Cyber Heroes

Chapter 28 The God of War is Reborn

"You must remember that the innate human body is the most humble."

A huge Austrian black and brown hound scolded: "Martial arts is easy to practice and difficult to practice. It is easy to practice because you just need to entrust everything to the machine. It is difficult to practice. , because if you want to practice well, you must transcend innate things and achieve great freedom!"

This is the picture that comes to mind.

——What a familiar argument...

The man was thinking this way. There should be a character in "him"... "Xiang Shan"'s past who said something similar, right?

Sure enough, there was a weak bioelectrical surge in the brain. It seems like memories are being rekindled.

But what surfaced in his consciousness now was not Xiangshan's memory.

This memory belongs to Will Grande Doug. This is what his father taught him and his brothers and sisters.

The giant hound didn't teach Will a single move. These were all implanted into Will's prosthetic body along with martial arts algorithms.

They are just constantly practicing, strengthening the use of bionic boxing in actual combat, and honing in on the biological brain, martial arts algorithms, and prosthetic bodies.

Convolution computing is already a very mature concept. The prosthesis can also make certain optimizations for itself based on long-term records.

The biological brain must also form a neural circuit that matches the martial arts algorithm.

And martial arts algorithms are constantly being written into new strategy groups because of biological brains and prosthetics.

This is the martial arts practice of Cybermen.

There is no point in a person throwing a set of punches over and over again. The "procedural memory" stored in the brain [also commonly known as "muscle memory\

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