Shidou Wuhe sighed and went to the game park with his two girlfriends, but it was a helpless thing to have to ride the roller coaster alone.

But it was only a few minutes, and it passed quickly.

The Eight Mai sisters sat together, and next to Wuhe Shidou, there seemed to be a woman who was very beautiful, but she didn't look young anymore, so they didn't care, and waited quietly for the roller coaster to start.

Slowly, the roller coaster drove...

The first section of the road has been slowly climbing up, looking at the farther and farther ground, the smaller and smaller people, Wuhe Shidou's heart is not fluctuating, maybe he has experienced too many thrilling things. , this matter has nothing to do with him.


Immediately after the roller coaster swooped, the screams of teenagers and girls suddenly rose. Some were afraid, some were excited, and some seemed to just want to shout.

Itachi Shidou also heard Yaguya's laughter and seemed to be having a good time, while Yagami Yugen was silent, but Shidou Wuhe believed that she would not be afraid of it.

A few minutes later, the roller coaster returned to its original position, and Shidou Wuhe calmly walked out of the carriage. Shidou Wuhe glanced at the sisters in front of Yaguma, and saw Yaguma Yakiya's excited look on his face, Yagami Yuzuru. It's still that listless appearance, and it seems that there is not much difference compared to before the roller coaster.

Sure enough, as Shidou Wuhe said before, the Eight Mai sisters and the others are used to flying around, and even fighting while flying, so it is impossible to scare them at this level.

On the other hand, the woman sitting next to Shidou Wuhe seemed to be frightened. With the support of her friends, she left the carriage and sat aside to rest.

And Shidou Wuhe was entangled by the Eight Mai sisters and continued to play different game facilities, but unfortunately, they were still only excited and calm.

Shidou Wuhe felt that if this continued, the Eight Mai sisters would definitely be bored. He glanced left and right, and there was nothing that could really move them...

At this time, Shidou Wuhe suddenly saw a mysterious black hut in front of them. There was a picture of a white kid outside the hut. He knew that this should be the most famous facility in this amusement park---- --The haunted house in the woods.

It is said that the design of this haunted house is very realistic. There are many well-made props inside, as well as staff with makeup and acting skills, and even found some famous composers to write horror background music. In short, in one sentence, really scary!


At this time, there was a scream of a teenager in the haunted house. If it was a woman, she might be more afraid of ghosts and scream, but even men make such a fearful voice...

Shidou Wuhe thought about it for a while, and then suggested to the Eight Mai sisters:

"Let's go play that..."

Sister Bawu fixed her eyes, and her complexion suddenly changed!

Of course they knew where this place was. Although they were elves, they gradually became familiar with human affairs after being attacked. They knew what ghosts were, and they had heard some urban legends. Even if they had powerful spiritual powers, they were still Can't help but feel scared.

Once, the Eight Mai sisters watched some horror movies with other elves. At that time, they were very scared and vowed not to watch horror movies in the future, so after hearing Shidou Wuhe's proposal, they recalled the promise at that time. , did not dare to reply for a while.

"Uh... if you're scared, forget it!"

Shidou Wuhe smiled, but he didn't expect that the two of them would really be afraid of these fake things that they knew. In his opinion, no matter how realistic they were, they wouldn't be afraid, not to mention that even if they were real monsters, they wouldn't necessarily be afraid of them. just can't beat...  

Although he originally wanted them to experience a little excitement, if the eight dance sisters were really so scared, he didn't want to scare them too much.

But Shidou Gokawa seems to have forgotten a little, the elves are a bunch of competitive guys...

"Who... who is afraid!"

Yaguya Yaguya retorted stubbornly, but seeing her words did not have the feeling of being a middle-of-the-roader, she knew that she was really afraid.

"Delusion, how could Yu Xian be shaken by such a boring thing."

Yamura Yuxian similarly denied that since Yagura Yakiya expressed that she was not afraid, then she could not lose to the other party, she clenched her fists tightly, if there was a big deal to blow up this haunted house.

"Is there really no problem?"

Itachi Shidou looked at the two sisters suspiciously, he didn't think they were really not afraid anymore.

"Of course, the haunted house is my favorite!"

Yakiya Hachima seems to be starting to talk nonsense.

"No problem, let's go!"

Yamai Yuzuru nodded in agreement, but she seemed so nervous that she lost her oral habits.


"Really really 2.2!"

Shidou Wuhe sighed. He knew that he couldn't stop the two of them. At this time, he was a little regretful. Why did he make such a proposal just now?

However, even if it is a haunted house, it should be nothing...

Even if something really happens, the big deal is to use the ability of the feudal lord to run out.

With such thoughts in mind, Shidou Itsuka held the hands of the two of them and calmed them down a little.

Itachi Shido's hand is very warm, so the elves especially enjoy the feeling of holding hands with Shidou Gokawa.

At this time, they had come to the haunted house, looking at the weird little ghost pattern, inexplicably a little nervous.

It seems that because it is really scary, there are not too many people queuing outside, so it will soon be the turn of Shidou Wuhe and the others......

Sixty-nine, encounter snow is

Although it was a bit strange to see a man and two women so intimate, the professional staff didn't say much, but continued to say some precautions, and then arranged for the three of them to enter the haunted house.

Then, he notified the internal staff that the next guests had entered, and asked them to prepare accordingly!

As soon as the three walked into the haunted house, they suddenly felt a little spooky. Although there were lights inside, they were flickering, just like those old and yellowing light bulbs in the old hospital.

The surrounding walls looked like half-rotted wood, making people worried that they would fall down at any time. There was a trace of blood on the wood, and some spells were vaguely painted, which made people shudder.

Although I know that these are all artificial, and I also know that there is no real danger, even Wuhe Shidou can't help but feel a little nervous. Even the entrance is so serious, how scary the inside of this haunted house will be. Woolen cloth?

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