Cyber Heroes

Chapter 21 A chip suppresses the mud pill, and my life is at stake

Xiangshan nodded to the fruits of his labor and said solemnly to Yuki: "Apprentice, you have to remember. This chip may be what distinguishes you from ordinary people... If, I mean if, in the future you You are separated from me, and then you meet someone who wants to check the driver chip, so you would rather format this chip than let others catch it, do you understand?"

Yuki nodded in understanding: "Is it serious?"

"If they discover this, they will immediately think that you may be... a person who voluntarily gave up asylum." Xiang Shan patted Youki on the head: "If one day you are unwilling to continue following me, I will also help you. It’s your choice to reset the chip back.”

Youki asked doubtfully: "Master, is there any big secret about this chip?"

"Now is not the time to tell you." Xiang Shan shook his head: "I will only tell you when you officially embark on the path of chivalry with me."

——Otherwise you will have to live in fear all your life.

While Yuki was doing the exercises, Xiangshan not only completed the rewriting of the terminal system, but also worked overtime to complete the manufacturing of the firewall as a priority.

"Firewall" is to cybernetic power what "Dantian" is to internal power in martial arts novels, it is the beginning of all internal power. The knight's degree of control over the computer represents the state of internal strength.

Xiangshan couldn't remember what level of internal strength he had in the past, but he knew that it was probably not low.

The only problem is that he currently does not have a chip that can exert such powerful internal power.

"Master. Did the mayor tell you anything?" Yuki, probably out of boredom, raised the topic.

Xiang Shan opened his eyes and nodded: "Maybe something will happen in about half a month, right?"

He must regain a little fighting ability before this point in time.

"At that time... what happened after the welfare officer came?" Yuki quickly figured it out, not only a little nervous: "The mayor doesn't mean that there is really a possibility that we will have our asylum revoked, right?"

Xiang Shan shook his head. This is really hard to say.

Yuki's biological part trembled a little.

"What would you do if you encountered this situation?" Xiang Shan asked.

Youki thought for a moment: "Master, are you a knight?"

Xiangshan looked at Youki: "What then?"

He did not answer directly due to possible surveillance.

"Then let's go to the wilderness...take me and mom!" Yuki said with a hint of pleading in his tone: "If you are a knight, you must know how to survive in the wilderness and how to avoid ordinary thugs!"

Xiang Shan thought for a moment: "Well, that might be a way. If I can sort out the relevant knowledge within half a month, I will make a copy for you."

"Master?" Yuki was a little confused.

"If you feel scared, you can hide it." Xiang Shan nodded: "This is a very wise decision."

"Then Master, you..."

"If I leave directly..." Xiang Shan hesitated: "I don't know why. I also know that 'leaving' may be the safest way. However, my intuition tells me that at this time, if I do nothing , if I just leave like this, then I won’t be me anymore.”

Xiangshan doesn't remember who he was in the past, nor does he remember how strong he was in the past. Now, all he has left is a brain and a prosthetic body of the lowest quality. Facing an enemy with unknown strength, "escape" may be the right choice at this time.


——Martial arts were created just for this kind of situation...

——This is a technique that...even if there is only one person left...even in the face of an unknown force, the strength can be reversed in an instant...

——The underlying design is like this. This is a technique used to resist the violence of the strong.

This is a technique used to protect the weak.

He told himself this in his heart.

Not long after, Xiangshan completed the reconstruction of Will's prosthetic driver chip.

He handed the chip to Yuki's hand and said calmly: "Yuki, help me connect this chip to my biological brain."

Only by installing this chip can he become a knight again.

Become your old self again.

Yuki was a little nervous.

Soon, a feeling that could only be described as "possessed by a spirit" appeared on Xiangshan.

Although Xiangshan has been saying that computers are just tools, and what computers can do has never exceeded the scope of human power.

However, the reason why people make tools is because "efficiency improvement" itself can be regarded as a qualitative change.

What Xiang Shan said is that the change from a Turing machine to a Turing machine and a human brain is a leap to another level. It can be said to be the process between humans and gods.

