Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 150 Caroline’s Crowdfunding

An hour later, Ron's new iPhone received the photo of Heinrich captured by the camera. It was not that Peggy was incompetent, but the Internet speed in this era was so poor that it was already difficult enough to receive the photo on the phone.

With this murderous look on his face, he looks like he's here specifically to seek revenge, right?

Ron looked at the man in the photo with a bitter look on his face and felt that there was no need to rush to kill him?

Anyway, sooner or later, he will have to die with his gay partner. Although Ron and Hobbs have been complaining that the two brothers are too weak, this weakness is also relative, and it mainly depends on who they compare with.

Compared with Ron and Hobbes, who can perfectly infiltrate a small army, there are few people who are not weak.

(Perfect infiltration: Kill everyone on the other side, and absolutely no one will know that you have infiltrated before, so it is called perfect infiltration.)

As soon as Ron turned around, the car made a handsome swerve in the middle of the road, switching from one side of the driveway to the other, causing a lot of curses, and Ron's direction also changed to drive towards the Williamsburg restaurant.

The Williamsburg restaurant's business hours always start at 12 noon and stay open until two in the morning. As a restaurant located near a slum, this business hour is very reasonable.

Because those drug addicts only get up around noon, looking for food like zombies, and then in the early morning, they use the money they get from begging to exchange for marijuana or other burning smoke to accompany them to sleep.

It goes like this day after day, until one day he chokes to death on his own vomit because he forgets to turn over, or is shot by another addict who wants to snatch drugs, ending his life of sin.

In the restaurant, Li Han held a large cardboard box and placed it on the table: "Good afternoon, everyone, it's time to find treasures in the lost and found box again."

"If my dignity is in it, remember to say hello to me."

"This is the most exciting day of my month!" Caroline said excitedly, and then immediately fell down: "Well, I really fell too fast."

"Or I can take you to Hollywood Boulevard to go shopping and let you experience the life of a little princess again?" Ron pushed the door open and entered.

"Ron~" Caroline was surprised and rushed over to kiss him passionately. Then, even though she was very moved, she still refused: "No, Ron, if I spend your money unscrupulously, it will make you unhappy." I feel very bad."

"This will make me feel that I am no different from the women who sell their bodies on the street. Although I know you mean well, please let me retain the last bit of self-respect as a rich girl. Thank you, Ron."

Caroline's answer earned her a burst of applause, and even Ron couldn't help but cheer for her in his heart.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. It is really amazing that a rich girl who has truly experienced the life of the upper class and was born with a silver spoon in her mouth can maintain such a high-spirited life after a series of blows. Very difficult thing.

In Max's words, she had only experienced Caroline's bathtub for one night, and she already felt that she couldn't live without it.

As for a rich girl from Luonan like Caroline, if she wants to continue living the same life as before, it is actually very simple, as long as she is willing to give up herself.

Some are the kind of rich and psychopathic rich people who are willing to pay for the poor women who they once admired but couldn't get and are now as homeless as stray dogs, and take them home as new toys to play with.

As far as Ron knew, after the fall of the Channing family, there were many people who extended olive branches to Caroline, but she rejected them all.

"No, no, no, you're overthinking it," Ron shook his head and said three no's in a row: "I'm talking about spending your own money."

"My own money? You won't let me overdraw our dream fund, right?" Caroline shook her head more firmly: "This is absolutely not possible, that is the store opening fund of me and Max, we are all pointing to this Money to live a good life.”

"How is that possible?" A playful smile appeared on Ron's lips. He put his notebook on the table and opened the web page: "Do you still remember the crowdfunding video I asked you to shoot last time? I made a crowdfunding video out of it. Web page.

Congratulations, you have raised nearly 10,000 US dollars in crowdfunding in one month. "

Ron turned the screen to the stunned lovely woman, and he found that Caroline was actually shaking with excitement.

"OMG! OMG! OMG!" Max stared hard at the crowdfunding page, wishing he could stick his face into the computer to see what the crowdfunded money looked like.

"Forgive me for saying OMG three times in a row! This word was made just for this moment. Are these people crazy? A blonde girl didn't even take off her clothes, so someone is willing to give him so much money?! Steel pipe Dancers can make two hundred dollars a night in tips!"

"Oh, Max." Caroline was so excited that she didn't have time to think about the inappropriate analogy she just used, and she hugged Max tightly in her arms.

"This is so unfair," Oleg said with jealousy, "Last time I crowdfunded 50 US dollars to buy a pair of pants, no one gave me a penny. Look at this lunatic named Moran. I just crowdfunded $500 for her!"

Oleg pointed to a name on the crowdfunding list and said angrily, and this person is not the one who has raised the most funds for Caroline!

"No one is willing to pay for a pair of pants for someone else, and the clothes can't be worn by themselves." Ron rolled his eyes: "Caroline is different from you."

“It’s very clear here that the crowdfunding funds are used to open a cake shop, and they also promise to give each investor a return on investment. If the cake shop really opens and becomes profitable, they can come to each of them on their birthday. Receive a free cupcake.”

"But this is still crazy!" Li Han still can't believe that such a ridiculous thing can happen in the world, and he can't understand it.

"It's normal. The fans of your country's idols obviously have nothing to do with them, but they are willing to be on the charts and buy all kinds of peripherals for the idol's dream.

I heard that some people even save money on meals just to increase sales for their idols. Perhaps these people were also moved by Caroline's dream. "

Ron was sweating while explaining. Fortunately, this reason was accepted by Li Han, otherwise he wouldn't know how to go on.

"Ron, didn't you ask me to get this money for me?" Caroline secretly pulled Ron and whispered.

"How is it possible?" Ron laughed loudly: "If I got it for you, how could it be that you only had such a small amount of money? And where did you ask me to find so many accounts from all over the world?"

"See, this Italian man named Amedeo also left a message wishing you success in opening your store. When he travels to Los Angeles, he will definitely come to your store to taste the cakes."

By the way, in the last chapter, I laid a foreshadowing and connected Agent Zhengfeng with another movie. Can anyone guess what it is?

Guess what about adding more updates?

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