Cyber Heroes

Chapter 86 Screening Issues

A severe headache once again interrupted the memory.

Xiangshan slapped his hands on the side of his head, but he couldn't relieve the pain in this way.

David Crane…

Xiangshan unplugged himself from the hard drive and looked down at the bullet box at his feet.

——David Crane…

He probably remembered the name.

The memory on the hard drive just now seemed to light a light in his mind. This light illuminates other things around it.

He remembers this person...

That's right...

David Klein, former NASA researcher and world-class engineer.

In addition, the designer of the first generation of full-body prosthetics.

For complete prosthetic transformation, it was initially applied in the aerospace field. As long as the brain is wrapped in a thick protective layer, it can stay in the space environment for a long time without worrying about muscle atrophy. The protective layer and the baseline person's inherent damage resistance are enough to withstand radiation.

In addition, as a creature that can survive on electricity, the resources consumed by the baseline human can be kept to a minimum. Except for a small amount of inorganic supplements and nutrients, baseline humans do not need any more supplies. They can survive on the solar panels of the space station.

If something unexpected happens on the space station, the survival rate of fully prosthetic astronauts is much higher than that of Homo sapiens astronauts.

Therefore, the first fully prosthetic human being was an astronaut.

David Klein has used his connections at NASA to long-term cooperation with space agencies around the world. He himself is the most powerful engineer.

Only then did Xiang Shan look away from the bullet box and calm down.

"Think about it carefully..." Xiang Shan closed his eyes: "In that previous memory, it was 'me'...or maybe 'my' person. When he persuaded other people, this guy was included in the crowd."

"In other words, there should be a gap of seven years between me who just joined the 'Rama Project' and me who later became the 'director' and wanted to 'do something big'."

"In other words, it should happen around 2035 for me, who wants to become the 'Stealer of Heavenly Fire', to persuade others?"

But thinking of this, Xiang Shan felt weird.

"Although I was naive when I was 35 years old, I was passionate and revolutionary." Xiang Shan sighed: "Why am I like a fool when I was 28 years old? I don't have any good points to say, and I don't have any passion at all. I can't see it at all. There is a bit of similarity with who I am now.”

Ah, of course, people also grow. For example, when he graduated from middle school, a certain philosopher published an article titled "Youth's Considerations When Choosing a Career," saying, "By striving for a lofty goal, you can become more noble and achieve more. With great success, you can also get happiness", and is full of noble feelings of self-sacrifice. It can be said to be a standard statement of struggle.

But after experiencing social beatings and suffering in the world, this philosopher gradually realized that in certain worlds, many people will suffer more and more painfully the more they work - they work and live like tools. And there is no human dignity at all.

If this young philosopher was lucky enough to travel through time and space and see himself as a teenager, he would probably have mixed emotions.

so. There is a difference between the 35-year-old Xiangshan and the 28-year-old Xiangshan, which is completely understandable!

"No, no, if you look at the memories of that time again, you might want to strangle yourself to death." Xiang Shan sighed: "It's better to let your spirit rest a little at this time."

Xiangshan felt that after 35 years, he must have gone through a long period of time.

But then again...

"How old am I?" Xiang Shan thought: "If I was in my early twenties in 28 years, then I would be almost thirty in 35 years, right? At that time, genetic modification therapy for baseline humans had just begun. Prostheticization hasn’t even started yet.”

"Well, if you think about it carefully, prosthetic transformation will inevitably involve multiple fields and is a very large project. After 35 years, I will connect various fields and apply for funds and investments from various countries and companies. Then The establishment of standards for reconstructive surgery... this will not be possible in ten years."

"Then the last memory...that is, the period before I created 'Martial Arts', the last poor man in all mankind became the benchmark person. Everyone can survive on charging, and global famine was successfully eliminated. At least I got the 50s?"

Xiangshan rubbed his chin: "Although I think my mentality is that of a young man? But in fact, I am an old man?"

"Still the standard 'You are a thief if you are too old to die'?"

"This is really..."

Xiang Shan shook his head.

"Fortunately, after transforming into a prosthetic body, you won't smell like an old man. Otherwise, it would be really scary to have such a young mentality but smell like an old man on your body." Xiang Shan shook his head and decided to postpone the rhythm of reading and memory.

After all, he still feels that he is the more mature one now.

