Cyber Heroes

Chapter 34 Dyson Principle

"I'm really sorry." Dr. Schultz kept apologizing while helping Xiang Shan put on a brand new prosthetic hand: "I'm really sorry. My uncle, he didn't mean that at the time. We are sorry for him. Sir, you are naturally very grateful, but..."

"I understand." Xiang Shan made a gesture with his newly replaced right hand, indicating that Dr. Schultz did not need to say any more. This hand originally belonged to the swordsman Longconi, and its parameters are far stronger than the junk prosthetic hand he used before. There is also an electromagnetic system in the palm, which can produce various linkages with the handle of the knife made of magnetic materials, making it impossible to create a hand with a fleshy hand. Completed sword move.

After the explanation, he understood what happened to the townspeople.

They couldn't bear to see this kind of "direct destruction of biological brains". For them, the image of the crime itself is enough to trigger a stress response.

Directly destroying the biological brain is a violation of the "Dyson Principle" and will cause those who break the ban to lose the protection of civilization and lose all human rights they can have in this era. In a sense, this is indeed a punishment more terrible than the death penalty. Because death row prisoners also have basic human rights, ensuring that they will not suffer punishment other than the "death penalty" itself [such as "abuse\

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