"Everything is done!" The black mercenaries put down the jack, and the car they had recovered from the raid on Toretto's location was finally put together.

"Check to see what they took away?" Hobbes ordered while cleaning the gun. He turned the key and started it easily.

"Everything is fine, no problems."

Hobbes didn't even raise his head: "Then continue checking."

"Boss, if any parts are missing, we will definitely find it." The men complained impatiently.

Hobbes put down his gun and walked over with a frown. He first looked around at the car. On the surface, there was nothing wrong with it. The fact that the car could start igniting meant that there would be no problem with the engine.

Therefore, the problem can only lie in...

Hobbs opened the car door and immediately noticed the on-board computer that seemed out of place in the entire car. With a light press, the screen popped up.

"No chip detected."

Hobbes widened his round eyes, which was also called no problem.

The subordinates spread their hands: "Okay, they took the chip."

"Emergency situation!" The subordinate who was checking the intelligence suddenly shouted: "There has been a robbery in a warehouse on Grand Street."

"Well, if that's what they did, it must be the chip information that brought them there." Hobbes was shocked.

The beautiful translator who had been sitting silently suddenly said: "They must have done it."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because in Rio de Janeiro, no one would be stupid enough to rob Barak."

On the other side, Barak's men distributed throughout the city immediately began to collect money from various money hiding places, and everything was just as Ron expected.

The teammates wandering in those places immediately caught up with the vehicles carrying banknotes. All the vehicles were converging on one place, but this place was a bit unprepared.

"You said they were transferring the money together, but you wouldn't believe where they hid the money." Seeing a car driving into the yard, Taiji reported to everyone on the walkie-talkie incredulously.

"I guess it's the police station?" Ron relied on the advantage of foresight to predict.

"That's right," Toretto took the walkie-talkie: "Now we probably have to re-plan."

"No, this is not a problem at all. You first investigate the internal structure of the police station. Since the money is in the police station, then we can just go and snatch the money out."

Ron said matter-of-factly, and Roman, who was confronting him, immediately retorted.

"Oh my god, are you crazy? It's not enough to rob the biggest local gang, you also want to rob a police station? What else are you planning to do next? Form anti-government forces and subvert state power?"

"Why not? It's just that there is no need to do that. The benefits and costs are not proportional at all. Only a fool from the CIA can come up with such a stupid idea. Maybe I should recommend you to go to the CIA for an interview. You will definitely pass with your intelligence."

Ron put the walkie-talkie aside and put the welding mask down again while talking casually.


There was a burst of sparks from the welding gun, and a steel pipe was welded to the gas tank. If Hobbs was here, he would definitely give up. This was the strange "cannonball" that Ron used to create smoke last time.

But this time it was not filled with innocuous things like gas smoke, but high explosives.

This is another warehouse that Ron found five miles away from Toretto's group, because Toretto's target was too big, and Ron was doing private work this time, and he couldn't leave any clues to others.

So we deliberately chose separate places and did not live together.

Then, in the name of a combat force, it was logical to leave all the tracking and reconnaissance work to Toretto.

"BOSS, I really don't understand. A few months ago, I was a DEA anti-narcotics police officer, and then became an IRS agent. Who can tell me why I have become a robber now!"

"I think the behavior of robbing the police station can no longer be called robbers, but should be called terrorists." Arthur complained sharply while working.

"Terrorist? It's exciting to think about it. If other kids in the neighborhood knew that I had done such cool things, they would definitely worship me like a king."

Little Carl said with excitement on his face as he tied the camera to the remote control racing car with tape.

Because the characteristics of drones are too distinctive, all the drones were left in Los Angeles by Ron, but these toys sold on the market are not unusable.

It's just that the charge is slightly less.

Hank stared at Ron angrily, "Look what kind of situation you have brought up your children?" This child will learn bad things sooner or later in your hands.

"Pretending to be a terrorist is part of the job of an agent." Ron loaded the shells onto the truck and patted Hank's back comfortingly: "Think about it, a full fifty million dollars will be given to each of you. How much will the prize be?”

Ron walked around to the front, squeezed Hank's big belly, and seduced in Hank's ear like a devil: "With this money, you can help your brother-in-law pay for the high treatment fee, and the remaining money It’s enough for you to buy a big house and send your unborn child to a prestigious private school..."

"This..." Hank's eyes lit up, and he instantly fell under the temptation of money: "Okay, let's do it, but I promise, this is the last deal I will ever do!"

"Of course it's no problem," Ron ignored Hank's oath and picked up a box from the back of another truck: "There's no way to transport your sniper grenade launcher to you.

After all, your use in previous operations has already made it known that we have this thing~, but don't worry, I have prepared something else for you. "

"To be honest, after using that guy, I lost interest in almost all sniper rifles," Hank said lowly: "Compared with the LG-5, even the Barrett looks like it is only used by women. s things."

"How about you open this thing and take a look at it first?" Ron smiled mysteriously: "Maybe you will find a new love?"

"Okay." Hank opened the box, and a large gun almost as long as an adult lay quietly inside. The thick barrel indicated that its caliber was definitely more than Barrett's 12.7 mm!

"How's it going? Are you satisfied with your new gift?"

"What...what is this?" Hank was so surprised that he couldn't even speak.

"The Anzio sniper rifle uses a 20mm sniper barrel to fire special armor-piercing bullets and other large-caliber sniper ammunition. It is used against light armored vehicles and enemy ground equipment. I asked a friend to get it."

Ron admired Hank's surprised expression and smiled with satisfaction: "To be honest, I don't know whether this thing should be considered a gun or a cannon, because according to international convention, anything with a caliber above 20 mm is collectively called a cannon."

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