.

"Of course not!" Ron had just breathed out, and in the middle of his breath, Orlov's next speech almost made him choke to death.

"It's just that the big toy lost in France was secretly sold by my people to a local gang..."

"FXXK! Are you still annoyed that I'm not busy enough?" Ron went crazy: "If you were by my side now, I promise to kill you with one shot. Believe it or not? There is nothing easier than silencing you."

"Of course I believe it, but I believe even more that it would be a better choice for you to go to France and settle this matter, wouldn't it? In fact, this is also what Mr. Francis meant."

Shi'er was afraid that Ron wouldn't believe it, so he added: "Otherwise, do you think that with my strength, I would have the opportunity to sell something of this level? But now Mr. Francis is also regretting it."

Ron believed this. Francis has recently had the idea of ​​running for the next president, so he has been seeking support from external forces, using his power to help unscrupulous politicians in Eastern Europe build a black industry chain in exchange for support. No matter how you look at it, it is a piece of cake. A sure-profit trade.

Ron had no choice but to ignore it, as his interests were deeply bound to Francis and Orlov.

"I'll go to France again to see if there's any chance to get us out of this matter. If you know any killers there, you can get them started."

"I contacted Leon, but a girl answered the phone. I suspect his line has been disconnected. Apart from him, there is no killer I can trust over there."

"Are you talking about the guy who likes to grow flowers? I have already said that he is too old and should retire. Okay, prepare a private jet for me and I will go there tomorrow."

Ron thought for a while and finally agreed. For the sake of safety, he called Francis again and asked for an opportunity to travel to France at public expense.

Francis didn't ask him why he went to France, and Ron didn't ask him if he was related to this incident. Everything went so smoothly, as if it should be, but in fact they were tacitly understanding each other.

On the outskirts of Paris, Ron finally landed on a private plane after a 15-hour flight. Unexpectedly, the person Orlov arranged to pick him up turned out to be a strange little girl holding a plant.

It's just that the plant in the little girl's arms looks very familiar.

"Is this Dieffenbachia? I remember that I had a friend who also liked to grow this kind of plant, even though I told him that it was just an oil crop." Ron said meaningfully.

"I know, this is Leon's. He mentioned you to me." The little black-haired girl's eyes were sad but firm, and she stretched out her hand to Ron: "I took the initiative to apply to be your guide. I want to know More about Leon."

"No problem," Ron did not hand the luggage to the little girl, but dragged it behind her and said as he walked: "But you may not know that when I met him, his name was not Leon. But Ruby, the poor guy who avenged his wife, is no longer here, right?”

"No, he's always here." The girl carefully placed the Dieffenbachia in her arms on the seat and opened the trunk: "My name is Matilda, what's your name?"

"Ron, it's nice to meet you." Ron put the luggage in: "We have plenty of time to talk about the rupees in the future. First of all, I want to know, which district in Paris is the messiest? I think we'll start with the messiest place. It will be quicker to find it.”

"Those desperadoes generally have relatively slow brain development and have no idea what they are getting. They may think it is just a more powerful firework, but they never thought that this firework might kill him and the entire city. life."

Ron was about to get into the driver's seat, but Matilda got in first. Ron could only sit in the back seat because there was a potted plant on the passenger seat.

As Ruby, one of Leon's former friends, he certainly knew what this meant, so of course he had no idea of ​​competing with the dead for his position.

"If the most chaotic place in Paris is, it must be the 13th district." Matilda started the car.

"Due to the massive increase in crime in the suburbs, the city hall simply built a high wall there to isolate the criminals. Now it is dominated by gangs. In fact, it is also our largest source of customers, like you. People like this can’t survive a day there.”

"What kind of person am I?" Ron didn't expect to be looked down upon by Matilda as soon as he came up: "What kind of person am I in your eyes?"

"A well-dressed beast," Matilda put a piece of chewing gum into her mouth and put the remaining pieces back before Ron could reach out. Si Hao had no intention of sharing it with him.

