Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 310 When I come home after drinking, my wife and children feel so good

Dad Qin chatted with Wu Bo for a long time, and said that he was really determined to enter the shampoo industry, so Wu Bo should not worry.

Seeing that he couldn't stop Dad Qin's pace, Wu Bo didn't persuade him any more, but he told Dad Qin some of his experience in making shampoo for more than ten years, and introduced some contacts to Dad Qin when the time came.

For example, which one is the best bottler, as well as the packaging materials, some skilled workers, sellers, and so on.

If it's a workshop, Qin's father doesn't plan to buy it, because he plans to build a factory in Shao City, and Wu Bo's equipment and tools can be bought.

It has only been used for two years, and all the stainless steel equipment is imported from Germany, which is much better than finding resources to buy it abroad and then consign it back.

Because Dad Qin was injured and couldn't drink, Qin Lang drank wine with his uncles and uncles.

After drinking until nine o'clock in the evening, we chatted happily the whole time, and Dad Qin was the happiest.

It wasn't that I didn't have the chance to meet my friends before, but I was embarrassed to meet my friends for dinner because I was bankrupt and my value fell.

Now that his son is getting better and better, and the family has hope for a comeback, Dad Qin is very happy to eat this meal.

If Qin Lang hadn't told him not to drink alcohol, he would have really wanted to drink a few sips of old wine and sighed with emotion.

Because Qin Lang was drunk, he couldn't drive, so he found a driver and drove the two of them back.

When I got home, it was after ten o'clock in the evening. The three little guys all took a shower and fell asleep. They put Xuan Xuan in Qin's mother's room downstairs, and Qin's mother took it, and Yutong and Kexin Su Shihan took it.

Qin Lang sent Dad Qin to the house, woke up Qin's mother, and asked Qin's mother to greet Qin's father.

"Drinking?" As soon as Qin's mother opened the door, she smelled a lot of alcohol and frowned at Qin's father.

Qin Lang said, "Mom, Dad didn't drink, I did."

Seeing that it was his son's drink, Qin's father didn't drink, and Qin's mother's face looked much better. She told Qin Lang that she and Qin's father would take Xuan Xuan to sleep tonight, and also told Qin Lang that Xuan Xuan took her first sip of complementary food today. rice cereal.

He also told Qin Lang about the reaction of the three little guys eating rice cereal today, and the fact that he was sprayed with rice cereal.

Hearing that Qin Lang wanted to see his son.

When I came to the master bedroom, there was a baby cot next to the master bedroom, because the room is not very big, after putting the baby cot, the whole master bedroom looks a little narrow, and the second bedroom is completely unable to put a baby cot.

Qin Lang thought that he must buy a big house by then.

This makes every room spacious.

Living in a spacious house, people will not feel depressed.

When I came to the crib, I looked at the little guy's angelic face, biting gum in his mouth, two little hands above his head, and a stuffed doll beside him.

Super cute.

It was so cute that Qin Lang couldn't help lowering his head and kissing his son.

The little guy stretched out his hand and rubbed his face. He used quite a lot of strength. He almost scratched his face. Qin Lang grabbed his little hand.

The little hand grabbed his big finger at once.

The picture is very healing.

A warm feeling ran through the body.

Qin's mother brought the baby's nail clippers and handed them to Qin Lang. Qin Lang carefully took the little guy out of the crib, carried him to the big bed, and then squatted beside the big bed to cut his fingernails.

The baby's fingernails grow very fast, if you don't pay attention, Xuan Xuan's fingernails grow again.

Xuanxuan prefers to scratch his face than Yutong and Kexin, because his nails are too long and it is easy to scratch his face.

After cutting his son's nails downstairs, Qin Lang went upstairs and returned home. There was a small night light in the living room. He gently closed the door, locked it, and changed his shoes.

I didn't immediately go into the master bedroom to see my wife and children.

Instead, I went to the second bathroom to take a shower and wash up.

Dilute the smell of alcohol on your body and mouth, and then prepare to go to the master bedroom to see your wife and children.

When he came out of the shower, he saw that the headlights in the living room were on. After looking around, he found Su Shihan in the kitchen who was cooking in front of the stove.

"Wife, what are you cooking?"

"Have you taken a shower? Mom said you'd be drinking tonight. I made some sober soup for you. Now that you're back, I'll warm you up."

Hearing his wife's heart-warming words, Qin Lang wiped off the wet hair on his head, hung the towel on the door handle, walked behind Su Shihan in three steps, wrapped her around her gently, and looked down. There was steaming hot soup on the stove, and he said softly, "Wife, you are so kind."

Su Shihan gently pushed his head away, frowning, "You drank a lot of wine tonight."

The smell of alcohol that came out of his mouth was a bit pungent.

Because Qin Lang hasn't rinsed his mouth yet.

"It's alright, I'm not drunk." Qin Lang then told Su Shihan some things we talked about tonight, including the fact that the shampoo company run by his father's friend just went bankrupt, there was a full set of equipment to sell, and so on.

Seeing that the soup was hot, Su Shihan turned off the switch on the stove, with a gentle expression on her face, "Go and rinse your mouth, or if you go to see Yutong and Kexin later, the two little girls will be fine. Wake up with the smell of your alcohol."

"Okay." Before leaving, Qin Lang stole a kiss on Su Shihan's cheek, and Su Shihan shyly looked back at him.

What Su Shihan made for Qin Lang was Ge Hua Jieyou Soup.

This is what Qin's mother taught her to do. Because Qin's father used to go out to socialize and drink, Qin's mother was very worried that Qin's father's liver could not bear it, so she specially found someone to get the recipe of Ge Hua Jieyou soup.

Taking this decoction in a certain dose can protect the function of liver cells and has a better hangover effect.

Because drinking alcohol damages the liver.

When Qin Lang came out after rinsing his mouth and washing his face, Su Shihan had already filled the soup and brought it to the dining table.

Let Qin Lang drink it later, it's a bit hot right now.

Ask Qin Lang if he is hungry, if she wants to give him another bowl of noodles.

Su Shihan didn't ask, Qin Lang didn't realize that he was hungry, but when he asked, Qin Lang felt that he was indeed hungry.

He smiled at Su Shihan and said, "Okay, try the noodles from my wife."

Su Shihan seemed to be a messenger, and when she heard something yellow, she blushed and shyly got into the kitchen.

Qin Lang was stunned for a while, his daughter-in-law is really getting more and more cute, and she can blush with shyness when she tells her to eat a bowl of noodles.

While waiting for Su Shihan to make the noodles and the soup to cool down, Qin Lang pushed open the door of the master bedroom and entered the master bedroom to see the two little girls.

In the master bedroom, a yellow wall lamp was turned on, and the wall lamp cast a soft light on the two little girls on the bed.

Seeing Ke Xin's way of sleeping, Qin Lang couldn't help but smile.

"This little naughty slept at the end of the bed again. It's not honest to sleep. Do you want to sleep on the whole bed?"

Qin Lang fondly nodded the little girl's forehead, then picked her up.

The little girl's head was like smelling her father's body. She hummed twice, comfortably found a safe place in Qin Lang's arms, and continued to sleep again.

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