From 28 and 35 years until he fell asleep, "Xiang Shan" must have gone through many battles before he became the man who calls himself "the number one thug in heaven".

He cannot become the ordinary little researcher he was in 28 years old, nor can he become the naive fool he was in 35 years old. Now this thug is what he needs.

You can't take in too many memories at once.

At this time, a reminder came to Xiangshan's mind.

【Master! coming! 】

Xiangshan walked out of the "Donkey" carriage and climbed out. Yuki was lying on the top of the rock, looking nervously at the line of smoke extending in the distance.

Those two thugs on motorcycles.

Xiangshan adjusted his prosthetic eye: "It's about three kilometers away from here... Yuki, gun."

Yuki handed the rifle into Xiangshan's hand.

Xiang Shan said again: "Go down and cover that little girl's ears."

Although due to the previous efforts to protect each other and the interactions over the past few days, the little girl was no longer afraid of Xiangshan. But she still feels uncomfortable when she sees people with high transformation rates. Xiangshan could probably guess the reason. During the one or two years she was in the cottage, the prisoners who treated her well were the prisoners with a low reformation rate, while those who treated her badly, like raising a plaything, were thugs with a high reformation rate.

It's better to leave it to Yuki to take care of the little girl.

Yuki nodded, then rolled and slid down the rock.

Xiang Shan slowly raised his rifle and fired a shot into the sky.

After a moment, Yuki screamed: "Master, what are you doing?"

"Attract the target." Xiang Shan shrugged: "I should have taught you. In bullets, the 'maximum lethality range' and the 'effective range' are different. The 'maximum lethality range' for a prosthetic body is different from the 'maximum lethality range' for a physical body. There is also a difference in the 'maximum lethality range'. Due to the design of this rifle, they have to be within a thousand meters in order to hit accurately."

While talking, Xiang Shan was still staring at the dust. After a few seconds, the sound came over there. Only then did the two thugs turn. "Watch my steps." Xiangshan said to Youki, casually jumping back and forth on the rocks a few times, avoiding bullets at will.

It was a minute or two before he raised his gun.

"Well, the design of the motorcycle is not too different from what Z Organization has seen. The center of gravity is very low." As he said this, he kept jumping left and right and pulled the trigger.

A man fell in response.

The other person seemed frightened and wanted to turn.

The process of turning means that the "forward" force is divided into two forces in different directions. The speed will definitely decrease.

Then Xiangshan pulled the trigger a second time.

"All hits, ten rings, perfect score." Xiang Shan said.

He looked at his disciple: "Have you figured it out now? Why did I shoot into the sky?"

Yuki nodded: "Do you need them to be within effective range?"

For prosthetic people, mistakes caused by "shaky hands" do not exist. The muzzle wandering caused by one's own "repeated jumps" is also a controllable variable and will hardly affect aiming.

However, for gun art, "atmosphere" is an uncontrollable variable.

Unless the energy contained in your weapon can make atmospheric disturbances "negligible", a breeze or even an air mass with uneven density may deflect your bullet.

Griliad needs a small number of drone arrays to assist with shooting, because of this - the drone arrays are responsible for detecting atmospheric disturbances.

Xiang Shan nodded: "What else?"

Yuki thought for a moment and shook his head.

"This is also a screening issue." Xiang Shan crossed his arms and said, "If you are an ordinary person coming and going, or someone passing by with other purposes, when you hear the sound of gunshots, your first reaction should be to 'escape' or 'hide' , rather than 'viewing'. Only those thugs think this is their 'turf' and have strong control over this place."

Yuki thought for a moment: "Master, can the little guy just turn around and run away?"

Xiang Shan nodded: "However, this is also an important principle. It is better to let ten go than to kill one by mistake. After all, we rely on personal judgment to practice chivalry. No matter how powerful a chivalrous person is, he cannot kill everyone in the world. All evil people.”

"But you also told me before, 'Eliminate all evil'."

"When you are sure that a person is a villain, you must do everything possible." Xiang Shan said calmly: "But if you are not sure, then don't make a judgment casually."

Xiang Shan said and jumped off the rock: "Although I have done the screening before using the method of 'shooting in the air', I can already determine that the conjecture that 'they are evil people' is more reliable, but I still cannot say that I am absolutely sure. .So, I broke their spines and took away their mobility. It was not irreversible damage to the baseline people. I will check their memories later."

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