"I didn't say this, it was Leon. Even though you said he was called Ruby before, I still think the name Leon sounds smoother."

Ron grabbed a piece of chewing gum from Matilda's pocket angrily and stuffed it into his mouth. While chewing it, he said provocatively: "Then I think he must have told you how powerful I am."

"And your so-called greatness is just eating food given by a stranger you just met?" Matilda smiled half-heartedly, and the road became more and more deserted: "How is it? Do you feel very dizzy now?"

Ron looked at her numbly, but his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally he closed his eyes and lay down on the back seat.

"Tch, he's just a reckless man who only knows how to shoot." Matilda parked the car on the side of the road and took out her mobile phone: "Mr. Olof, I refuse to act with this idiot you sent, even though you and Leon both praised him highly, but in my opinion..."

"Click~" There was a crisp sound, and the back of Matilda's head felt cold, and a cold gun barrel was pressed against the back of his head.

"What do you think, little girl?" Ron sat up from the back seat with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Impossible! You obviously ate my chewing gum, how could you not faint?"

"Bah!" Ron spat out a piece of chewing gum wrapped in a small plastic bag: "Please, can you girls try something new? It's the same trick every time. As an agent, it's like what you've seen before. Are you an idiot like a gangster?"

After saying that, Ron spit again and went out. Even though he had the strawberry flavor that girls liked the most with him, it felt weird for a man to put this kind of thing in his mouth.

What's more, the layer of grease on top is so disgusting.

I have no choice, I only have this one with me. I originally planned to use it with Max, but due to the vigilance of the agents, Ron had to act it out first to confirm Matilda's motives before taking the next step. Who Do you know if she has betrayed you?

Or someone else offered a higher price?

Fortunately, Matilda's call to Olof saved herself, otherwise Ron would have already planned to shoot.

"It seems that you have a preliminary understanding between you. I believe you are both satisfied with each other. Come on, I am optimistic about your actions."


Orlov hung up the phone.

"Let's get to know each other again. My name is Ron Lee Cooper. I am currently the most powerful agent of the IRS. I believe you agree with this statement now, right?" Ron put his gun back into its holster.

Matilda nodded with difficulty. Is this the strength of a professional agent? It’s really amazing, Leon really didn’t lie!

"Okay, now, let's continue the topic we just talked about. Are you talking about the 13th block? What is the specific situation there?"

"It was the most chaotic place in Paris. All the criminals lived there. Drug transactions could even be carried out in broad daylight. Even the police were helpless and they never even dared to go in..."

And just when Matilda was telling the story about the origin of Block 13, Leto, who killed the former police chief of Block 13, was pushed into a car transporting prisoners. Before he could guess where the next stop was, a The prisoner, who was being held by four policemen and was still struggling, was also pushed into the car.

"Prisoner No. 713 has boarded the car," the prison guard cursed and got into the passenger seat: "Hell, he even bit me, let's go now!"

The car drove out of the prison, and the prisoner who had been beaten to death sat up, spit out a piece of wire from his mouth, and skillfully opened his handcuffs.

"Are you okay?" Leto asked.

"It couldn't be better!" Prisoner No. 713 looked back at the prison guards and found that they had not noticed the movement inside. He gently placed the handcuffs on the ground and continued to use the wire to fix the lock on the back door.

"These fools think they can lock me up, but I'll be out in a minute."

"Do you think you can open the lock with that thing?" Leto looked doubtful.

"You still don't know what I'm capable of. I'll surprise you in a while. Not to mention using wire, even instant noodles, I can open the door of an entire community." No. 713 continued to brag.

"How did you get in?" Leto asked seemingly casually.

In fact, I have begun to doubt this abnormal prisoner and this abnormal escort method.

Do you really think this is my first time in jail? Don't you even act like someone? How can there be only two people escorting a prisoner to prison? And besides the driver, another person was also sitting directly in front, which was a clear opportunity for him to escape.

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