Cyber Heroes

Chapter 53 Outer Door Auxiliary Line

Yuki doesn't actually have much physical body. He originally used children's prosthetic hands and feet, and had some of his internal organs replaced. After Leif's incident, he had most of his remaining internal organs replaced. Just now, even the heart and lungs were replaced.

In order to facilitate movement, Xiangshan also replaced Andy's hands and feet with him.

For Yuki, most of the muscles in his body are useless.

A small amount of hematopoietic organs, artificial heart pumps, and prosthetic lungs are basically enough to maintain energy supply to the brain. The other is the digestive and absorption system, which is less than one-tenth of the natural human body.

After Xiangshan replaced the battery, Yuki basically regained his ability to move. The strength of his hands and feet had nothing to do with the injury.

This is also a major benefit of prosthetics. If a natural person's organs are damaged and the energy supply to his limbs is insufficient, his hands and feet will naturally become limp and difficult to move. But the power of the prosthetic body depends on its own integrity and the power of the battery. A Cyberman, no matter how badly injured he is, can move as long as his prosthetic body is intact.

The most extreme example is probably Gliard, or brothers Ali and Andy. After Griad was defeated, the prosthetic body could still accept external instructions to move or even throw "Tekka". And those two brothers, after their brains were destroyed, their bodies could maintain their original movements.

Although he was seriously injured, Yuki did regain basic mobility.

The boy hesitated: "Master, the person who killed his mother should have been..."

"Yes, that Green Forest has paid the price." Xiang Shan looked into the distance and nodded: "But that person was not the only one who killed your mother."

"Who else?"

"Green Forest, and this world." Xiang Shan said: "Once you understand this kind of grief, you should not let it happen to other people again, and you should get rid of those things - this is the 'revenge' of our knights."

"And the first step is to eliminate Griad's stronghold."

The boy nodded.

"I have absorbed the memory of Leif...that is, the big man who used the stick before." Xiang Shan said: "In the past few days, I have also absorbed some of Gliard's memories one after another. I already know where their copycat is. , How did you enter?"

Youki was a little timid: "But, the village...there are a lot of people, right?"

"There are many people... huh, it's just a mob." Xiang Shan said calmly: "There are indeed many people who are powerful. However, martial arts can break up this 'power'."

Only then did Youki nod, with excitement in his eyes.

Xiangshan squatted down and said to Yuki: "Boy, since you are already going to embark on this path, there are a few rules that I have to explain to you first. You must abide by these rules before you actually get started. If you If you don’t agree, I can send you to a safe town.”

Yuki nodded: "Master, tell me."

"First of all, before you leave, you have to do whatever I say." Xiang Shan said seriously: "What we do is always life-threatening. If there is a slight mistake, both of us may lose our lives. So, you must obey orders."

Yuki nodded: "I understand."

"Second, although I said, revenge. But from today until four years later, I will not let you kill anyone with your own hands, even if that person is a scum - unless I am not by your side, and you If you are actively attacked, you need to defend yourself, do you understand?"

Yuki was stunned for a moment, lowered his head, and gritted his teeth: "Why! Why can they...those thugs come to kill me, but I can't..."

"Stop." Xiangshan held down Yuki's head: "Yuki, first of all, I want to tell you that people cannot be above others, and people cannot judge people. Only the law can judge people."

"But Master, didn't you say that 'Dharma' is the power that oppresses people..."

"It's the law that can become a force that oppresses people. Don't listen half-heartedly." Xiang Shan interrupted the disciple's rhetorical question: "It's not good for people to take away people's lives. However, the power of the law is not enough now. To protect people, allowing those evil people to exist will only lead to greater disasters. We just have no way, so we draw our swords. But it does not mean that this matter is 'absolutely right'. It is only relative to 'letting the evil people go' 'It's not that bad."

"If you don't grasp the balance, what's the difference between you and those people in Green Forest? You don't have to think about this now, just keep it in your mind and think about it slowly. I'm just telling you. Do you understand?"

Yuki frowned, but nodded.

"Very good." Xiang Shan stood up and opened a hidden compartment on the outer armor. Xiang Shan took out three chips from the secret compartment and said, "You have an interface reserved on your brain-computer barrier, right? Put this chip in."

Yuki nodded, opened the skull, and did as he was told.

Of these three chips, two are from Andy and one is from Alibaba.

Xiang Shan nodded: "Originally, I have to wait for you to settle down before I can teach you these skills. However, we are going to destroy a cottage soon. Your level is still far away from 'stealth' and 'assassination'. It’s a long way to go. I have to let you stay alone outside the village for a while, so I’m going to teach you some life-saving techniques.”

Youki's eyes lit up: "Martial arts? Can I defeat Green Lin?"

"It's a beautiful idea." Xiang Shan sneered: "At most, I can keep you in front of the guys for a few more minutes, so that I can rush over."

As he spoke, Xiangshan had a sudden thought and used the signal transmitter to directly issue instructions to the chip in Youki's brain.

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