For example, an ordinary shovel is only slightly more efficient than human hands in "excavating". However, this improvement in efficiency affects civilization and almost divides the levels of civilization - the large-scale application of "iron farm tools" is a highlight in any civilization circle.

What's more, transferring the damage that should have been borne by human hands to metal tools that do not belong to oneself is liberating for people.

The same goes for computers. It only replaces humans using pen and paper to perform calculations. However, humans have transferred the burden of calculation from the "human brain" to energy - from the incarnation energy of the human body to the solar energy stored by plants hundreds of millions of years ago. The force of the planet's gravity pushing the water body is transferred to the force released by the fusion of the star.

A calculation that a computer can complete in one second might take a day, a month, or even a year if a human were to perform it with pen and paper?

This is the power of tools.

After Will's driver chip was implanted, Xiangshan's work efficiency finally improved.

He can construct more detailed designs in his head and store them directly in the chip. It can consume electricity and call computing resources to calculate more detailed parameters.

In the days that followed, Xiangshan explained the meaning of his recent actions to his disciples while reconstructing the prosthetic body.

He was pressed for time. He must complete his new prosthetic body before the welfare official announces it.

On the third day, he asked Yuki to hand over a set of parameters to the mayor.

Then on the fifth day, the village chief sent something over.

This includes an outer armor. This outer armor shell is very close to the human torso in its natural state. It is several inches thick and weighs a hundred kilograms. There is also a layer of brackets. These brackets support the outer armor so that it does not interfere with his movements.

This type of outer armor is not a commonly used type among warriors. This greatly limits the movement of the trunk. But so far, Xiangshan still has no movable spine, and his torso cannot move. The dismantled power part of the dog-shaped prosthetic body is enough to bear such external armor. That's why he chose to design it this way.

Also delivered were two brand new alloy leg bones.

What needs to be reconstructed next is the topology of the artificial muscles.

These artificial muscles are certainly not what muscle groups look like in their natural state. There are too many unreasonable things about the body structure under natural evolution that “just use it”. For example, many of the very random neural networks of Cambrian ancient creatures are centrally symmetric or even asymmetrical, which is very different from the neural networks of modern animals that are obediently symmetrical after being severely beaten by natural selection.

This situation began in the early stages of biological evolution and has greatly restricted the intellectual development of most species.

The ancestors of vertebrates have now degraded the nervous system inherited from their older ancestors during the Cambrian explosion due to competition for ecological niches, leaving only a large nerve in the tail. Due to changes in the ecological environment, when these creatures with only one main nerve wanted to occupy other ecological niches, this main nerve actually evolved into a brand new nervous system that could adapt to the axially symmetric structure.

This is the "spine".

However, this kind of story of "not broken but not established, broken and then established" is very rare in the history of evolution. In most cases, biological evolution follows the trend of "it will not evolve again after degeneration."

Of course, a species will not easily lose its functions. If a trait does not affect an individual's ability to survive to the age of having children, then this trait will not be eliminated - simply put, the power of evolution can never help humans overcome geriatric diseases, because geriatric diseases do not affect the Breed. Under natural conditions, living things rarely live to old age.

Therefore, a large number of "evolutionary residues", or "historical problems" that are "actually useless, but not harmful when young", accumulate in living organisms.

Perhaps, when the environment changes again, they can be used again as a "error tolerance rate for biological evolution."

This is also a more reasonable "strategy" under the premise of "not knowing what will happen in the future."

But artificial prostheses are not designed to deal with "a future where we don't know what will happen," but are designed for "a clear purpose."

Artificial prosthetics completely imitate natural bodies with a lot of cumbersomeness, which is stupid from an efficiency point of view.

The muscles of this dog-shaped prosthetic body are easier to exert force than the muscles in the natural state, and are more suitable for the new variant of bionic boxing.

But this is not the martial arts Xiangshan is familiar with.

He needs to use these existing muscle fibers, connecting dischargers and new leg bones to design the connection method of the muscle fibers to make a prosthetic body that suits him.

"It's not difficult." Xiang Shan said to himself: "It's a topological geometry problem, nothing more."

