Cyber Heroes

Chapter 38 Memory and Games

The development of cranial nerves is not simply about the more the better.

In fact, the "maturation" of the brain nervous system is a process of "subtraction".

The original state of the brain is a primitive network in which all nodes have the same weight. Later, with people's daily activities, part of the neuronal connection pathways will be used frequently, while other parts will be used less frequently.

And the more so, the "frequently used" connection paths will have a higher weight. Those that are rarely used will have a lower weight.

Then, the high-weighted connection pathways will be further strengthened, and even a specialized "protective sheath" will appear, forming a mature "circuit" and then fixed.

Those who use it infrequently will regress one after another.

The connection pathways of neurons are equivalent to being "specialized".

In this process, humans will learn to walk, learn to use their hands, and learn to speak...

This is also the reason why a person becomes "dumb" after not speaking for a long time - his connection pathway responsible for "speaking" disappears on its own. He also forgot to speak.

It is generally believed that "learning" is a process of suppressing unnecessary information input channels, thereby strengthening the ability to perceive target information. This kind of inhibition and reinforcement is naturally dynamic.

A certain enzyme can reverse the physiological cycle of neurons within a certain range, allowing the neural network to return to its original state and prepare for secondary development.

Rather than renewing cells, it simply reverses the neuronal cycle.

Xiangshan even remembered that when this technology was born, it was considered by humans to be "an epoch-making technology that expands the potential of the brain" and was considered a prelude to the drastic changes in Superman.

But later, this technology quickly fell out of favor, and was eventually only used in fields such as neurosurgery, psychology, and reconstruction of congenital intellectual disabilities.

The reason is simple. This enzyme makes people forget too many things, and the time cost of retraining is also very high.

It is almost impossible for humans to rely on this kind of technology to create people who surpass human intelligence.

Until the popularization of metal-based proteins and prosthetic technology.

Due to the existence of auxiliary memory storage devices, you can place your own memories on the hard drive to expand the capacity of your brain.

But it is generally believed that this is very cost-effective.

After all, for most people, there is no difference between storing memories on a hard drive and storing memories in a biological brain. If you want to learn new technologies, then just use a hard drive to store them. All you need to do is "use your biological brain to adapt to the information on the hard drive."

Just a little bit.

Biological brains and Turing machines may not be the same, and there is currently no point in common between the two. No matter how good a master of internal skills is, it is impossible to dig out the information in the brains of human beings.

However, the information in the hard drive can be deleted and tampered with at will by a real expert.

"Remember that thing I told you to use your biological brain to memorize?" Xiangshan looked at Yuki: "Anything recorded on the hard drive may be taken away. At least, before humans can truly decipher the mysteries of the brain, The biological brain is not hackable."

Xiangshan was prepared very early.

But there is another major difficulty with this issue.

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, after the birth of brain hard disk technology, neuroscientists conducted measurements and determined that the human brain capacity, after being converted into a format that can be stored in a hard disk, is about 2.5PB.

2.5PB, about 2560TB, or 2621440GB. Logically speaking, this should be able to hold all the text materials of several libraries.

But it is a pity that humans cannot store their own knowledge in formats such as TXT and PDF.

After human beings perceive something from the outside world, they will generate a series of memories. The memory of "a specific thing" will be split into "the information received by the senses in this thing", "the emotional memory of this thing", "the knowledge brought about by this thing", etc. Category storage exists in different parts of the brain.

Many times, what occupies memory space is not all “knowledge”.

But if you rely on reverse growth enzymes, neurosurgery and other assistance, Xiangshan can slightly change this.

He transferred all the memories that could be transferred to the hard drive. Later, he used the reverse growth enzyme on his brain to wash away what was already in his brain, retrain his biological brain, and record more knowledge.

What he has now is all the knowledge he needs to "start from scratch."

What kind of twists and turns did it go through? How much effort did he put into the "retraining" process?

Xiangshan doesn't remember anything, and it's impossible to remember anything. Even this process was speculated by him based on his own "knowledge". He himself has no memory and has long forgotten this experience.

If he didn't retrieve his memories, he would never be able to remember them.

He also couldn't remember what he had experienced. He can only judge whether he empathizes with this memory and whether it is something he has experienced by "whether this memory is consistent with the emotional memory in his mind."

Having said that…

Xiangshan didn't expect that all his memories would be physically taken away from him.

This should only be used to prevent hackers.

Why? He has been reduced to that situation. If the enemy wants to, it will be easy to kill him.

