"I can't believe you are still staring over there. Nowadays, many people choose to continue breastfeeding until their children are older. This is called 'intimacy parenting'" Caroline said to her ignorant colleagues. Speechless.

Ever since the guest with the older child came in, or to be precise, the child who was about the same height as Li Han got into his mother's clothes and started eating.

A group of people gathered together and stared at the mother and son as if they had nothing to watch.

Max chewed gum and complained the most fatally: "The child is so old, it should be called the intimate dating method, right? And he always has to stick his head out to take a breath, right?"

"No need." Oleg looked envious.

"Is he past the age of drinking milk for a long time? That child is almost as tall as me." Li Han said while twisting towards Max, but due to the height, his eyes could only focus on indescribable places. .

Li Han raised his head and blinked cutely.

"Don't even think about it!" X2.

One came from Max, and the other came from Ron, who was holding tightly wrapped Emma.

"Ron~" Caroline and Max exclaimed in surprise together. They had not seen Ron for several days since the last dance and only chatted through text messages.

Ron let go of Emma and waved to the two beautiful waiters: "Hi~ my beauties."

"This kind of thing finally happened. I have lived long enough." Earl shook his head while holding hot water.

"No, in my opinion, you are still charming." Ron patted him on the shoulder: "Can I know which beauty I am lucky enough to be served by today?"

"Waiter, I want to order something." The mother who was feeding raised her hands at the same time.

"Go to my section." Caroline picked up the menu before Max spoke and led Ron and Emma to sit in her section: "I don't want to go. Although I can respect this approach, I still I'm going to feel sick, Ron, is this your new friend?"

"Yes, this is Emma. I can introduce you to her later." Ron's hand was pinched as he spoke.

Ron could clearly feel Emma's rejection. Emma didn't want to eat in such a dirty restaurant, but he didn't care and forced Emma to sit down and order.

After Caroline left, Emma immediately complained dissatisfiedly: "Hell, I thought you would take me to a better place to eat, but I didn't expect you to bring me to a place like this!"

"You said you wanted to see my working environment and my other 'lovers', and now you have." Ron shrugged.

He was now a little dissatisfied with Emma's endless complaints. From yesterday when he was misunderstood until now, he had heard so many complaints from Emma.

Even last night when Emma rushed towards her passionately, he just kissed her lightly and pushed her away.

If you are so dissatisfied with the United States, why are you staying in London? Why do you have to come?

"Which one are you talking about? The one with black hair and big breasts? Or the girl with blonde hair and long legs? If it were me, I would choose the blonde one. At least she seems to know some etiquette, but compared to My friends in the London social circle are still far behind.”

Emma commented carelessly on the sisters.

Ron only felt that Emma was getting less and less cute. He really didn't know why he wanted to provoke this great god back then.

Maybe it's because having sex with Hermione in Hogwarts uniform is more exciting?

Sure enough, the impression from the movie was still the key. If the real Emma could be half as cute as Hermione in the movie, Ron wouldn't even think about breaking up.

"It's all." Ron showed a mischievous smile: "Yes, that's right, this is what my life is like. Moreover, the waitress whom you just considered inferior to the London social circle was always you even in London. Existences that are beyond the reach of those friends.”

"How is it possible!" Emma didn't believe it: "How could a person of such a noble background work in such a restaurant?!"

"Believe it or not, her father just happened to be unlucky and went bankrupt."

Ron was unsure. At this moment, he noticed a newspaper that someone had left on the table. He casually took it and put it in front of Emma: "Look, there is an auction of her property today."

Emma saw the title and exclaimed incredulously: "Oh my God, you said he was Caroline Channing?!"

"Of course." Ron nodded. He originally thought Emma would express her apology for the rude comment just now, but Emma then said:

"Can you take me to the auction of her property today? This auction has been publicized in London for a long time. I have several things I want to buy."

Emma's enthusiastic look reminded him of the sharks he had seen in movies. When a shark was injured, the other sharks did not bother to help it. Instead, they pounced on their companions because of the smell of blood, and ate them up.

Such a woman made him feel a little disgusted.

Despite Max's humble background, no matter what, he never insults others. Even Megan Fox, who is also in the entertainment industry, is also a very loyal woman.

Sure enough, there was a reason why Peggy and Megan disliked Emma, ​​which strengthened his idea of ​​breaking up.

"No, I won't take you there. I will never show up at the auction of my friend's property. This will make her sad. You can go by yourself if you are interested, but the person accompanying you will never be I."

"Ron!" Emma scolded in a low voice with some annoyance: "Are you going to blame me for a down-and-out wealthy daughter?!"

"No, no, no," Ron shook his head: "In my eyes, I never use property to measure the value of my friends. This will make me feel that they are like individual stocks. Who should I be friends with?" Will it make me noble?"

"No, and I won't promote myself as a prince or princess to make myself look noble."

"Ron!" Emma felt deeply insulted by Ron's words, and her whole face almost turned red: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course I know~" Ron shrugged easily. His original intention of bringing Emma to the store today was to let her use her fame to help the sisters' small cake business, but judging from her current attitude, there should be no chance.

Ron didn't mind speaking more decisively: "Okay, I know, we're done, right? Don't worry, you can leave here now, no one will try to keep you."

"Ron! I hate you the most!" Emma picked up a glass of water and threw it on Ron's face.

Unfortunately, Ron had blocked the water with a napkin in advance. Emma stamped her foot, turned around and left angrily.

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