Well, I have to admit, this is the hardest part.

This involves the placement and laying of millions of artificial muscle fibers, dischargers and circuits.

After the calculations were completed, he faced other challenges.

Due to the lack of professional maintenance equipment, he and his disciples had to rely on their own hands to do the splicing.

The only good thing is that those artificial muscle fibers are themselves replaceable. Perhaps under high-intensity exercise, these artificial muscle fibers will also overheat, age, and break. These man-made objects do not have the ability to repair themselves. This needs to be replaced.

All muscle fibers even belong to the same three specifications.

As long as the ends of these muscle fibers are close to the dischargers, those dischargers can release electromagnetic forces to connect the muscle fiber ends to the correct circuit.

This is indeed a good design.

At least, Xiangshan felt that in the era he was familiar with, this kind of convenient design was not that common.

Soon, the two legs gradually took shape.

In this process, Xiangshan also rebuilt the framework of his body. It does not have a spine as a center, so it requires more space to lay control circuits. In addition, he also needs to consider the issue of body heat dissipation.

But no matter what, he still installed the heat engine and battery that he removed from Will into his chest.

At the same time, Xiangshan did not waste the remaining parts on Will. He gradually replaced the aging parts on his prosthetic hand and further optimized his prosthetic hand.

——Having said that, the upper limit of accuracy of these hands is really poor.

These hands are really old items. I guess they were not brand new when Yuki's grandmother used them.

No matter how much you try to patch this thing up, it can't be used as a prosthetic body for combat.

——We must find a way to get a better pair of prosthetic hands.

Xiangshan wrote this item into his schedule. While Xiangshan was working tirelessly to build a new prosthetic body for himself, Recycle Bin Town was not idle either.


On the third day after the mayor talked to Xiangshan, Enoch came back limping on a wheel. Since there was no place to change the punctured tire, he almost moved back bit by bit.

This appearance, of course, caused an uproar.

According to Enoch, he was approached by unknown thugs who asked him about the "Mountain" and the "Warrior Prosthetic Body". In the process, Willy was also killed by the mob.

"That's the prosthetic body!" Enoch said with confidence: "It's just because he didn't sell the prosthetic body... we might be targeted!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, Enoch!" In response, the mayor just yelled: "If it weren't for the mountain, we might not even be able to pay a single tax!"

"If he hadn't been so troublesome, maybe nothing would have happened in the first place." Someone in the crowd said timidly.

"What a bastard!" The mayor pulled out his ancestral automatic rifle and fired into the sky: "Is now the time to say this?"

The vast majority of humans will not deliberately pursue transformation rates. Cybermen with a low transformation rate will still be severely injured after being hit by a firearm, and may even bleed to death. And heavy machinery like Enoch could also be hit in the brain of a creature from the front and kill it.

However, many martial artists have experience in confronting firearms - among the outer martial arts, there is also a "Gunbao Dao" that specifically emphasizes the control of hot weapons. Warriors must consider the situation of confronting thermal weapons.

Because of this, the mayor did not have the idea of ​​​​fighting Will Grande Doug himself at that time. The reaction speed and survivability brought by cybernetic bodies can compete with traditional thermal weapons.

——No, there was “cyber martial arts against thermal weapons” first, and then there was “cyber martial arts using thermal weapons”

"Now is not the time to say such things!" the mayor said loudly: "We have to find a way to save ourselves!"

Although the lord is obligated to kill thugs who harm the patron, he has considerable discretion as to when to kill.

Therefore, when the lord felt that the cost of killing a thug was far greater than the benefit, he would stop chasing the thug.

The same applies to bounty hunters.

At the same time, it is also applicable to the thugs themselves.

If the defenses of a temporarily sheltered settlement are strong enough, thugs may not attack.

Now, they must organize self-defense forces.

"They are just here for a warrior prosthetic body, not a too strong thug organization!" The village chief said loudly: "Large thug organizations also have many powerful warriors! A prosthetic body is not enough to attract them. So as long as we unite, we have a chance to get through this!”

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