But no matter what, he did fall into the worst situation he could imagine.

In his biological brain, there was only pure technology, and the "passion" that was limited to technology at the time and could not be accurately transformed.

He doesn't know how these technologies are used, nor what actions this passion should be used to drive.

Everything was surmised by himself.

From this technique, he inferred what he had done before and what the fire of passion should burn.

"The me in the past has been prepared for a long time. That me knew everything. He is me, I only have a little less memory than him." Xiangshan squatted next to Yuki and looked into the distance: "That me knew a lot of things... He knew more than I do now. And our emotions were aligned. So, I trusted my past self in making decisions — how could I betray the past me who knew everything?"

Youki shouted: "But Master, you know things now that you didn't know in the past, right? You didn't know me in the past, nor did you know the people here..."

Xiangshan put his palm on Yuki's head: "Okay, I decided what I want to do in the past. This will never change. In the remaining days, if you still want to learn from me, Just something, just... come here around this time. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't come, but remember to format the drive I gave you after I leave..."

Before Xiangshan could say anything, Yuki left angrily.

Xiangshan wanted to stop him and give him a lecture, but in the end he shook his head and laughed out loud.

"This guy……"

He stood on the garbage mountain, standing on the wreckage of the battleship, looking into the distance. Endless garbage. Twisted metal covered the ground. Further away, there is a small town whose appearance is not much different from that of a garbage dump. At the end of the line of sight, on the horizon, a patch of silver-gray plants was billowing in the wind.

Sometimes he wonders how old he was before he lost consciousness. Based on his own feeling, he should still have the character of a young man. But he seems to have experienced many similar "separations".

"Tsk, I wouldn't believe it if I didn't have amnesia, that I would actually have the slightest... attachment and sense of belonging to such a garbage dump? What about the fledgling effect?"

However, for knights, this may be a common thing.


In the next ten days, Xiangshan did not see his disciple.


In a two-dimensional world, a little man is jumping carefully to avoid oncoming turtles and missiles falling from the sky.

A wave of chemical energy surged through Apennine's neurons. Even the discharge system that assists reflexes in the brain is functioning.

This is the hardest trap in the game. Only one frame of reaction time. The number of action frames for each action of this villain is greater than one frame. You must complete the "anticipation" before this trap takes shape. In this "one frame", the villain you control must reach the only safe "point" in the entire field of view...

——Some old martial arts masters said that there is a secret to the game of external skills hidden in it.


At this moment, a flashing icon suddenly appeared in the field of vision. Since this "reminder system" has a higher priority than the game, the computer experiences a delay that shouldn't occur.

The two-dimensional villain's head grazed the missile.

Collision determination...failed.

The villain fell into a bottomless abyss of despair.

Apenning stopped the game and calmly reflected on the gains and losses. He should not be angry at this time, because this situation may also occur in a fight. There should be no excuses for any failure.

This is a kind of martial arts training. Today's martial artists always use various means to explore the origins of martial arts, trying to understand martial arts from the perspective of technological history. There is a saying that the earliest martial arts thoughts came from the "games" of old humans.

Then, with a ding sound, the brains and spines exited from a black box-shaped host one by one, and fell into the prosthetic body with separated heads directly below. The spine twisted twice like a snake to find the correct interface. Then the head closes.

Of course, modern warriors cannot play the games of old humans with prosthetics. It doesn’t matter if it’s a strategy game, but if it’s an action game, the reaction mechanism built into the driver chip will bypass the brain and use something similar to a “script” to operate the prosthetic body.

For modern warriors, the speed of "hands" is really too fast.

Nerve signals that reach the top speed of 100 meters per second simply cannot catch up.

To do this kind of training on the "Way of Martial Arts", you have to take off your prosthetic body and use your brain to feel the "challenge" of the game.

This prosthesis is commonly used in Apennines. It is a prosthetic body for reproduction. Apart from the brain, only the reproductive system is still a living organism. This concrete body is proof that their protectors fulfill their "duty to protect genetic diversity." Of course, the artificial skin with adjustable sensitivity also allows this prosthesis to be used for entertainment when you have free time.

But Apenning doesn't like that kind of "entertainment" full of obligations at all. He is even more interested in this kind of martial arts training.

The secretary is on the side.

What happened more than half a month ago naturally appeared in Apenning's mind. He looked at the secretary and asked, "How is that 'mountain' that I asked you to pay attention to now?"

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